Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1537

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W e — » -» »~ e»—m·z.2 46.. muon shall x*e¤de1~—t1ie.ow¤er liable td {une ot not exceeding $59, (B. 8. I 4§&; June 1384, c. 23 S;a;.·54;‘ Dec: 21. 18¤8..<§·~28._§-·17. $0 Stat-`759·>_  » _ . A , —- 685. Wager an eemyght at seaman.-—Whguever oi: the ¤t_ a seaman in a toreigri céuntry by a consuliis jgcer on his écmylaiut that the voyage is cgmtixmed contrary to agreement, <>1·,t}1at the vase} is_ badly previpiqned or wérthy, oz against the 0m€€1'8`.[01"(!1’\1Q1 treatment; it shall be the du£§ pt _ the consul or consular hgent to institute a proper inquiry intd matte;·,1ni;d,`{up0¤ his being sstis§ed_ otj the truth and justice of such ¢0mp1a‘fi nt,· he shall .require `the master- ta pay __tq such Q seiman one montlfs waiged oié; arid above the Wages due at the time of discharge, and to provide l1i1§ wit,11 adwunlge employment on board some other yessel, or provide `bim with zi passage on boardfsome ·0thei· vcsselbound to thi! pertftmm which he was originally ghipped, or ~t0' the e mcse convenient p0r£"_ot entry in the Umted Slzutcs, or to a port agreed to by (R. 8. Y 4583; June 26, 1884, ¢. 121·, 5 3, _23.Stnt. 54;; I)ecQ 21,>1&8; .c. 28, 5 18, .30 Stat. 760.)_ ‘ @6Q-Certiécates of citize¤shipL+Thc collector of every district sha!} keep a' book crf books, in which, at the réqumt bt any seaman, being a qiiiicn _0f/ the United, States of Ameriga, - and e producing prop! 915 rhis citize¤ship,yautl;L·:ut1catéd liu the mluxmer · hereinafter directed, be shall enteithe name oi! such seaman, ,aud»V shall defivet to him L eertiicate. in' the following iowa; that is way: "¢I, A B, collector ct the`dis§rict dt_ D, do hereby certify, that E_ F, an American 'seamnp, esiged —-e-— yéars,'01· tberenbouts, at the he;ght; ot 4-- teet inches, (dcscribing the said naman aspertiqularly as may be,) has, this day, produced to me proc: in the "meumer directed by law; and ` I Ifdo hereby certify. thattbc siid E F is n citizqdot the United "Stxtes of Audie;. In witnm whereof, I have hcreuptc sétmy hand gud seal ot ombé, this-···—··4-—·4 day ot ·—-;--·--·." It shall be the ·dBtY of the eollectcrs to Ale - and preserve the proofs of ocitizensmpscprcdméed. (R. S. { 4.588;), . » . . e · 687. List of &i¤¤ seamen.-—-The gcllectgoxiot every port of enxri in the United Stem shall send n list ot the seamen-,1:0 _ whom certiwtu cfcitizenbhip have been nggcsa; (mee every three maths, to we Secretary ot Bute, txethéf with an eccmmt ct spd; impr in or deténtidnq ga shall appear by the pwtestqect u19·l¤§8¢61‘8·`¢0 hnvetakm p1ac•. _(B. SQ §4¤m,)` 3 _ ‘ 688. Recovery (qi injury to er “death_ of seaman.?-Any new - mn wm shall ¤u8er personal injury course qt his employ- ‘mé¤t my, ax his election, mamtalp ag action for damages at ini, with the right at but by j\11‘],.l¤d_i¤ such action all statutes at the Uaaigeq Stem mqdityiug or extending the comm¤¤—1nv HW: wr www i¤ wu ¤f www i¤J¤rr tv rdiiwny employees appli; and in can ct theduth `ct any summa as g fault at my ¢u& injuxgythe personal representstive ot meh seaman may up action for damages at law with th Yiihhct trial bygliixy, md in meh action all statutm of United Qtates cé¤fon·in|‘ or re$ulat1¤¢ the iight ot_ nctiqn for death in the cla dt rnllwniemployees shall ·b¤ applicable. “Juribcllcden in meh actions shall be .u¤de1* the court at the dizt1.·ict* an which the deimdaxit employer residu bf in which his wipcipnl nmcé `in located. . (Mu. 4, 1915, `cL 153, O 20, Stat; 115; Juno}, 19%,3:./250, I 88» 41,8tgL 1007.} . — ~ ·


701. Varioiu aiemei; peqaRi•g.-—-Whenever- my ‘ ummm: · who bei lawfully or shy npmentlm to the seg fserviee icommits `ct the {allowing he shsll_ be ymmished as to1l¢.$wq:_  » 4 _ » e ·l‘irst,‘F<>r dwtiau, by forfeiture ct all crux: part ot the clcthmor he leaves on board `nndoteall at my part » ot: the or émolumehts which he hu_ than earned; Y %»»»

—·¢SHIPPING_ —~~—~——·¥—~~-;v §` 703 Second. Fog, ueglecting or refusing; without reasonable cause 1 to join his V€8SBI,0I.’ -to proceed to Sea in his vessel, or, toi- ‘ ’abse¤ce {without leave. at any? time twenty-tour hours

  • of the ,v&s8el*s sailing from any port, either at the c0ihmeI1ce·

· __ ment or during the progress ot the voyage, or for absence at ·. any tixuewithout leaie and without sumcieut mason from} his .‘ vessel and from his duty, not amountiug to dwertlou, by fore > Ieiture from his wageaeof not morepthau two days' pai or. sum- · cient to defray any éxpensea which éha11‘ have been prope1?ly'

incurred in hiring a substitute; _ H ’ . - '

¤_ Y Q Third. For quitting the vessel without leave, after her atl , rival` at the port of her delivery and before I she is placed in , security, by- forfeiture from his wages of not more, than one

 ¥110llth’  pay., I l   h   { · ‘

_ · Fourth. For willful disobedience to any lawful command at I sea, by being, at the option ot the master, pgaoou in irons oettl , such disobedience - shall cease; and upon arrival ‘ in port by e forfeiture from his wages of not more than {ou: days' pay, or, 3f·_·AQ)9.di3c1fefi0n of the court, by imprisonment? for not more . than one month. ·‘ - · . J “A I »‘ Fifth. For hcoatiuued w111z¤1’u1¤o¤éu1o¤oe to lawful ‘ com- , mand ,0; continued willful neglect of duty at sea, by being, at V the optiou of the maste1·,_pla`ced in, irons, ou bread and water, { with full {ations every hfth day, until such disobedience shall cease, and upon arrival in porthy forfeiture, for every twenty- » four h0u1fs’ continuance of such. disobedience or neglect, ot a » ot not more than twelve days* pay; of by imprisonment for , not. mage than three months, atlthe discretion of the court; ` . Siith. Fo; assaulting: any master or mate, byjxuprisoumeut tor, not .more~tha¤_two-years.~ ‘ u _ . _ ~ Seventh. Foi willfully damaging the teasel, or_ embeniing ’ or willfully damaging any of stores or cargo, by forieituro out of his Wages-of a sum equal in amount- to the low thereby sustained, and also, at the discretion of the court, by imprisonment fof not more twelve mouths, ’ , a ` · Eiéhth. For a¤y_ act of muggling for which he ia convicted , and whereby loss o1·_— daméxe is .0¢<=ssioued to tthej master or , owner, he shall be liable to pay auch maateg oai owner . euéh a sum aa is sumcient to reimburse ithe master nor owner for. ·»

 gnch letter da!¤•;¤.‘iaud the whole or ariy part o:,»1»1S`w•ges

may he retained in satisfactioa or on account of such liability, e aud shall be liahlo- to imprisonment for a period ot not _ uibto mm twelve month; iw. gg: Deo. 21, `1&8, o. zag _ Q 19, 30 Stat. .700.; Ma:. 4, 1915, c..1&, {7 38,Stat. 11%.) , f

 702. htry of oKea•o in log book.———Up¤K the commission jot .

_ auy of the offenses enumerated in the pieceding Section an _‘ `entry `theteot shell be made ia the omcial log on the day ,» ou whlch°the offense was committed, and shall be signed by e . the masterand by the mate or one ot the crew; and the ot- i fender, if- still in the vemel, shall, before hex- next arrival at L any port, cr, if she is atthetime ih port, before her departure _ therefrom,-be furnished with a` copy ot suchegmtry, aadhave the L aame read ove: distiactlj and audihly to him, and may there- ,· upon make auch ahreply thereto as he thinks Rt; and a state- , ment that a copy of the entry has been so furnished, or the · L same has been so read over, together vgith his reply, it any; made by the oheuder, shall., likewise M" entered and signed in the same manner. `Iu ariy subooquent legal proceedings the e¤tri@ herei¤before.tequlred_sha1l,~it practicable, _ be produced op proved, and in default or such production on proof the court hearing the case may, 'at its discretion, refuse to xgeceive ovidenee of the offense. (R. S. { 4597; Dec. 21, 1898, o. é8, §·20, ao s¢ac.7o1.) » , c f _ _ . * ~ 708{Duty of consular omcers as to insubordiuation.—It h shall be theiduty of ·a1l·cousular »o@cers to diecounteuance iuo suburdiinatien by every* means in their power aud, where the localauthorities can be usefully employed ton: that purpose, to— lleud thelz aid and use their exertions to that eud ip themost