Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/152

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i ( if i e § 153 _  ;/ 2*11*1,1s`s.a-».4L1c:zs*.a casca pvlzcrc an'”z§aal_ to the iSecr·etaa··y at Llalmr is pérmittcd lagktchis subclaagitcr, the alien shall llé ac ii;fprmed‘ and shall have the rightltcfbe repéeaciatcd by counsel or other adviser ‘ ca such appeal. The tlccisica of an inianlgrxmt ixxayicctor, if i fasrcrabla tc tha adxuissimx of Pa1:y·-alien, ah:1ll_’bg=: subjccti to ci1allé:s@`l’•y any qther immigrzmt, inspector, and such challczzgc shall cpetatc to take tl1c’z11icn_wl10Sc right t0_·lu11d iswsc ceimllcagécl before a board af ispecial inquiry for its inveatigw ¢sa¤.~Y{Fax».—a,19rz,c.@, $16; :i9.Sm. ss:».> H _ ·. t { 153* Bands af special inquiry; ·appai1itment;——B0a1*ds for special ixiquiry shall the appciui·;,~d» by the cpmmlsaioixar Of immi- `gratica ar i11s{>ectbr_in» clxargc at the various»pqrts of arrival aa may be ucccssaryfcr the prompt determii1ati0u‘0f allcases

  • of iximxlgranté dfi[&ii}&d·&lZl_—S1l(2}1_]_§}I'{Z$_-`lllldB1‘·lZ1l€=[ll°0ViSi01]S gf

the law. Each boardshall cnuaistcf thrcgg mcmbcrs, whc_shal1 bc- sclectcd from such of the _'im;1iiipa.nt»c$cials in the service as the Commissioner Gem-eral of Immigration, with the approyal Goi the Secretary of·L8b0I,Y`Sll3ll_fF(l3Ill time to time desiguatcas qualiticd to scrvclcn such,b0ag·ds.· When in the cpinitju. of the

Scé1‘ctary of__Lab0r the maintenance Bf a permanent- board cf;

staacial inquiry- for service at any scat cr land b0t·d_cr port i_s" 21101: war;·a_nted,» regularly coustitutcd» boards, may dba detailed

 from other atatitms for temporary service at such ]5ort,`01f, it

that be lmpracticabic, ting Secretary cfg bor Qshall 'autlwri2e_ _ the ”ci·edt»icn` of yi)031‘d§.0f Spcci:1l_ i1ii}i1i;r§fi>y thai immigration T 0§ici:1l§in·chai·gc‘ at such portsyand slialli.¢lcte;·;niuc what Gavicmmeut cmcials or ether pccsous shall. eligible forscrvicc im such bcardég Such. boards jshall laaye authority to ·dctcr-. mime whether?ai1;alicn"wl10_ has been duly héld shall bc allowed 'tca land 0;*-shall be déported. All h_cat·i11gs`·l$éfurc such boards sh”all.lba—séparatc and apart` the public, but thé immigrant · amay have 0·1ié‘fric`m"i br relative [)1`(§S€lllZ_ 1iuldcr·suc`l1 rc€,.:1ilatio11_s as may b€v])FP$(31;ih€dV by the, Sgcrctvapy "df·`Labi»1*.i `Sl1(fh: boards ishall kccpi ac. complete pcrmanexit record of their proceedings and at °al1 such tcatimoiay as may be DI'0dl1Q€"§i-·bt3fol'€`Tll€lll_§ wd uw Qc<iiaic1¤s vi -Q¤1xc-cty;a_;¤_1sa¤_*;l2c¢_¤;3§2!_€!1cQc}19;!c!§€L Sl?i1}Ll>¥*>·d vail, mi; either thealien or any dissenting mcmbeq of the said board may appeal through the commissioner ofimlllig;ll&'tiOH·21iZ the port at arrival andvlthe ·C($b!1lll}iSSi0ll€!‘ Gc;ié;‘al_0f·t Immigration to me Secretary iof and the taking of such appéal‘ '"shall lmcratc to stay any action ixrrcgaxitl `to the iiualcdlsposal l of any*is_lsp appcaléd until thércccipt by tha' A cafamissiouer ofNimmigx·ati0a at tHe tport of arrival of auch decision wéich ghall be rendered _§0lel_y» updu the evidenéé ad~- duced bct0r:§ the-bmrd of special inquiry; In cvcrycase where c ai: allm. lg ckcltlded {TOR]-t&dDliSSl·0!l lhto the United Statea, under any law ortréaty .110w existing- or hci·caftc`E made, the decision of at board of special ·lnquir;§· `adiicrse to" the aelmissloxf _ of auch a lle11.sl1all‘·bc Baal, runlcas :rc€:@·ts¢*d on appeal to that . Secretary cfilabors Tha dcclalon of ia° board ot Svéclal itiqulry L jséljlall upon the ccrtiiicatc ctthe cxamlniugl medical

 {>m<=·i·`ax1il, éxcept as provided in section 158 of this title, shall

iw final as to the tejcctioaof aliens affected with- tqbcrculqsls la any form 0; with a loathsome nr. daugewais cciitagimts dl~>¤ea`sa, cr with any nécutal cr phyaical» diaability'·1vhicl1 would bring siich aliens withirgnuy cf.the classes exclutltwl from admiasionv · to the Pulled States imdcr section 136 of this title. (Feb."5, ‘ 1912, te. 29,»§17,.3§_St§1t.iR87.) . ·A lt ’ · · · 154. Immediate depbrtatima of aliénalsmttgltt in wjiolaticm ‘ of law; coqof mainteiiance andQrctm*¤;——Al1 alierla bl;é)ll{Ihft0 W Maia c0u11tr3{_i’t1 violation of law ahallvbc yinmiedlatcly Scntc hack, in £:cc¤»;i1ml;·lati0us`of(the same class- lu wliicll they nlrtlvccl, ·i'j1}·tht! ·c{»u·:1trylwl:cncc they respcctlvclyfcamc, 054 i11Q_"\’Q$SQlS‘ m·irf1;:iug_ them. unless in tlacicpiaiefn ·0f tllé Secretary; G! Laliurd imnwdiato 4l(‘fl6I`lllti0!`1l is n0t practicable cr p;*0p~cr. . The cost mf llwir iuaiaitenxaixcc while 0t1__lax1d, as wcll as .tl1c cxpcnscr ia? Li!0'{;(*U}I*ll__0f·SI]`("ll` nll¢¤¤a,·sliall bcbsprue l>yJtl:cg_ 0wn•f~i· at mvxwxw;. of tllc *\'t.'$i-S(‘lS·0X1 wyhichi they`; resficctivély `cunic. It


 N   1,,5

mall be 'unlmvfql for any rixmtér, Wpursm, pcremn in };i—h,,;~r,, ~ agent, owner, or consigueq of any such veswl tg rgmlmto }Q,.€,;__.`Q ` back vpn board tigamot, orY0n bo¤rdQ»£ g¤y-g;y;er "eSS_€1 U“;“.H1 . _ 0;- qpemged by the same int€.>t‘%Ls,. S¥r1¢k»nl iens; or to 13,;; ’,,, ‘_` detain ;¤<.;¤y,;1» ereon; cy to refuse or Init to·retx zz-u tm·m in gg, — ma1111er'&fom$ai—¢1 to 'the foreign port {rmi; which ’g};gy _,.,m-“,». gr to fail uypay the past of thei1‘ m&i¤tena:2é:e whike 0;; ynimt · gg to make guy, ch:1i·ge_-ffor me retum of anyggqh §_um_ by U; mkg gmy secm·ity__for the payment; Gf web rharge; or {Qi {gm,. any e0usidct'a§»~i0n.·t_6.b€V1‘€}i\#I’B€$l in QIEQ thesiién i$··13m§.;;;' or kmawingly to bripg tq the United States at amy tiing »,·,·3m,,

 mm year from the dateof deportatkm ar}? ahem :·ej€qu·q (,,· gg,
 i;·estcd  aixd dep< >rted· under amy pmvisiqn  =:f '·this sum-;m;,;,,·_

unless p1·Ai0r_ to reembarkatipn thé Sé=cremry"<1t I.»ab~u1·» hm; ,4;;,;,Q sented that such a¥ien shall hréépply for admissiim, g,,.;·9;l,];;.!,,l j by section 136 of this title; and if il shall appear to the $:;;;,5- faction-of t;l1e Secretary of Labar that such `musteer, puma-; person in charge, agent; owner, Qt. Qcnsiguee ¥iblat edi gm? A of the, foregoing provisions, or any of thé prcvisimxs of swtiuxx 151 of this title, smh H1as{et_, pufsef, perzior; ; in charge. ‘§g{—m_ owner, or cousignee shall p¤y·t0 the_-€9ll€€t0r. cpt cu.s {¢>m;¤—.,..i ` the district in évhich the pcrt of grrhal ié located; gx in `v.·hie·11

any vessel of the_ line xgmy be fou¤d,[ the sumbf for »

pack and every violation of any ptovisidn of said secticms; zimd no vessel Vsha11_ hziée élearzmcé from a¤3»*_1¤u·f;>f the Cum.; - Stdtes while ":my such tim; ux1bai¢\_m»r_ shaii such fine mr

- x*cunitted"e$r refunded.; -Pg·m:idcd, Th§{_C]€&l‘8}}£‘€. may be gxtzmml *

·I)l`iO1‘·.t0 `t‘l;e_?1étei·miuat—im; di sucgh quéstion.-upqu the elepmix with the wlléctor of custmhs of fa sum saiiicient t0·•;·m·e;·` sm·h»·' ` finet Ifé the vessel by .whi<*h\ z1i§y a1ie;n` ardered depmic;1 egzzme

 1;as_left the United States and it is impmé·tic·&b1e.t0r.any·_ r`·z;é{»;;

‘·t0 depoxjt. the"z1Iie¤·- within; a reus0x1¤bIe`tfme- byTmmt1mr \`P#¤r·} ‘ owned by thé same `interests, thé costpf deportation xxmji be _- paid by. the Govgérnrheht and 1*c~c<>vercd"by `civii snxit frum.:i:;;,· ug¢§¤tQ ‘Q\\fI1€1‘, jot ccjhsignee of thai vessel-: Pg¢0pideé_ [mum-, That the Commissioner Geuenjal I1mhigx·ati0u,_with thézsp. pmvul bf the Se¢ri·t:_u·y f)f.L¥lb4f1‘, may suspend, upon i<%un• iisiu:1s to be prbscrilmd DQVUIQ-.C0}B!HiSSi¢}H0P Gonexjal lp! Immizrmiozz, · the_.déD0rtatI0u`~‘0f QHY aliens 1'0{md t0,b¥}ve·‘c¤me’ in x·i¤»Iati*¢»zx·

of a11y_-provision of thié sixbchaptéi if$‘” in hisjzidgmént, my

tésitimrmy bt sinch alien is niegessarymi behélf obfhe Exim! _ States Government irytiré.pro$ecution‘—cf_cffeixders againsf any provisioix of tlxissnibchapter or bthérv laws of the Unitm} s tan»§: T-

mdj.tI1e éoét of izmingyxancé pf-any? persim so detained `re~§u¥t;

`ihg frqm'.su<·11 suspension of giepottatioxy agd av witness fcc; inf the sum of $1 per_ day for each day such pérsexui is so do- . tained, ma§$é paid fmm tpé apiiropgiiufiéu forgthe 0ufe>rcé'rm·szs of this subghnpter`, dr-·such_—alic¤ may abc. réleasgd \Bld€‘f !R*1l•],_· an the ;ic·n_z1lty 1qt nps; less man {Sui), gvittyseeurity appr·»v¢·#1 _ 'by` the "Séc1igtm·y of Labmg- wnditicmeej that sud: align slum bé produced when required iasla yvitness and for°deport:z:i·m. Nialivh `cortitfed, as provided i11 `sectian 152; of tliis tit!e·. w be sut’1’criug_ fmm tuberculosis in` any form; or fxgum xi I·»mh~ some or dangerous ccmfugigqs di:=msé.nthor than gisxq of qxxcxmgziinablé_nuf11'i·e.»:;}xéll hé pérmfttcd tb i$ll}d‘t0P`Il}0(H€&l tl°(f2l{I!li*§kF _ tl 1ere0f”in any h0:£;iit:1l in the-United States, mnléss t1mS{·4ere~ ‘ till'? of Labtir js satisfied that tn_ refuse tygigtnxexzst, w•¤uM ¥*{· illhlllllané QF (·aus0 \lll_ilS\l![] ]l`{ll‘(l:;]lii) crt suffepingw ir}-\‘·‘}¤i·‘h case the ali€u shal1`l»c;tre2utvéI in the lmspit;1l»_mnde;·r {Tin szzpm- {vision, of the immigr:1-tion miic·juls at the nxpexxsé nr the x·;—»5\,—% _ traxnspqrtiug him: I’r·o z ·i¢£$! fu;·ther,rT1mt gipgma the ('f‘}'Ii'!ii’i1Y*‘ hfari Vexa1ni·niug*·1m»g`tical;0iIi;·m· to the e·§e·ct {hqt the lwzvlzix or shféty of am iwaxsc ;1li<;n wm1ld hcmxduiy igxrpérilfcd. lssv im 'mcdiute d¢~p<u·tzn·ti•m, such ation may, at the oxpvrme of ;l:·= ·appi·<»prisit»imn fur Hl0'CIlfOl;i‘(2IIl(‘lHf of theimyg r;~gulaztix1g.i!¤1li¤?· _gra_ti'6u.of alipnxis info i;hé_ Ux1it0d.St:1t¢?S. bk1·.h¢>l¢l for_tr0:1tnu·m iimil s<·ur·h~· time; as sm2·h qtion may. in who npfuimi- of sum mmi-_». .(‘2l1‘0Hi<'€1`, bc safely duportcgii I·r¤z·i4u=d `furtIe;·.•·,—· That u1·•·¤»