Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1096

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§` " ” TITLE $.-—NAV£GATI0 the Namnq Government. _It tim Gt Wu- simqw any such projects, he mu nuthbrtse tm mm £¤ mh an improvement; at their own #@6, bg mdk his @1•vtsi< ‘:(Aug,;4§, 1911, é. 49,} `5, {0 mit. 208.) ==-=·~—»= . _ 568. Limitation en power of •§ C|§lf!'£` to or ®er pmigas.-—N¢>.prv3ad m bq by any cc mittea 0£“G·0ugrms with at view to its~_•®@n, except vw view to a' survey; it Eve yaarvhava slspscdiincé h mp ww A suney at such pmjcct his been Vmbaittccl to t pursuant fo law. t '(Sept. B, 1922, c. Q1, I 9,42 Sta. .1043.); J TRAVELING EXPENSES ANDL SUBSISTENCE /·-581.`Hifi¤$. Swcial ménm of . tnnsxicrtstimi-—eI¤* th execution and ingpcction 'ot river and- hagbor imptovémi work, at points beyond yeas: reach ct cirdinary regulgx tn pcrtatiou lines, E.g1gimee1·; .6Qcem\ are authorised to hire a uée such transportation as`. they l may eomder desirable s advantageous tq`tre— ¤f_ work. ~ g1¤;y» 25; 1912, c. 2 ·$9,37S·tat.£.) · ° 582. Sabsimtmcc allowance to jenna: cngéged in i W9!k.+Wh€B/tht expenses 615 persons engaged in Held work `-tl‘&V$B§ ou c@¢:ist1 buxness wwdc ctvthe Dist1#ii:fo£·-Colt bis, ami away {rch: their dqsigq§tad‘ posts oi duti are chai able .t¤‘ appropriations at the Engineer Departmeutga pe; di as not exceeding $4 may be allowed in lieu of subsistence wl mt otherwise Hxed by law. ‘ (July 18»,·1918,_ c.·‘155, S 9, sm. 912;) _ , _ ` · 583. Payment. of illmvgnccs, et¢.Q incident! t¢ thang: statiqayol Engineer; {mi sgvpristicn for · impta meats.--·Whe¤ in me opinion of the Secretary of ·War · changes of an station ot sui méexpot the Corps ot Engineers primarily in thé interést ot river and harbor imptjovemexit, milwge and allowances to whichyhe may bewzutitled ` éident to' sgch change of station may- be\p¢id_ from appirogn tions for buck impmwmeuts. (Mar. 3, 1925, é. 467, -§ ‘5, $m¤;191.)°· ‘ — K · ‘ — * M r ACQUISITION OF LAND AND MATERIALS, - 59L Cendc1§noti¤1:,*purchase am! danatisiviof had and 1 t¢rials.=··—The of War may causek proceedings to instituted, in the name of tha·U11itad States,' in anycouxt h ing jmisdicdca of * uch pxjcceédihgs, for thé sqzqufmmenét . éondcmimtiun at any lang, right of wai, 6: matefial Héekd ` amiable him to maintai.u,· ppératej or prosecute wdrks for improécment oi rivérs and harbors {O1'- which I provision 1 tbcéu made by léw; such proceedings tc be ·pw$¢c¤tad- in qm·da¤ce_ with the Qaws relating to suits tm: thé eminderxxgmt _o£_ pmpéfty ct the Sjmtes wherein the proceedings may 5 X inétituted: Pmvidcd; however, Thqt when the owner of sw land, right ct W8y,'0I' m&te;·i•1.shal1 Hx a price; fo; the sm whichtin thé opinion `cf the Secretary of War, sha11`be.rea;¤ able, he may purchase the same at sgxéh m·icc·__without fart; delay: And providod furthér; That the. Secretary of Wat rhereby authorized to accept pdcmtiotxs at 1zmds'c1·` materials quired 'for the maintenance cr_ prosecution dl! such wo: (Apr. 24, 1_888,.c.·194, 25 Stat. 94.) . . _ 592. Condeénation of land in nidsf permn, mummy) c mfntibu, municipal gr m·iv¢te.—=-V§Zhaxhvgi"‘ any person,. et pany, .0: ccrpontibh, mtmicziiéal pr private, shall undertake necuretany lwdvr easement therein needed in comibctim w a wm-k ct river arid harbor timprcvcximzt duly (uthorizad Congress, for the purpose pt eonveying the same to the Uni States tree at costa or for the puirpcsé ot ¢;cusu·ucting;`ms mining, and operating lcéks, dry docks, or other works to conveyeq to the`U¤itcd Sthtes hee at mst, and of ‘@tru•:ti inaintaining and operating dams Ion ps; in c0Me<;ti0.¤ tha witb,_ab•1 shall be unable for ami xemacs to obtain the MBR purchase and hacquire 8 i•J.id_ title theréto, the Secrcthry

H AND NAVIGABLB H£TB& I .1082 rm Fu nay, in to’be`instituteq [gh m mp p1:_tn• United States fw the by Gohgp, éomgtlmot nulmd uw 1¢'•ha1ib• me duty of the Attarpytécnynl tk U¤i¤¢’$¤¤¤ @6 imtituto and yn- `*t*·?·”*“"Z l UN S€€Y€t2lI‘g gf gift lu G! *`**·· t # &lld any M owud thas;-nay_ be mag sluil be mid by the my pr; pe;-you, ompmy, or td mm which psymom me Bq, 1 $eoretary. of War mgy réqtximt the liu €¢§·pany, my ._ . corporation to exécutat ptopeg in tuck, amount as he ‘ 1 mu dggm before ssid m‘0ce•é1¤:i_sr• éom¤lt~m;€,]_ · (June 29, 1_906,.c. 34. Stat. @2.) o . . . gl; { 593. Cadempgatkn of had lid Sid ¤£ Side. •i’ State agengvh gu; Whenevei my State, ’or my xtdnmatim iood (Z0ll{1’e;}v 0, 3. l drainage or other bublic ¢fent¤d by any 5;;% md shall undertake to secure my 9f._¢3¤¤m¢¤t’ th£·t·m_ md needed in conuegtion. with £¢ work of river skid htwbor im.

53, pmvoment duty authorized by Ctmuelsp fir! tha purpose of

{ conveying the same to the Sitbqfréc of cost, and- stmt, dd be unable for my ieascn to Ghthil the Sth by purchase am} or apquim 2 va~11d* title thorax the Sebmtny d tWax. mtttyt in lm- - his discreti0x1,‘c¤¤se proceedings to be in the mmol ge- of the Unftded States for: the acquiremcxrt by contlomphtgoxt of ei said lah;} 0B,';.¢HS€Bl€!1t,·'8.D~d lt. SHA1! be the éuty ot the Attl»snt»y aku General of the United States to ixiétituté ant] comlugt [sum

  • 49 proceedings upon the reimest ofithé Seoretary of Watri sm.

vide¢l,"'1‘h:1t· all cxpexispas otstnid proceeding xml any mm~t1· gg~ that may be made thereunder shall be mid by such Stzttlt lm ye; Ureclumatiou, Hood control or drainageodistrict, or otlwr t»t%·*t.» the agency asufotcgaid, to secure which pafment the Sg·{·r¤»z;;:·y.·»t ,_ is ‘Wm· maytequire such State, or reclamation, Hood ¢·<>tm·~t ··{ the drainage district, or other public agemry as ,a£oresai<lQ to my gh- cute 11 proper in such amoimt as he may déom,;z·t—»·%>s my da. boforelsaid proceedings ari: columéucedt (Aug. 8, 1917. lilj 43 “§»o9, 40 Statl 267.) . .. _‘ _ ·· · ” t 594; When ighmediaie possession `of land pay be. taken. t—· . Lwhexlever the Secretary of War, in ’pursum1cg,_of tzutlmizy _ ‘c0nfem•ed ou. him by law, causes proccedixigx to be l11saimto»l` na- in the name of the Uuitefl States for the a-cquirement l>y'.·t.¤· be_ - [damnation of, any Iahds, easements, or rights of way 1:·.·6<§t··l av- for u work of river. and hal·bor__timproyemg¤ts duly uutl;·»t·i2;t<t - by by Congress, tl1c_United Sttttes, npon the Bling ot the pt=tizZJ;t‘ l to in any suck` proceedings, shall havé the right to take i;m§l.— the · dinta»p0sscssion bf.said_1ands,` easements, ¢1r·right:s·oi may. lt? kms · the extent otho iglterest to be;acquifétl,.a.ud pgoceell with »=:·`·*: ac-· Illlblict ’\$}01‘k$_ thereon as havé been authorlzeqby Con;:t·+;>#: lou Provided., That ccrtulnand adeqxzatg provision slmllmme l>•·»~:: bo xpagla lfor the payment of just compensation to tho p£1t·!s~ ucla partieskzntitled theret0,`eithor· by previous agiproprizxtiozt tw" mc, the United States oi by tlie deposit of moneys or_—othot· 5 wt lon- of Secqrityln such amount :1-nd 'form gs shall app:·gm—·t ?*5‘ her' tho ctourt in whigfb such proceedings shhll be instituted. WT-; `is respondent or réspogideuts may move at may time ju tlw •·t~¤" rc- to increase or change the ttmotmts mj securities;-a¤tl— tllo ··l~»···· T rks. shall make Such”order as shall bg just. in. the promises xm-1 M W shall a}1oqutttely‘ protect the respondautsi lnhvery ¢·m:t~ an •;·..` priocecdingxiu condemnation sh”all be diligemly prosécnmwl ·»r¤ glu- ‘ the part-Of th9'United Stiltgs i ordt>r‘ that such C(\Bl[)(‘lil?Y{!Yi"°* . tg may be promptly ascortalnsgd duel pald.— (July 18, 1918, t·.‘·l$5. 1:3. § 5, 40 Stat. 911.) 1 5 t _’ . ’_ ' by .595. Cmsidorntipn of bciaéits in _'8S§EB8i¤§ cémp9nsatitm.»~~ md In where brivate property slagll be tgkem by the lfnittd lint -’Stat¢s Ima the public oonnectlou wlnpmy lugprovéngvtsf be ot rivgers, harbors, `cmala. ax-vratorways of tho- United States. ni, and in all condemnation proewding by me Umm} states w ¤re· acquire lands ox: easements for such improvements, where at by part only of any such parcgl, lot, on tractor 1g¤ti shall bé talkvw of the jury or other_ tribunal awarding tho jugs: mgpensatiou OY