Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/467

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OONVENTION—GERMANY. MAY 19, 1924. 1815 Convention between the United States and Germanwor the prevention of smuggling 0 intoxicating ligbuors. Signed at ashington, May 19, 1.924; rati ion advised y the Senate, May 26, 1924; ratgied by Germany, July 8, 1924; ratified by the President, August 9, 1924,· ragilications exchanged at Washington, August 11, 1924; proclaime , August 11, 1.924. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES or Aumuca. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS o Convention between the United snnoo of America ¤£°¥£’!¤°?“§€m¤3o§§»’% and Germany to aid in the Sprevention of the smuggling of intoxicating iixxgfslmintg iiilngi liquors into the United tates was concluded and signed by their S°§,,°°:;mb,_,_ resp/izctive Plenipotentiaries at Washintgton on the nineteenth day of ay, one thousand nine hundred an twenty-four, the original of which Convention, being in the English and German languages, is word for word as follows: The President of the United Der Praesident der Vereinig- Cm Powm States of America and the Presi- ten Staaten von Amerika und dent of the German Empire being der Deutsche Reichspraesident, desirous of avoiding any diH;i— von dem Bestreben geleitet, alle culties which might arise be- Schwierigkeiten zu vermeiden, tween them in connection with die zwischen ihnen bezueglich the laws in force in the United der in den Vereinigten Staaten States on the subject of alco- gueltigen Gesetze betreffend alholic beve es have decided to oholische Getraenke entstehen conclude alagonvention for that koennten, haben beschlossen, zu pu1·_pose, and have appointed as diesem Zwecke ein Abkommen their Plenipotentiaries: zu schliessen, und haben zu ihren Bevollmaechtigten bestellt: P,6u,p°m,,,a,,_,s_ The President of the United Der Praesident der Vereini ten States of America, Mr. Charles Staaten von Amerika Hirrn Evans Hughes, Secretary of State Charles Evans H hes, den of the United States of America; Staatssekretaer der u%ereinigten and Staaten von Amerika; und The President of the German Der Deutsche Reichs raesident Empire, Dr. Otto Wiedfeldt, Herrn Dr. Otto Wiedlbldt, den German Ambassador to the Deutschen Botschafter in den United States of America; Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika; Who, having communicated die nach Auswechslung ihrer their full owers found in ood ordnimgsmaessig ausgestellten and due form, have agreed as Vollmachten das Folgen everein— follows: bart haben: ARTICLE I. ARTIKEL I. Declaration ol extent The High Contracting Parties Die Hohen Vertragschliessen- °'¤¤*¤'i*°*i¤1W¤*¤*¤- declare that it is their firm in- den Parteien erklaeren dass es tention to uphold the principle ihre feste Absicht ist, an dem that 3 marine miles extendin Grundsatz festzuhalten, dass die from the coastline outwards and eigentliche Grenze der Hoheits-