Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1478

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§ 78 TITLE .4:6.-- vessels of once and a half the tonnage of the actual machiziery space and ih .the_caee of screw vessels of ogce and three-fosrths} the tonnage of the actual machinery apace. But_i£ the actual maehiuery space is so large as to amount in the case of paddle vessels to 30 per centum lor above, and in the case. ot sérew vessels to 20 per centum of above of the gross tonnage of the ship, the deduction shall consist of 37 per`.ce11tu‘m of thegross tonnage ot the [ship in the ease ot a paddle vessel and 32 pe1·· veutum of the gross tonnage in the case of a screw vessel; or “ if the owner prefers there shall be deducted from the gross tonnage of the vessel the tonnage of the space or spaces actually oceupied by or required to be inclosed for the proper! working of the ·boile;•S_. and machinery, including the trunk. shatt_01¤ alley iri screw steamers,:with, the addition in the ease of vessels propelled with paddle wheels of 50 per centum, and iu the case of vessels propelled by screws of 75 per eeutum of · the‘~t0nnag·e·0f Such space. V l' " ‘ " ., _ _· (I1) It there be_ a break, a poop, or any other permanent elosed·in space on the Upper deck available for cargo or stores, or for the berthing of accommodation of passengers or crew, T the tonpage ot thabspace shall be ascertained and addedto- the

 tonnage: Provided, That nothing shall be added to' the

gross; tonnage for any- sheltered Spaee above the upper deck ~ which is undef cover and open to the weather; that is, n0t· The cixhical contents of the hatchways shall be obtained, by multiplying the length and breadth together and the product by the mean depth taken from the top of beam to the under [side ot the hatch. From' the aggregate tonnage of the hatchways vthere shall_be deducted QI1é*h8lf i of 1 per cent of the gross , tonnage and the remainder only shall be added to the ·g1’0SS l tonnage of the ship exclusive of the tonnage! of the hatchways. l (i)‘ _On a` request in writing to the Qommissioner or Naviga-. tion by the owners of ajship the tonnage ot such portion ot-the o space or spaces above the crown ot the engine room and,. above the upper deek as is framed in for the machinery or fo;. the adi aaissioa ot light audair and uobrequired to be added to gross e tonnage shall, for the purpose of ascertaining the tonnage 01 the space occupied by the propelling power, be added tojthe tonnage ot the engine space ;· but it shall then be included in the gross tonnage; such space or_ spaces must be reasonable in extent, sate, and seaworthy, and can not be used for any purpose ot!1*?¥.ilhan‘ the machinery or for the adxixlasion of light and air to the machinery or boilers of the ship. - . ‘ . and the proper deduction from the gross tonnage having been made, the remainder shall be deemed. the net or register tonnage of such_ves$els.' · " ·` · .` ~ {me register or. other omeial certihcate of the tonnage or nationality ot, a mmol of the United States, in 'addition to what is now requlred_*by‘1aw to be expreswd therén, shall state separately the deductions made from the wgross tonnage, and shall also state the net or restate: tonnage ottho vessel, Bot the outstanding reglsters or` enrollments ot vmsels ot- the United Statx shall not be rendefed void by the addition ot such new statement of her tonnage, unlew voluntarily ourrendered; but the mme may he added to the outstanding document ok by aa appendix thereto, with a oertluatc of a collector ot customs that the original estimate of toxmage is amended. ·_ “ · " _ D 3 Qi A l , In the ease of a ship constmmted with a . double bottom for water ballast, if the sm.ce_hetweei1 the lnnexj and outer plating thereof is eertliledlby the collector to be not available for the carriage of cargo; stores, or fuel, then the depths ot the yes-, sel shall be taken. to be the upper side of the inner gélating of the double bottom, and that upper side shall for the pof of measurement be deemed to ,represent_ the door timber. From the gross tommge there shall be deducted any other space

s1111>1¤g1v0 1464 adapted only for water ballast certmed by the collector not to be available for the carriage of cargo, stores, supplies, 0rfueI._ ° v l ’ ‘ R Upon application by the owner or master ot eu American vessel in foreign tr¤de,'c0llectors of cuetemre, under regulations to be approved by the Secretary of Commerce, are authqrlzed to attach to the register of such vessel an appendix steting seperately, for use in foreign ports, the measurement, ei such space. or spaces as are. permitted to be deducted from _groes· tonnage by" the rules 01 other nations and are not per-

 mitted by the laws;/of the United States. _ “ °

a The register of the vessel shall express the number of decks, o the tonnage under tlie tonnage deck, that of the betweeadecks, p above the tonnage deck; also that of the or other lu-

 closed spaces above the deck, each  sep•r¤teIy._` 4111 every veg-_
 sel documented as va vessel of the United Statee the number

ldenotlng her. net tonnage shall be deeply-carved,or otherwise ypermanently marked on her main. beam, and shall be so eentinued; eudblf the number at any time cease to be continued _ such vessel shall be subject to a flue et $30 cm every arrival in a port of the United States it phe have not her tonnage number legally carved or perimxiently marked. {R. S. [4153; Am. 5, 1882, c. 398, 5 I, 22 Stat. 300; June 19, 1886, ci 421, $.5, Zi Stat. 81; Mar; 2, 1895, c. 173, 5 1, 28 Stat. 741; Feb. 14, 1903, e. 552, 32 Stat._829; _·Feb. 6, 1909, c. 82, $5 1, 2, 35 Stat. Sli}; Mer. 4, 1913, c. 141, 87 Stat. 736.) -_ . '» _ I. ‘ 78. Remeasurements.—'1‘he remwéurement of any American vessel duly measured before April 1, 1895, ehell not he required, but upon application. by the owner ot any such vessel·eollecters` ot customs shall cause suéh vessel; or the spaces to deducted, to be measured accordlnz to the provisions; of the preceding section, and if a new register is not issued the statement of such remeasurement shall he attached by an appendix to the outstatxcllng register'or‘em0l1meut vvitlra Mmttihcate of the collector of customs that the original estimate ot tonnage ais` amended pursuant to said section. , (Mar. 2, 1%,* c. 173, 5 2, 28·‘Stet. 743.) . · ‘ ‘ · _ · 79. Rczlllatiené by Co-mmtssiener of Navigntiea.·—Ueder the direction of the Secretary of Commerce the__ Cemuilssioner of Navigation shall make rwulations needful gre effect to the provisions ot the two preceding sections. {Mar. 2, 1895,‘ c.· 173, [ 4, 28 Stat, 743; Feb,. 14, 1%.3, c. 552, 32 Stat. @; liar. 4, 1913, c. {14*1,- 37 Stat. 738;) _ · ‘ _ ‘_ 804 Space and accommodations for crew; hospital compartme¤ts.+O¤ all merchant vessels or the United States the .ce¤· struction of which shall be be€.¤¤‘ after Hawk 4. 1915, except yachts, pilot. beats, or vessels ot lem than one hundred tons register, every place appropriated Ito the of the vwl shall have a*sp¤ce`e£- not less than em h\1Bdl@‘ and twenty, cubic feet and not less then sixteen eqaere feet, m the door or deck ot that place, for each en er apprentice lodged therein, and ea& shall have an quote berth and netwmore than one berthjhéll be me gheve @1521*: such place or lodglhg shell be mcurely constructed, properly ~ llghtw, drained, heated, and vwtllated. pmperly from? l weather and een, wd, as far as practluhle, properly shut o¤ · and protected from the emuylum M enrgeor bilge igter. And every such crew spaee shall tie kept fra hom ¢oo® or stores not belhg the persenel *property eo! the crew occupylu said place in use dhring the voynke. · ‘ · In addltion to the space allomlent for lodgings provided in o section, on dl merchant vemliot the Unite; Stats which p h ln the prdlnary courx of their trede make vcyam. ot more than three dey$’ duration betxyeee and which mrryj a crew ot twelve er more mmm. there shall be eonstmctecl an ` commrtxhent, mltably gparated, from other Qeces, ter hosvltnil pm· and such coppartmeat shall have at least one