Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/146

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§§ 13G · *l'Iil‘i.ia? s.-~—.·lI,ll£J\S t business atttlnmizctl or ;#erxnitt•sl under any concession or I, privilege which may have been or may be granted by any such fair or `exposition in connection therewith, nude such rules and regulations as the Comniissioner General of lgnniigration, with the approval of the Secretary of Lahor, may prescribe both as to the zuhnission and return of such persons-- (i) Public charges.———Persons' likely Sto become a. public charge-- - . · * _. (j) Persons previously deported.——Persons who have been depoggd under any of the provisions of this subchapter, and who may again seek admission within one year from the date of such deportation, unless prior to their reembarkation at a_ foreignpport or thei r_attc1npt to be admitted from foreign contignousw territory the Secretary of Labor shall have- consented_ to their reapplying for tl`t.l1lllSSlOIl-—_ l — r (k) Persons whose transportation i-s paid by others, etc.- Persons whose tickets or passage is paid for with the money of p il-i}Ui}lt‘I`, or who are assisted by others to come} unless it isi anirmatively and satisfactorily shown that such personsdo not i P ·helong`to one of the- foregoing excludedclasses; persons whose ticket or passage is paid for by any cor`poration,' association, society. municipality, or foreign governiuent. either directly or indirectly: Provided, That. the provisions ofthis subchapter, relating to the payments for tickets or passage by any corporation.}association, society, municipality, or foreign government shall not apply to the tickets or p·issage»of aliens in immediate and continuous trlmsit through-`the_`United States to foreigncontiguous territory-—# y _ t T S t 1 (I) St0waways.—+S_fow:iways, except that any ls-uch stowae way, if otherwise admissible, may be admittetl in the discretion of the Secretary of Labor-— _ e y . · (m)_Cltildren under sixteen.——All children under sixteem l years oflage; unaccompanied by or not coming to one Cor both of tig parents, ékept that any such`children may, in_ the, discretion of the Secretary of Labor, he admitted if in his opinion they are not likely tb become t-a public charge and are otherwise e;ligible——· " ‘ " { W —· `S L (n) Asiatics.——Unless otherwise provided for by existing treaties, persons who are· nativesof islands not possessed hy. the United States adjacent to the Continent of Asia, situate south of the twentieth parallel latitude-north, west of »'the,one' hundred and sixtieth meridian ofillongitude eas; from Greenwich, and north of·the‘·tenth parallel of latitude south, orwho are nativesof any country, province, ordependency situate on in the Continent of Asia ’west of the one hundred and tenth meridian of longitude east from Greenwicln ·and.east of the fiftieth nieridianpof longitude east,-from Greenwich and south of the fiftieth parallel of latitude north, except that portion of said territory situate between the fiftietli and the sixty-fourth rneridians of longitude east from Greenwich and the twenty- p fourth and thirty-eighth_ parallels of latitude north, and_no' aliennow in anylwayexcluded from, or prevented from entering, the United St8t€S·Sll·3u boadnnitt_ed to the United States. The provision next foregoing, however, shal1_not apply to persons of the following status or occupations: Government othecrs, ministers or religious teachers, missionaries, lawyers, _ physicians, chemists, civil engineers, teachers;. students, authors; artists,lnnerchants, and travelers for curiosity orppleasure, nor to their legal wives or their children under sixteen years of l age who shall accompany them at who subsequently may` apply ` for admission to the,l?nited”~States, but such persons`-or their ` legal Vwiveslor foreigneborn children who fail to maintain in the [’nited_~States a status or occupation placing themiwithin the excepted classes shall bc. deemedv to he in the United States t_t·.».¤n·a»y to law,-and .- shall l1e_subjecl:`to, deportation-as _-provided in Section 155_of this titleé?. i if · h _ l i 4 (o) iIlliterates.——.\ll aliens over sixteen years of a_ge;,—_pl‘nysi-. _ cally capable. of jneading, who can not read the English. lan-

ANU (J11{’lZ1Jl\'N1l1I’ qilj guage, or some other laingttagc or dialect, including iiti5E`·;i\' lor Yiddish: l’roz·id_c¢I. That any admissible alien, oyQ,,j_» ,,,i__H heretofore or »hcreafter legaliy admitted, or any citizen oi me United states,.1nay bring in or semi for his ihtlsr or Q;-,,,_,_ father over fifty-tive years of age, his wife, his xnot_hl·rj his gnandmevther, or ilishllniil-l‘I‘i£*tI Gl' \\'i<i0Wf:d t]#ll12:‘l1ter, if .,;l,,··»;,._ wise admissible. gwhether such relative can read or not: asl such relative shall bepermitted to enter. That for the pm}., ,l__, of ascertai‘ning whether aliens can read the im1ni;zrant· in- . spectors shall be furnished with slips of uniform size, m·..},,,,.,,, s under the direction of the Secretary of Labor, each congail,s»; not less than thirty nor more `than forty words in 'ord%n;s·v use, printed in plainlywlegible type in some one of the v·a;—1.,;,e languages or dialects of immigrants; Rach alien may ell-:-<icn;o,l the particular language or dialect in which the tlesirrs time examination to be lll!-lil?} and`shall be`·required torcarl til., words printed on the slip in such language or. dialect.- "i:iIt‘ following classes of persons shall be exempt from. the <»;»t·r;ll§lss, x of the illiteracytest, to wit: All, aliens who sliall—p;-ove to . the satisfaction of the proper inin-nigration. otiicexiori to"zl;»·· Secretary of Labor that, they are seeking admission to the United States to avoid religiouspersecution in the country of I [ l`~their· last, permanent residence} whether suchjpersecution ln H l evidenced by overt-acts or by laws or govern_menfal regularnns l t·hat§_ discriniinhte against the alien or the race to wlxirlr he belongs because ofhis religious faith; all aliens who llave. been lawfullyiadinitted to the United States an who llave , resided therein continuously for five years and who return to — the United `States within six months from the date of their i (IPD}!lit·\il‘€€-til€l‘€‘fl‘0lllZ a11ia1_ti—¤;s in transit through, the l*nin·tl Stpzites; all. algls who have been lawfully admitted to the lfnited. States arid who later sumti go in transit fronr one part of t··hc Vnited States to another-through foreign contiguous· V territory-: Proridéd, That nothing in the reading-test provisions of. sections 136'or 137 of this title shall be constriied to` prevent, hinder, or restrict] any alien exhibitor, orholder of `concession.or privilege for anyu fair oreeaiposition authorized \by Act of Congress; from bringing into the United States; _under · contract, .·such otherwise—¥admisslble_·,alfen mechanics, · artisans,la;:ents, or other employees, natives of his country as may be necessary for installing or conducting his exhibit or for prepn_ri_ng" for installing or conducting any business authorized or permitted under anyconcession or privilege which may haye been or may be granted by any such fairor exposition in connecfion_ therewith, under such. rules and regulations as , t ei Conimissioner General of .Immigration,_ with the approval 0 fthe Secretary of, Labor, may prescribe both as to the admiss all and return_of such persons; And.`prm>idcd further, That a alien who could Y-not read, if otherwise admissible, was Z pttmeriy admitted where, within fl—x’e~years‘ after June 5, 1%*20 , tl gitizch of the UnitedStates who had served in the ·lDiiit8l`}' till`- nayal forces of the United States during the war with the imperial German Government, requested that such alien he admitted, and `witlr the approval of the Secretary of Labor. _inarried such allen at allnitedi States gizmnigration station- _ (gi) Aliens returning to unrclinquished ~domicile.——Aliens rv-, turning after al temporary ahsencelto an unrel_inquished’*IQnited States doinicilefof seyen consecutive years may be admitted in the discretion of the Secretary of Labor, and under such conditions as he may prescribe-- I T i _ i ‘_ L _ it (q) Bondsfor admission and return of inadmissible alicnS·*· The- comprissaoner General of Immigration with the approval of the- Secretaryof Labor sliallrissue rules, and prescribe con-_ _ ditions, including eniaction of such bondsas 1lltl)l.r_i)P—D0(*t?S${U`Y· 'L to_contr0land‘ regulate the admission and return of otherwise ‘illtll]li1iS§i·i)iG·&ii(‘llS applying for temporary admission-? , ° ‘ l (r) Accredited ,_0tiiciala of foreign governments,) ”c!¢··· Nothing in sections 132,. 13_6 to 139, 142 to 165,1 168, 1(i9, 171. ,