Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1523

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"“w1569o— ovw `~~o·T<·~oo·#—-—~~·~ —— T1 TLB 46.- Class 1, Leu mah twenty-dx-feet in length. ' Glass 2. Twentwsix foot or over md loss thamiorty feet in; tmgth. — _ _ M , - . . Class 3. Forty? feet or over nm} not more than slxtrtvh feet. in mgm. (June}, 1910, _¢. ms, l 2, so sm. 462) - _ 513. Lighté.-·-—-Every moto: boat in all weathers from sunset to sunrise shall carry the following likhts, and durifng quch `time no other lights which may be mistaken for those pro- éoribod shall · be exhibited. ·` " _ ‘ (a) Every motor boat of 1 shall carry the following “ lightSZ · _ l '· ‘ .‘ _ ’ First. A white light aft to; show all around the horizon. ` Second. A . combined lantern liu the fora part of the vessel} mad lower than the white light aft showing green to _ starboard and red to port, so Bxed as’£o throw thollght from right; ahehd to two points abaft. tho lbmm on rwpeck tive sides. l * l , , " _" l ‘ j (b) Every motor boat of classes 2 and 3 shall carry the following lights: `· . · " · _ '_ First. A bright white light in tho {orc part} or the vessel as" hear the stem‘ as lpmcticnble, so constrxibted as to show an uzahrokm: light over an arc·ot_the horizon of twenty points of the compass, so Mod as ·t0 throw tho light ten- points on each side ot the vwsol, namely, from right ahead itc two points `abaft then beam on either side. The glass or lens shall be of not loss than ·to`£0l10wlug dimensionsi '· ·’ Class 2. Nineteen square inches. " Class Bt Thirty-one square inches. _ _ . _Second. A white` light aft to show all around the lgorlzonp Third. 011 the starboard side n xrceu light so ccnsttijctcd as` to show an tmbrokou, light over an nrc. of ‘ the horizon or ton potato of tho compass, so Qxéd as to throw tho light from! right ahead to two pointsmibaft tho beam on the starboard side; On the port side 1 md-light so oonstructodl as to show an unbroken light ow: my orc ot the horizoh of ten points of the compass, oo Bred as to throw the light from right Ahead to two points nbaft the beam .011 the j port side, The glnosm or lexisés lo tho uid side lights shall bo. of not Ima than" tho tollowiog,'dimo¤é1oi1¤ on motor boats ot-4-· `CIa¤ 2. Sixteen oquore inches. _ t ' Clam; 8. _'1‘weuty··!lvo quam iuchm. All glassa or Icom- by 'paragrnph (b) of this sectiosy shall be Ireshcl or tlutod. The `· éoid lighté "shnll B6 iitted with iubonrd screens of sumcieot `holght and so not as to prevent Fthose, lights tram being soon ocroso the bpw_ ' and shall be ot not lm than tho ·£0l1owing··dimonslous on motor boatq Me- ‘· _ —__ ` Class 2. Eighteen lnchés 10115.. \. t _ t Clan 8. '1‘wem,y·tou;· inche¤ long: Provided, That motor boati as domed in this * chapter, when propelled by nil uid machinery or under mil alone, shall ‘ cénrry tho colored lights suitablj screenx but not the white llzhh prescribed by thla mzaoo. (June s, 1910, ¢.. m. { s, so sm. my * » ‘ · l 514. li » · ¤l¢¤nls.···¥-(9.) Every motor boat under tho pmvb sions at this cbnptc: Vshall be` movideé with n yvhistlo or other pound-produqxig mchautul oppllnnoe onpabla ot ,pgoduciut •, blast of two _•ocom:1i·or more ih duration and ih mend ot mcli boats so pmvtdedfs blast ot it least two seconds qhall be deemed a. prolonged blast within the meam lugotthelaw., _·' ·_ _ _» _ ‘ (b) Every motor boat ‘ot class 2 or 8 shall mrrr an emciexit 1’oghorn."_ _K · · (cj Evory motor boat of olang 2 or 8 skill be provided with an ·omcientWbé1l,`iwh_ioh shall be not less than dght lnchm acmu_ the mouth on board of iessols of glass 8. (Juno 9, 1910,}:. 268, l 4,36_Stat.4%.) · . `· g lo _ _ _ 515. Life presoworg; licenses.-—-·Ever7 motor boat subject to any of tho,prov¥isions_oftl1ls chapter, And also all vosso1s·pro-

-$’~HIPPH¢G, , .. tt pelled by machinery ¤th61’[&.D` by steam more munjdx·ty·¤vo bp fm, in · lemth, ‘ shatllr carry either lite mmcrvmrs ar, life belts, or buoyant cushion, in- ring bncys br cther_dewl¢e, to bo FYBGGHBSG by th; 7Secrctary of C , ¤@1a¤t‘ to sustain allcnt egvcri personlon beam uid gp placed u tb be mmdlly acccssiblb. motor boat; carrying ta!. shall

 one lite praervpr of the sort prmcribed by thermal;-i

tions citbo Board bt;Supervi¤l¤B I to·rs toxsévéy {IBEW sor .cu·:iecl, and po mhibogt while so carrying tl 4. {cr, hire shall bé operated or navlgated except ischarga of • scm dtily llcensed for mich service by the loénl mm at ing ¤De¤t0rs. Ng examination shall be required J the cxmdltkm of obtaining such n llcmse, and dp; { such license shill be revoked or suspended by! the local bmrdl of inspectors for misconduct, gmm pegligeuce, recglemess in j navimtion, tummpgrance, mf violation of law on the part of that holder, and it revoked the persion holding such liéensc shall be lnwpable ct obtaining another quell license for om yur {mm the date at — revcctticni: Provided, That métor `bcats éhall not be required tp cixjry llemlsecl oméers, cxéept as rcquirul in this chapta. (June 9, -1910, c.-268, i 5, 88 Stat. 4%; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, a7sme.1se.>. — _-· . . ' ,516., Mean; of extinguishing burning gaé¤l.i¤~e.—-Every motor boat anal albo every vessel propelled by machinery other than by steam, _ more then 1sixty··llve 'teet lu. length, sliallt cérry ready for immediate use the means of promptly uid eifactually extinguishing bm·blng.ga5olluc.· (June -9, 1910, c. 268, { 6, 36 Stat. 463.)·· .` p _, ._ · 517.. Penalty fg; violations.-—-·A_f6ne not exceeding $100 may be lmpdsed for any violgtlcu of this chapter; The moto? but shall be liable for the. said pgmalty and Gay be mud and proceeded against, `by my of libel, in thqdlstrict courtbt tm United Stntés Ytor any district within which spch tvmel may be Iomldj (Ju¤e"9,_1910, c. 268, 5 7, 36 Stat. 4&.) . 518. Regulations: rchisbiem of Em at penalty.-——·-'jfhe

 dt Commerce bball, make Such. regulations as my be
necessary tcl secure the · proper execution Lot thié chaptéxj by  

collectors bt customs uid other omcérs bt wb; Government. 1 And _ the Segmtnzy bt the Department ot Gommeme my, upbbr ·¤pplicati0¤.the1·é£¤r, mmit cr mitigate any mm, ipmalty, or forfeiture relating to motor boats egcept for {allure 'tb @@876 the iarovlqlqxis ot section 516. (Jules 9, 1910, cl 2%, I 8, S6 Stat, 4%; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, 37* Stdt. 7%.) j _ 2 519. Internntiaml rules far pu-evmtinp c¤lHsl¤m at sea mt 48e¢tcd.———Nothing i¤ this chapter ébnll be deemed to alter or imapd, Acts of `Cougrm embodylng. or `reylsing lntermtslcnal rules for prev9;·ntin: cqlllalqns at mpi {htm $,· 1910, c., 2%, ¤·.$..38SIi£.4@.)';·. [ ~ ‘ __ . . 526. Regtilatimas sg ‘ to certain v@ls `"pmpelled by gas, ‘ Auld, gmphthn, pr clectilc motors.-+¢All vessels at above Stteéa Q tous burden; mrrylng freight or pamcngerg to:. htm, pmmlled by gas, Huld, mphths, or elmtrlc motors, are subjgct to all the prévisltim bt wctibp 404, ~‘mlutibg to` the ipspectlnn · of hulls `pnd b0Hers and requlrlni mziueefs and pilots; and all vessels bo propelled, without tegard to tommgb or usc, shéll be subject to thé~p1•0vlsions ot S¤cti¤¤ 381. relating C8 the regulation at kteam vessbls in pamng eacb_otl:m·; ami tc; somucla of séctlcms , 811 to W, lncludve, 331 and 341 to 851, lnclumvc, of Title 33, N4vmA·rml¤‘ mn Nlvgmlsw Wnmms, relating to" lights, (og · signals, steering, and sailing mlm, as the Ecard of Stxpervialng xuspeccm- » shall, bi their rggulatioug _ deem applicable and ptécticable for their safe navigating;. · (Jan. 18, 1@‘7. c., 61. AJ w Stntllw.) { · { ` Chapter 17.-·-·-·BEGULA[Tl0N OF FI8@RIES. 581. Mmmm tu uhm; voydsc. · \ 582. P•¤•.lt1_:o.x· vlalatlng agreement, · · 688. Recon:} of shares ot tlsh (antler azfeetnent. ll. ESL Dlschnrgn of nucl on bond by owner;