Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1335

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132,1 T1 TILE ;§;£.~—»~·i£’H1 iis mmixme the d§s<c~hm·g@ ci their resgcctive amcsss at such por me §Smmta:·y ci the Tmamry, cr, in his &bS€1}f;‘£*,`th§ {Sudan gwcretary at the Treasury, may direct the mmavul at the smear Qi the reveaéac from such port tc: any other more coxwenier

a<-e, jwithin, or as mar as may be to, such‘cq11ecti<m dtstric

Ami at sash piam such c$cc:~s may exercise the same power: md sha}! he Hama to the same dairies, according to existi;1 virfmmxtances, as in the pért 0: district establighél by law iiiiaiic notice af any such, remévai shall be giiyan as 800:1 a may be. (B. S, § 4*197; July 31, 1%4, c.·1?4, § 4, 28 Siat, N5 Jane 1§, 1921, c. 18, Q 361, 42 Stat. 23; Feb. 17, 1922, c,~55, 4 Stat. 366.), `.. ~ ., ‘ • _ . 113. Aéiwmmem of warts during qpidemic;~Whcuéw*2r, i me apinica nf the Chief Iustice, or, in case of his death`; < _ ixmbiiity, ai the senior Associate Jxistice of the Supreme Dour a cmitagimas or epidemic sickness shall' render it hmrdous 1 hula} the xaéxt stated samicu of the court at the smt of gm émmept, the Shiei or‘ smzlr Asscéiate ustice maj 'issua hi arder to the marshal of the Supreme Court, directing hlim t mijmira the mit sessmu at the coast to sub}; other place s . smh deems ccuvenient. ‘ The marshal shall thereupc adjmzmn the` court; by making publimticn thereof in 0119 c mam public papers priutédq a; the smt ct g0vemmemg_ fm: the he shall receive meh order. until the time by. law pm swim! for commencing the sesstonf The sevéra} circuit an distirict judges shall, respectively, undef: the `saing circun Smhféii hwée Ihé Same wwcr, by (the same meané, tc` direc zaéjgamwmenté er the several circuit coqrts ot. appeals an dimict cqufts to some convenient place withiiz their circixil ar dmricts xespactfively. ,(R. S. { 4799.) _ , ‘ . . € 114. Remaval kof prisqners during epidemic.-——T11e judge n any district `ccurt, within .whqse_ district any coutagiqus 0 xzpidemic disease shall at any timé prevail, so as; in his opinim is ~€!§d§Hg€l‘ the liveé of persons cormned in the prison of suc district, in ptgrsuance at aizy law of the United States, mh dimct the marshal to cause the ‘pers0ns»s0 -c<miined' iorbe jre moved to izhe next adjacent prison where such disease does nc prevail, there to be 00:1.6ued until they may safely be remove baék tq the place? ct their mst confinement. ·_ Such remqval snail be as the expense ct the United Smtes.` (R. S. §` 4800.


'_S’1*AT1QN AFD- LABORATORY_A'1' MGLOKAI, HAWAII` Sees. j ‘ ` 121, Entahiishwexat. » » · 122. Patients; admissipxa and treatmgnt. _ ~· _ _ 123. Betaii Ao! median`! o&cars and employees of Public Health Serviée

 Beguiatwm for ;dmZinistrs:t1ca. , _, _ ,  

I?5. Adciitioxsaf pay and alléwagccs to omcers·det2aJ1e·d. , LEi‘R0$Y HGQE ”IN UNITED STATES 131.. Eztasmshmgatp; ·¤dm1:ustrat1¤¤ by _Pémic; Health Service. 132, Erection at buildingi; - `° - . _ 183. P¢:·%s mceivabse mmom1_ at swcted mma; to. 134. Regulations; · “ 1_§, mail at ¤@~ce:s at Pinblic Hmm Service ta; pay. STATION AND LABQRATOBY AT MOLQKAI, HAWAII ` - ’ 3 N ‘ . Section 121. is 0;:1 tty tract at land és the rmavatian at Molokai, Hawaii ceded by the Territorial mvemmemt. ot Hawai to the Unitee Stém is perpetuity g hospital mtion and kticratory of th Public Servim at the Eaited Statw tm? the st;1dy ¤ _ me qt at Iepmax {Mar, 3, 19%, c._1443, { 1, 33 Stat. 1099.,) _ _ Q A . k , 122. Raman; ·t:·ea,tmm£.--—·Fcr the purpose ct this siahchapsger the ~ ¤rge¤¤ General, thrmgh his nécrédim

 is nathan:-sd, m mégivs at     meh pntiwt

a&icm1 with ¤s·mny·m to gum u¤d& lm! nutbcgrizaticn at the Territory ci Hamm, mt to new

 1*CB,LZ(f zzehayen § 135

L, g tm-ty in number te be nada: treatment at any time, said

~ patients te remain under the juriadietienl of the aakl Sargeen

·a General, er his agent, until returned mathe preper aatheritiea nt; mf Hawaii. (Mar. 3, 1965, c. 1443, 5 3, 33 Stat, 1G@9.) t. 123. Detail of medical e@cera and employees of Pablie s, Health Service.~—·~’I‘he Snrgeea General of the Public Health tg Service of the United States autherized te gletail er apr. point, for? the parpcaea of these imseetigatiena agad treatment, ta such medical officera, acting assistant enlrgeena, pharmaeieta, i; and employees as may be neeeeaary fer said parpeee, {Briar, L2 3, 190:; ct 1443, § 4, 33 Stat. 1009.) l e ’ 124. Regulatiema for adn1§aistratien.$—-The Surgeon General it of the Public Health Service ahall, aabjeet to the appreral >r of the Secretary of the Treasury, make and adept r@latieae 1:, for the administration and government of ‘ the heaprital etatieu

0 and laboratory and for the management aad trmtment ef, all

v- patients of such heapital. (Mar. 3, 19%, e. 1443, § 6, % Stat. le 1019.) ’ ·‘ _ - _ ' Z0 125; Additional psy and allowances at e§cera detailed}- ns When . any commissioned er mmcemmiaaiened , G§€€1’ at the »¤” Public Health Service is detailed fer duty at the lepremriana vr provided for in eectleixs 121, te 124 _` bf this title, er while en- 11 gaged ln inrestlgatfons lot leprosy at Kalihi and ether nieces 2- ln Hawail, he shall reeeive, in aeamaa to the- nay and allew-· d_ rams of his .'grade,‘e 0ne·—half the playa ei said. grade and each 1_- allowaizces as may be provided for _ by the Snrgeen General at of the Public Health Service, with the appreral of the Secre-· d tary- of the Treasury. (Mar; 3, 19%, c. 1443, .5 7, 33 Stat. 1610;

s Mar. 4,1911, c. 285, 5 1, 36 Stat. 1394.)

»f_ LEPROSY. HOME IN UNITED STATES br . V . ° _ _ . 1, 131. Establimaient; administratien by Public Health l Servh_ ice.·-—1‘here-ie established a heme fer the care and treatment 3; of pers<ms_ amicted with- leprosy, te he aamialateredl by the ,_» United States Pahlic Health Service, (Feb. 3, 1917, e. E, ,t 5.1, 39 Stat;872.) · , ‘ , . r ’ _ __ é _; 5 . - 132. Erectien af buildinga.————-The Secretary of the Treasury le LS ’ authorized te cause the erection upon auch §te et enltahle and ) necessary balldinga tar the parpesea of this éahchapter at a _ coat not to exceed the sum appmpriated fer each narmee. _ (Feb. 8, 1917, c. 26, § 4, 39 Stat. 873,) M “Q Q e ‘ 1%. Peraens receivable inte; remevxl of éé a peraeaa ta.--There ahall be {received into said heme, antler regalatieaa . prepared by the Surgeon, Gemral of the Public Health Service, Ex with the apprgral et the _Secretary of Treaanry, any pen sch smicted with leprosy whe preeents at er er herself ,_ fer » care, detention, and treatment, er whe may he apprehended under aatheritr ot the United States Quarantine acm, er any , » person a&icted with lepmw duly eensiged te said heme: hy t the proper health, antheritim at any State, ‘1'errit0ry, er the l District of Columbia. The. Burma of the Public 5 ‘ Health ,Serri<:e» is authorized, , anon reqaeet at said aatheritim, ` to send for any péraen amicted with leprm: within their re- ’ spectire jariadieitiene, and te convey said peraena te aneh home for detention and treatment, and when the transporta- &_ tion et any X meh person la undertaken afar the pretcetiaa ef L the public health; the . expense of each removal `ahall be paid g from funds set aaltle fer me maintenance et said heme. _ (Feb. B 3, 1917. c. 26, I 2, 39 Etat. 87$.) » ,\r ’ ` { 134. shall be prepared by the Sm-. s, gecm General at the Puhlicf Health Service, with the approval at the et, the Treasury, for the government and ad- 3 , miniatratien et-l said heme and fer the apprehension, detention, 5 treatment, release at all pereenearhe are inmates thereof. e (Feb. $[4917, e. %, § 3, 39 Stat. 873.) V ‘ _ _ r` 1354* of amen. of Public Health Qervnce te; pay.-- i When any or other emeer of the Public Health