Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1325

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·1311 _ * $’I§"LLE' ,§I.»-·-—-»PC‘Bj

3. Dréué er mtracts fer., maerlsl plecw with Goverm-
 e   y       ¤¤   ®N$;§ti@—-»··-All or2l<€r·e ur
 ter the mxigéfaeture `of material §ei·tai¤ing_ to uppgwdnee gimkcts drama beiere Imae 5, Zl9®, or thereafter er

hmwwi with .G¤rerw¤t~ewned estubllelrmeets shall he can- siderw as ehl&•£ms is me erase manner as prurldexl ter similar placed with wamereial manufacturers, and xtlle ap·

   shell walz available terythe {m  W  ‘t of the obligatlm so erentw as in the case of `ecmtracts or orders with

e< l miudtnetmvers. (June 5, 19%, Qc. 240, 41 smc; SVR) . . - — i · ‘ · 24. C fer. of hwy; Ml@,

   it is praéticuble cwtractg for the _

‘ trn tauw ot mcmys, buillen., coin, notés, bwds, and other

 of the United tw, had mpw shall be let to the

lewesw ble bid t therefor, after notice to all eurties

 mmm ht Q   (July 7, 1884, c._ $2, 5 1, E

Stat.w£.)__ 5. Cnmruts for bm¢i¤g.—The Secretary bt Wir, the Secremrylcf the Nayy, nrad'the.Se¢1‘etary`0f t§e_'1‘rwsury may eintér lute ccnlznct, in open market, `fpr limiting of American manu- 4 _ PUBLU See Title 31, Menu 'AND¤FIE

LIC CONTR41CT»S ___, § 27 fecture, ae their resgverhve serviees require. {0:,,; period not exceeding one year, and at a prime not exeeedjzzg that at whieh en ertieie eg exim! qnmtity eee tea imported. (R. § 3’i'2l.;‘ 26. Exchange of typewriters and sééag maehm E part peymwt fer new mséiwesr-Qhe executive, geparimeete md

 etlrer%G0s*exnmee£ eetebiiehmegxtep am! ek! bruriehee of thepeblic, service may exchange` typ·ewri:ere, mmieg meehiew, and

other similar labdr-mvieg ,devi¢;·ee’ ie wrt wymeet fer new mw ehines used ter me same permee ee these [}¥”£F§)t}S€d te be exehenged. There shell be submitted_ te Cengrew, *0:: the Bret why of the mssicm foiwwing the eloee of eee!} ésenl year, a report showing, es fo each exchange heremxder, the of the arricle, the period of its use. the elieweme merefeafem the ertieke, make thereof, axe price, including exehgnge vememid or to be paid fer each artieke procured, thmugrn meh exchange, (Mer; 4,1915, c. 147, Q 5, 38_ Stat. 1i61.)“ ""' " ` · Z1. of typewriter; Escinim.-e·-Ne éemrtmenc or ether Government estebliehmeet shall et any typewritme machiees by mle, exchange, ores pert paymet ter another typewriter, that has been ieee than tbreejeers. (Jane 5, 19%, e. 235,1 Q7, 41 Stat. 947.); _ A ` c` nep! " rnicé. ~-