Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1479

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]4fj5 T1 TLE 46.-··-. `buuk for cvery twelve seamen, constituting her crew, provided that not more than six hunks shall be required in any 'casc. Every steamboat of the United States plyingtupon the Mis- Si>=.:ippi River or its itributarics shall furnish an- appropriate ’ plum} for the crew, which shall contornnrto the requirements ui this section, so far as they are applicable thereto, by providing slcc-ping room in theongiuo room of such- steamboat, p;~.»p.—`i·l_y protected from the cold, wind, and min by menns of sui_ml»1e ayvuings or screens on either side of the guards or sides and forward, ·rcacI;ing_from the boiler deck to théjowcr or main deck, under the direction and approval of the Superrising; Iaispector General of Steam Vessels, `and shall bex p;·up»crly heated. I Q , _ _ _' " · Ali morr·haut— vessels of the United States, thecconstructiou of which shall be begun after March 4, 1915, having more time tcu men on deck must have at least one light, clean; sud pwporly ventilated svaashing place. There shell be provided at least one washing outfit for every two men of the watch. The washing place shall be properly héatcd._* A. separate ` vvzushing place shall bc provided for the tire-room and enginertmm men, if their number exceed ten, which shall be large _cmmgh to accommodate at least one-sixth of them` at the snanrtime, and have hot and cold water supply and a' sutlicicnt mamiicr of washbusins, sinks, and shower baths. - . Any failure. to comply with this section shell subject the- ¢»wucr_ or owners 'ofosuch vessel to a penalty of `uot.'lcss` than $*530 mar more than $500: Rrovided, That Aforécastles shall mmignted st such intervals as may bc {provided hy regulations t to he is.~;ucd by the Surgéoxi General of" the Public Health Service, with thenpprovnl of- the" Department of Commerce, round shall have at least two exits, one of which maylbs used in emergencies. (Mar. 3, 1897, "c. 389, 5 2, 29' Stat. 688; Mar. — 4, 1915, c. 153, 6, 38 Stat. 1165.) » ' _ ” -81. Measurement of foreign vessels;ccrtihcatcs.-¥—\\’hcncw*er it is 'nnsde to appenr to the Secretary of Commerce that the . rules concerning .the measurement for tonnage ot vessels of the United States hsve bcen substantially Adopted by the goverm mont. of any foreign countri. he, may direct that, the vessels, of such foreign country be deemed to be of the tonnage denoted ‘ in their certificates of register or other nstional PQDQTS. -&¤d_ ` r thereupon it shall not°bc necessary for _— such vessels to be rcmcasmcd at any port in the United States-;_ and when it shall " be neccmry to the tonnage of any lvessel not n vessci ot the United States, the said tonnage shall be ascertained in the manner provided by law for the measurement of vessels of the United States. (R. S. {-4154; Aug. 5,.1882, ‘c. 398, 5 2, 22 Stat. wt}; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552,*% Stat. 829; Mar. _ 4, 1913, c. 141, 37 Stat. 738.) I . n

 S en of proviéons ss to snryey, inspection, and
...@•snre¤¢nt.·—-’1‘ho President ot the United States is author-

. whenever in his dtstzretion the needs of tonfeigxr commerce naay require, to suspend by order, softer and for such . length ot time ss he may deem dwirsble, the proyisions of the law requiring survey, inspection, and .inensurcment by omcers of the United States of Ioiicigusbuilt vessels admitted to _ étmorican registry under section _11. (Aug. 18, _1614, c. 258, ,i 2, 38 Stat. 699.) I ‘ ‘ Chapter 3.Q-—-CLEARANCE AN D ENTRY. I Sec. _ _ I · ’ A Q ` 91. Granting clearances. .92; Mzmuests or shippers. .93. Form of snnnitest. »94. Oath ei master. f . 95. Manifest: in Adukan and i_¤,m;1a.r trade. _ 36. Fam et clearance. · ‘ 97. State inspection hunt · ‘ __ 98. Conveyance, ot bullion, coin, notes, ofbonds tot United Stand. 09. Clurance of vena! km with lin oak. ` 100;. Pa¥m¢nt ot tees on vessels outward bound. y

SHIPPING _ § Q4 Sec. , . ‘ A 101. Statement of qonsular servlcvs performed without fee tiled. 102. Steumboats on Lake Chapxplain, _ ' 103. Pleasure yachts; license; entry and clearance; restrictions. 104. Rqciprocal exemption ot foreign yachts from chargeaand tonnage taxes; liccnsqs. · · 105. Commissions td yachts. ‘ . , 106. Entry of yachts oa return [from foreign countries; xnanxifeat of _ ·`dutiablc articles. ‘ I ` 107. Licgéused yacht must comply with law. ' 108.IPenalty for violation. 109. Signals for yachts. - 110.. Entry df ferryboats. » _ 111. Vessels lin foreign and coasting trade on northern, hortlxcastvru, and northwesteqr frontiers. _ · { · 112. Passenger vessels tradi¤&1g_;,bct;wecn ports ot United, States and ‘ foreign ports. ,· I · , · ·113. Vessels making daily, trips on interior waters. Section 91. Granting clcaramécs.-——-The master or person hav- _ing the charge or command of any Vessel bound ma foreignport, shall deliver, t_0 the collector of {ha district from which sunch . vessel isiaboul; to depart,. a manifest of all the cargo onboard {hc same, and the valuefhcrcot, by him subscxjibed, and shall swear td the truth thereof; whereupon the collector shall grant h clearance for auch vessel and her —cai·g0, bat without specifying the Yparticulanvs theréofdin the clearance, unless4re— quired by tha master or other person having lha charge or command of such vessel so to do. It any `vassel bound to a foreign potl departs Ol} hcrn voyage tirsucll foreign port without delivering such manifest and obtaining a clearance, as required, the master or other person having the charge 01; cdmmand of sugh vessel shall be liable to a penalty of $500 for every such offensé.` (RQ. S. §_ 4197.) · ‘ \ " ‘ 92. Manifcsts of shipperse-—·Before a cleaféncc shall- he granted fini any. Jvessal bound to a foreign port, tha kvrmers, shippers, or consignors of the cargo of such vessel shall deliver .t0 the collector manifests of the · cargo, or the parts thereof msliipped by them respectively, and shall verify the game by oath. ’S1ich manifests shall specify the kinds and quantiticé of the articles shipped respectively, and the value of the totalrquantilzy of each kind of articles; and the oath to each _mai1ifest shall state thati it c0utains· a full, `_ jus£,S_' and true account of all articles laden on board of such vessel by the owners, éhippers; or consignors, respectively, and that the _ _ values dfY'such articles are truly stated,. laccordiag lto their actual c0st,’ or .tha" values which they truly hear at the port andx time of ‘exportation.‘ Ang! before a cleatance shall be l granted for any such vessel, the master of that (weasel, and the owners; shippers, and c0uslgnm·s of the cargo, shall state, upon ¤ath,'t0 tlna collector, tha foreign port or country in which auch. cargg_,is‘tx·uly intended to be landed. The oaths shall be taken and subscribed in writing. (R. S. § 4200.) l _93. Farm of Nll\if38t•-—Th€ form_0t_tl1e report and manifest; ug be delivered ton the collector shall be as follows: Report and manifest bftlwcargcladaapt tlie portal ,ca bwrdthe , water, boundtor port · ‘m__ M~»=·` l N¤¤¤··· *’°°*%2;”b°.§l;‘l'“°’“ imiiix, "zi‘;‘;,*;‘0;&*;€i§§" ` (R. S. $41.99.) é 2 94. Oath of mutér.—--—'I‘ha oath to be taken by the ¤¤wSf<·1‘ or commander ot the vesselrshall be as follows: W " -` - 'District at ‘· I ‘ h L (iiwélft the name); maatcror commander of the (insert \ the denomination and name of tha vessel),. bvlmd f¤'0m ***0 Dwi of (inset} the nandai fha port mj place sailing ima:) t¤_ (insert tlignama ot the` port or place bound to), do solemuli, sincerely;-and truly swaag (or aHlrm,·as the case may,