Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1129

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,. TITLE 34. n` P,,,,e;,»,,,S a oertifled copy of Bild! GT such of said_certiilcnte¤ as ; he msiy isSi1e,‘ns·aforesa1d, and the shall, bex {nil and _ ¤u1l&¢··imt° authority to the Comgnissioner ot·Pensions_ for- the W,,,,-mont byllim to ih? bénéiiéiafy named m· each such certifi- ·;`2lgt?$’·H}€ special pension herein provideq tor. __ ·.(Ap1·. 27, 1916, ¤@<,§2,39Stat,54=}`_ ’ n _-i · (c) Special p¢@on to persons emj0llcd.—·-—Eaoh snch sur= tiviné person §\’hOSé`i1&l11€ shall have been entered op said roll in ;,,·,;m—llaince witlfihis section shall entitled tot mq shan ‘ ,~,»,·,·m~·,;zn<l be paid by the Coimnissioner · ot Pensions in me: I ¤·p;u·anug·nt of the Inferior, n Special pension of $10 pet mouth f,`;r1if¢·, payable qinarter yearly, The Commissioner pt Pensions ,;,gm_¤m1ke•nll i1eccSS=ujy I‘\\·l€8`8l1C tegulatlous for mnkingypay. e xml: of eucl;_s;>ecinl`pensions” to the b€D€fiCi81Ti6S)th8f€0f. - . suolx special pension 'shnll begin on the day th{1t·S\1C]1_ person slmll me his application for eurollugeut on said roll in the oflice my `me Secretary of the Navy a'fter.Ap1ji1-27,,,1916, and shell can- , fimno during the,,life'bf‘tl1e;beneticinry, _ ~ · - · "` 2 /Su}·h special pension shall not deprlvefany such `special pen-- $3..,m- of any other penslouor of any beneilt, right, or {$1-lvileggi

. {w1m·1l he is gr may hereafter be, entitled under any existing
 or $¤il»soqupnt law, but Shall bein addition thereto. .

- V xfing epeoial p{·11Si0n.`all0\ved`under- this .•·ction shall not be ' ,,m.j£»,—t to any'_z1t'ta1cl111l0llt._ execution,.levy, tax, `Iien, or détéll-4 Jiiull llll(](’D‘~8!ly “'h8t€V€f. ·(ApI'.(,27, C. 3,. . 354 Stat.._`54.“) ~ _` _ _· -~ · . (d)` Frmd from yvhich pensions to be paid.-+All allowances mmle, orhexjeafter to be made, to xpedal of honor pensioners ‘ml·l··¤· {lie provisions of this section, shall be paid fiom the m,.m·ys lappropriated for the payment of invalid ond other, ]»··usi¤m5. "(Jllllé 30, IBIS, C. 194, 39 Shit. 242.) U _ (c) Nuniber of pensions limited to one; rdnk not considered in the applications.-—Iu case any person has been awafded pw or more medals of honor, he shalijnot be entitled to and $=}l:l”ll,11ot receive moore than one such special pension. J · _ llnnl; in fine service shall not be considered in applications . Elo;} ll£’l't‘}l!ld€l°.. (Apr. 27, 1916, of 88, § 4, 39 Stat. 54.) fn » 2 BA1>c.12;s Q to n · 371. Military nocicty bad_ges.————'1§he’“ dlétlnctive badges

ml··;»mlkl»;;.4m f mon who served in the armies

nml zmvios of the.U¤ited States in the war of the Revoluy tum, the war o£_;_1812, the-Mexikran war,. andthe war of the rmcllion, roepeetively, may ’ be wom i1[l0I1—' all occasions of ceremony by oiilvers and enlisted men of the Army ond Navy of the United States, who are members o£_,saicl·orgnnlzati0i1s_ in their own right. (Sept. 25, 18!)0, N0. 50, 26 Stnt,681.) 372. Badges for services in Spanish war.-—;¥The rdistinctivel lm<l;.:¢·s ntloptodlly military societies ot men_ who Served in the armies andlnnvies of the United `Stntes during the Spanish- Am¢·ri<·nn wer and the lncidmhiinsnrrectiop ln the Philippines, muy he wom npou all occasions of ceremony by 0iIicers»und` mm: of the Army and, Navy of the Uulj;ed~_ States who are . momllem ot sold organizations iuYthelx:·own right. _(Feb. 2, 1901, c. 192,"§ 41, 31 Stat. 758.) · , - · ' .373. Badges for nerviees in Chinese 'relief egpeditiohp-4Tl1n <l1~=tir1ctive‘bndgcS adopted by military `societies ot "men who

¤¢·:·vo¢l in the armies and unvlea of the United States during

till- Cllfnese relief expedition of 1900 may be! Worn, upon all xlfwnsione of ceremony by omcers and men of tl.1e_Army and Mvy or the United States who are members ot said oi·ganismtion in their own right. (-Jan. 12, 1903, No. 2, 32 Stnt. 1229.) 374. Regulng Army and Navy Union badger-Tlxe distinctive bfltlgl! adopted hy the Regular Army and Nev?-Union of the Luixod Statw maybe §v_oxjn, in their own right, upon ell public occasions of ceremony by omcers and enlisted men ot the Army and Navy of the United States . viiho are members ot paid orgsmlzntion. (May 11, 1894, No. 26, 28 Stat. 583.) ·

.·—;-gNAVY» ‘ _ .`§ 382 -· _375.__·Army sud Nh€·y_ Union badge.—¥—The distinctive bsdgo &d0ptcd·b$* the Army and-Navy Union of the Unitod States maybe worn, in their own rlght, upon all pnblic occasions of corezn0ny·` by otlilgyrs and eulistéd men ot the Army and Navy _ of the Unitedi States who are ·mombe;·s"o£ said organ-ization,. ` (Mai.2, .1907; N0. 18, 34 Stat. 1423.) . `. I ongpmr ,7.-5-nmrmmmmxw., I Q4 GENERAL P11OVIS_IONS_AS TO RETIREMENT QF OFFICER?. Scc.·,»__` "° . . 381. Retirement after forty yeax·s’ service. I 382. Exceptions. ` — · 383. Retiremeutoftcr thirty ycars’ service. 38;. Ago of retirement. _ 385. Ofiicgrs not t0_ be retired for misconduct. _ 386. Discharge of officers `u"uHt for promotion by reason of drunkcnness _ ‘· _6r__otl1enj misconduct. S - s 387. Voluntary `retlrement to. create vacancies. 388. ·Rank_aud pay of officers so retired. > = _- . 389. Grades and status oftetized nwccrs ; privilegcsand liabilitiesp 390. Retired crank of omcéxj failing in physical examination. · ’ 391. Retired rank and pay ot_0Qccrs of Civil War ;` in< general. 392. Retirement in next higher grade. · ` 393. Otllcer not to be deprived of increased rank and pay. 394, Commissions to retired oQccrs advslnced in rank. . — 395. Oiilcers of, Mcdicdlg nnd Supply Corps, chaplains, professors of `. mathematics} and `constructors. · I .) _ 396. —·0f!lcers`cI Naval Dental Corps, U ‘ _ 397. Stat! oQcers retired for csnsos incident to service. » 398. Stat! otllcerswith permanent rank of rear admiral during World ·.`Wnr.v.`· _ ~· ·, .‘ ’ 399. Qmcers of `Navy audjfarine Corps wzpocitically cqmmendcd for . performance of duty in actual combat éuringuworld War. ‘ 400. Vacanci/as consequent on retirement filled by promotion accord- ‘ ing .to seniority. _ · ‘ ·. . ' 491 Officers on `re_ti_red list withdrawn. from command and from lincf ot promotion. ~ ‘ . V · 402. No promoticnor increase of payin retired list; , ·_ _ BEIIRIFNG BOAIRD - 411. Cases., proper for reference {to 1'91i_IY1D8 bo~&rd;‘ composition- of '·b0&1‘d. - · · -. ~ . · 412. Omccrs. not to be x·otlred~wltliout a. lloarlxxg before bozird; ex·_ ccptions. _ _ 413. Powers and duties ct Board. 414. Oath of .mcmgers of board. . 41.5. Findings: cause of incapacity. 416. Revlsiop by the President. 4_ ’ . 417. Effect of finding of disability due to incident of service. {118 Effect. ot Ending of disabllltylrom other causes. . ` ACTIVE DUTY- OF RETIRED OFFICERS · 421. Gcnernl“rulo_. I _ · H _ _ ‘ · 422. Employment on active duty only with oQccr’s consent. _ 423._Llalqlllty~ to active duty 1H»t1`lI}B ot war dr national emergency. 424. Assignment; of `rctlred officersto command of squadrons and ships. _ y `.` ‘ Q _ ._ 425. From what grsdcscommanders of squadrons selected; rank, title, _- _ and ·autl10rlty.· . ‘ " ‘ _ ‘ 426. Restoration of such commanders to active list. “’ 1}ETIREMENT;O1•‘ ENLISTED MEN, AND- PET'1‘Y_ 'OFFICERS 431. In generhl. ` — I _ · { ` 432. Computation ot length of service. _ _ 433. Call into active service ot retired odllstcd mon. 434. Promotion otxetlrcd enlisted men called into ·active service. 435. Prosjlsions as to promotion construed. ‘ ’ GENERAL PROV_IS1ONS AIS TO RETIREMENT OF . -°` . QFFICERS _ . Section 881. Retirement After fort} yesrs’ sei·vice.-——·-Wllon dny_ o@cer of the Navy Ins been fofty years in tho service of. the pllnitod States hn ms1y be retired from sctivé service by tho Prssldsntupon his own application. (R. S. _§ 1-113.) 882. Em¢ptio11¤.—···—Tho preceding section shall? not apply to‘ amy licntsnnntj `commnndcr, ‘lieuten:mt, _ lloute.~nnnt,` (junioxj grads), ensign, passed assistant surgeon, passed assistant pay- msster, ussistaut surgeon, or assistant paymastsr. '(R. S. $ 1445; Mar. 3, 1883, C. 97, 22_St&t.·,-472; Mar. 3, 1899, c. 413,