Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1016

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§ 412 `TITLE 81.--—HONEl standard silver dollars coined under the provisions of the Acts of July/14, 1896 (Ttveutyeixth Statutes, page 289), and June 15, 1898 (Thirtieth Statutes, page 467 ) , from btxllion pur·_‘ chased under the, Act. of July 14, 1890 `( Twenty-sixth Statutes, page 289), and upon the cancellation of Treasury noted silver, berriiicates shall be issued against the silver dollars ao coined. (Mar. ii, 1900, c. 41,} 5, 31 Stat. 47;) · ` _` , g 412. Redemption of Treasury notes with silver dollnrs.·———S11· ver — dollars eoiaed in accordance with the provisions of the

  • Act of June `13,» 18% (chapter 448, section 34, 'Thirtieth

Statutes, page 467 ), providing for the coinage of silver dollars, and the _ redemptiorz ot Treasury xiotesi, shall be used for the _‘ redemption of Treasury notes isaued under the Act ot July 14, 1% (chapter 708, ‘Twe¤ty-sixth Statotes, page 289), directing- the purchase ot silver bullion and the issue 'ot notes thereon. {July'14,?1890, c. 708, § 3, 26 Stat.·2B9`; dd 13, 1898,`c. 448, § 34, 30 Stat. -467.) ·. I » . ‘ »· 418. Portraits of living peraons on bonds or rotes.—-No portrait shall be placed upon any or the bonds, securities, notes, fractional or postal cprrency _ ot the United States; Jwhile the original of such portrait ia ijring.- (B. S. 53576.) - _· 414. Names Mdér portraits.;-'1‘he name .ot each, person r whose portrait ahall be p1aced" upon any of theplates tor bends, securities, notes, and _. silver certidcates ot _V the United Statm shili be inscribed below such- portrait. (Mar., 2,*18%, c. 411,§1;§ Stat. 945.} · r ·· ,; “ ·_ _ 415. hgraring and priutiai notes, bonds, and other seeurig-» tim.-—The work of engraving and printing notes, bonds, and other securities shall be performed at the 1‘reasury._ Departmernt, provided it can be done there- as `cheaply, as perfectly, and as safely. (Mar. 3, 1877, c. 105; ’19'Stat.`·353.} · 416. Machioery, materials, and femployeea and o&eers.-giljlie Secretary ot the- Treasury may - purchase . and provide 'al1` the machinery and xfnaterials, and employ s1rch_persous_a¤d appoint such omcera as are necessary for me purposeot section 415 of thi; title. (R. B. { 35;77.) ~ . , · `‘_" _ _ 417. Expenses of iseuing ~notes.--—The necessary expenses of engraving, printizg, prepari11g,_and'issuing the United States notm and Treesurymotes s};all'»be' paid out ot any morxeyirr the Treasury not otherwise appropriated; but no extra compaq? aatio:1 for preparing, signing, ’or issuing such notes `sball. be allowed to any omcer whosetaalary is Bred Iby law. (B. S. § 8578; July %,‘_1876,_ No. 11,} 1,-19 Stat. 215;)., ” g 418. winetive paper for United Staten securities; contracts .for.—-The Secretary ot the Trwaury is authorized; in his discretion, to enter into a_ contract for the mauuméture ot `distinctive-Ppamr for United §tatea 86Ci11‘iu$· for a period not to exceed tour ymrs. (July 1,1916, c. 209, {1,. 39 Stat. 2'I7.)__ ` · A19. Sane; additional eqployees for mills.—¢-—·-·D¤ri¤k auch period as it may be to operate more than o¤e·m1ll tor the manufacture ot axweeure `mper, the Secretary ot the Treamry is authorized to eaaploy temxiorarily . éuoh employees · as may be necessary at ratm ot pay, éolifédvvnding to those `ot the rwular employees, the compemtion ot ouch temporary eroployeee to beta charge apiust the appropriatiou*_avatIab1e tor "the diatiaetive paper theo. manufactured. .· (Apr; 4, IQ24, c. 84, Tit1e_I,et3*Stat.`®.) t " ’ » y » 429. Replacing nutibsted nmes.-—=··Whea any United States mtu returned. to the- Treasury are so mutilated or otherwise injured as to_be‘u¤f\t·£or me, the Secretary ot tbe·Treasury is autlrorized to replm the éame with others of the same- char¥ actor and ameuuta. (11..8,.} 3580.) ‘ _ t _ , W _ 421. Destruction of notes.-·—w-·Mutilated United State! notes, vrhexz replawd according to law, and atl other uotm whiclt my law are required to mtakeu up, -aud~not reissued. wherrtaken op, `ahall be destroyed in mich manner and adder ou&u_.regu1¤-,_ tioxrg aa the Secretary of the Trearury may prworiber (B. S. 5 35%) ° `

r AND Fzzuwcn 1002 . 422. Same.-—-Allnetioual bank notes, United States notes, and other obligations oftthe United States authorized to be destroyed maybe destroyed by maceratien instead of lQHl°Dlt1lg·tO“&Slle¤<l The pulp from such macerated issue shell 'be disposed of cult? under the direction of the- Secretary of the Treasury. (June ·23, 1874, c. 455, ·§ 1,18 Stat./206.) 4 l . Q' -423. Luundering pope: money.-i·-The Secretdry of the Tmglc. ` ury may employ such number ot expert motley essorters, feel- _ ers, and other employees, and expend such some {or contingent A and miscellaneous items and for the purclmee or construction andjizstalletion of pepemnoney laundering mechln& as may to necessary, in his -jndgment,_ to install, `meiutelrhand omrtm laundering machines in'the_ Trmsury at Washington, (Amr, _26, 1912, ’c. 408,] 1, 37 Stat; 595.) T _ o _ 424; Counterfeit te be marked.--All United States omcers charged the receipt. or disbursement émpubllc »moxieys, end all officers ot. notional ‘bunke,.shaIl stamp or write ln plain letters the tword “ counterteltf " altered," or " worthless? upon all fraudulent noted isgtied in the form, ot, md internded to circulate as money, which shall be presented at their placeé of business { land it such omcera. mgllfirroeyully stamp any genuine note ot the United States, , or of the nethmnl banks, - they 5 shall, upon presentation, redeem such at the {ece value thereof. J (June 80, 1878, c._ 156, G 5, 19 Stat. 64.) . ‘ _ n 425._fSt•te t•xatl•n.—Clrculatid§ notes ot notional banking 'essocintions end United' States leésl temer notes and other nof$ and certlllcntes of the United States payable on demand and circulating or intended to circulate as cerrmcy and gold,} silver, ‘or other coin · shall be eubject. to- tnxstiou es money, on Y hand or on deposit. under the liwg of _ any State or Territory: Provided, That any such taxation ehell be exercised in the heme manner end at the same rate that such Bute or Territory shall tex money or‘curre11cy· circulating no money within its jurisdiction, ‘(Aug._ 13, 1894, cl 21, l 1, % ·.Staf, ‘— 426. Sine; national banks . not provisions of section°425 of this tltleshnll not be deemed or held to change existing lawje in respect ot the taxetion ot~ national essocxaxxone (Aug.]13, 1894, c. 281, { 2, 28 Stat. 278.) · -427, fltules ‘ and regulstiome-The Secretary ot the Trmeury shall make and issue from time to time such instructions ind regulations to the several collectors, receiyers, depositarlu, 'oQcer¤, and others who T'may~ receive Treasury noteéppeited 1; States notes; or othergyecurltles of the United Btntec, or who. may be in any wny engaged or employed le the _ mepnrirtion and tissue or the name, arhe shall deem but calculated to promote the [ public convenience and security, uid to the United States, as well as ludielduqls, from fraud and lem. (B: S. I 251.), [ _ Y I · ·_ _ _ 428{ Gold certlicafes interchange fo} g*oldb¤lliem{—-—Tlw Sec·‘ r&t,ary_ot the Tpmery is authorized to receive deposits of gold l bullion with the Treaeuier or —an~y age¤cl$ miguted section 476 of this title, in sums not lem than m had to lsisue `certlhcaltee therefor, in de@i¤utions el not lease than · ‘ $20 eech,-corresponding with the nominations of the United `Stetee notes. The bullion » deposited for or the cértldentes ot deposit shall be retained in the Treasury ior the payment of the same on demeed. And certidentes zgeprey heating. coin in the Treasury may be, issued lt payment ot interest on the public debt, whlch certldentee, together with those issued for coin and bullion deposited, shell not ht any _` time exceed W per eentum beyond the ehmount of coin and hul- __llou in the Treoieuryo ‘(R. SQ S 254.) ~ e- . , _

  • 429. Dewalt: of gnu ·cohr;“gold ce:ti§cntes,——The~ Secretary

ot the Trmsury is nuthorimd and directed to mcelve depositeot gold coin with the Treasurer; or any ot the agencies deelg- ~- `netedunder section 476_ot this ··tltle,_ in some not not lm than $20, and to lesue gold certidentes itheretop in denominetione ot