Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1545

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" 1531 r1r1:.s— 46. e Q; one year, and the remlining ive . for terms o; two, three · fom-, Qye, no slr years, respectively, from the date ot thela qgpoinmeutf the term of each to designated by thei Pres; ,_ dent, but their I¤ 1'8 ahall be {appointed for terms ol! qi: years, except tht gh! person `CIIGE to ml a vacancy shall _· bg gppoigtéd ély for ~the unexpked term . of the commissfBne1 waomhe‘mweeds.· . · ,| l 0 . The commimonerscshall be appointed with one regard ta their aww for the 'e@clent discharge of the duties on ~ them hy this chapter, and two shall bej appointed from the States, touching the Pncihc Ocean, two from · the States touch - ‘*mg` the Atlantic Ocean; one from the Statee touching ‘the»Guh of Mexico, one from the States touching the Great Lakes ant one from the interior, but not more than one shall ‘be appointec "" fromlthe same State. _- Not more than 'tour ot the commlsaionera shall be appointed from, the saute political party. A vacanc; { in the board shall be Elled-#ln the same manner as the orlglnaQ appointments.- No commissioner shall take any part in the con l siderationé or decision. of. any, claim. or ·partlctrlar controversy lun which he has a pecuniary interest. , , ·_ '. , Each commissioner shall devote time, to the duties of- his qilice, and shall not bel in the..embloy of·-or bold any `odlclal ` relation- to any common carrier or other person snbject to this chapter, nor while holding snch .9illce‘_·acq}1i1té any stock 01 hands` thereof or' become pecunlarlly interested in any -eucl1 carrier, . ‘ . __ · . ‘ Y - _, , The duties ot the board may ·be" so divided that under ltr supcrrisionl the dlrectorshlp of/· various activities xnay be assigned to one or more commissioners} Any `commlssioner may be removed Hy theZ President for lnemclency, neglect of dnty, or malfeaéange in Y oBce. A vacancy in the board· shall not _ impair the righttot the remaining members of the b0ard 'tc ‘ exercise all itq powers. The board shall have an odlclal seal, which shall he judicially notlced. J ’ ., W I M · The·._board’ may adopt roles and regulations ill! i‘€$¤rd to .. its procedure and the conduct ore its business. The board may employ within the limits of appropriations mule therefor by`- Congress auch attorneys as lt, nnds neceaiary for proper , legal service to the board in the condnct of its work, or for proper representation of the public. lnterwt in inveatlzationn ‘ made by ltf or proceedings pending before it, whether at the boa:d’¤ own instance or upon complaint, or appear for or l represent the board ln, any case in court or other tribunal. ~ The boaril shall have such other rights and perform `mch other duties not inconsistent with the following chapter, the Merchant ‘ Marine Act, 1920, as were conferred by existing law upon the board in existence on June 5, 1929. » · ” The commléalonere. in gmce on June 5, @920, ghdll hold cmce until all ” the commissioners _ provided- for in this 'section are · appointed and qnality. v (Sept 7, 1916, c. 451, §_ 8, 89 Stat. 7%; June 5, 1920, c. 250,1 8, 41- Stat. 989.) . _ , ` ' 805. Salaries of___co¤missioneu' and employees; detail of ohlcers of military, naval, or other servlceas elrll. seryice rulee.-—-Each member ot the board shall receive a salary ot ‘ $12,000 per aénnm, Thetboard shall appolnt ·a eecretsryfat a salary oi $5,060 pexgannum, and employ and hx the combensv _ tion of such attorneys, odleersg natal archltectd; special experts, » examiners, clerké, and' other employees as lt "may und neces; sary for the proper performance ot tt; d¤tl&· and as may be ¤l>i>r0priated for by the Congress. The President, `upon the ., request ot the board, may authorise the detail ot omcers of , the-mi1ltary,_naval, or other servicu ot the ·U¤lted* States for _ such duties an the board may deem necemary ln connection ,W1thitsbndne•s. , · . - `With the exception of the secretary, a clerk to— each oom- -mi$loner, r " the attorneys, naval architects, and auch special experts and examiners as the board may tram time to Qtlme End-ne@ry toaemploy for the coniluct ot iw work, all em-

t-——SHIPPING· e §‘ 8()8‘ e e, ployees of the board shnll be ¤PP0lnted {nom lists of eligibles P tf to be sugplied by the Civil Service Qomxnission and an sitcom-

— ance wlt_ the serviqe law. _ I — Q ’ ‘

K The expenses not the bosrd, including necessnryv expenses for § transportation, incurred `by. the membersot the. board or by its t I l' ” employees under its ·01'déI'8,; in making spy investigation, or upon-¤m¤1u_¤u.s1pep¤ in shiny fother place? than an the- city\of ¤· Washington, shall be allowed and paid onthe I presentation of 1 itemiied. vouchets thenetor approved by the chalrmsn of the B bosrd. -- · _ - l · . Y - ‘ l . ‘ _ Until otherwise provided by law the board mn'y rent suitable V loffices for its use. _ - f { . , · I ··'1‘he General Accounting Omce ,shall ieceive and examine all I accounts *0f Yegtpenditures of the board. (Sept. .7, 1916, c. 451; l 544, 39`Stat.`729; June 5, 1920; c. 250, 5 3, 41 Statf 990; {June V 10, 1921; c. 18, ”§ 304, 42 Stat. 24.) · {· l o j . , 1 · __ 806; 1`ransfet of vessels to board by President.——Tl1e‘ Presi- , ` dent may transfer either `permanently or for limited peflods r to thebonrd ‘su,éh· vessels belonging to the War /01' Navy De·n partmenf as arte suitable fo1·‘commei·ciul‘ uses and not required

for ·militg1*y or. navgl use ut time of jiaeace, and cause to be

" t1*ansferred‘ to the. board vessels owned by the Panama Raili road Coxnpanvand not i·eqni1ted_inits business. (Sepf.7, 1916, `_ c._451,,§ °6,`39 Stat. 730.) · _ ‘ { / I 807. {Limitation on saIqries.—eNo omcer gp employee of the I United States Shipping Boaid or the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation shall _ be= mid a salary or

’ 'eompensation "at a? rate; per_a1mu1n_ in excess of $10,000 except

the following: One at not to exceed $25,000 ancfseven at not I to exceéu $18,000 emu. (Jnne ‘12, 1922, e. 218, 42 sm. ws;

.Feb. 13; 1923{V cg 72, 42 Stst, 1242; June 7, 1924, c. 292,. 5 1,

_ 43 Stat; 531;; `Mar. 3, 192§, c; 468; § 1, 43~‘Stat.‘12w_.) ' / 808.f Registration, enrollment, and licensing of vessels pur- _ chased, y chartered, or` leased; regulations; coastwise trade.-- t , Any vessel purchased, chartoxged, or leased- from the board, ,' by, persons who nre citizens of the ·United' States; may be y fegistered or enrolled and licensed, or both registered and Q. enrolled sud licensed, as a veml ot the United States; and B entitled the benefits and privileges appertsining thereto: k fkrovidcd, Thsf— foreignybnilt - vessels. admitted to American , registry or enrollment and _. license nnder- this chapter, and

 vwse1s`ovrned_by any corporation in whicn the United States

. is s stockholder, sud vessels sold, leased, or chartered by the Y bosrd to sn! person a citlsen of the United States,;sas spro-

 tl vided in this chapter, may. en@e* in the constwise trade or

the United States while owned, 1€&S€d,_01° chartered by such t Every vwsel purchased, chartered, on leased 1l‘0lIl`th€ board shall, unless otherwise authorised by the board, be operated only under such registry 'or enrollment. and lieense. Such vessels while employed- solely as merchant vessels shall be subjcét to all laws; regulations, _ sndflisbilities governing men · chant vessels; whether the United- States ‘be interested therein as owner, in¤'·_wl`1ole `01‘_ ln 'part,‘ or hold any mortgage, lien,. or other ;interest_tlgerein. · · _ P _ _ _-It shall pe unlawful to sell, transfer or mortgage, or,. except under regulations prescribed by the board,.to_chai·te1·, any_ vessel purchased from the o board or dooumeuted under tho laws of the Unltm States to any person not s citizen of tho United States, *0:* to put the same under svforeign ‘ registry . or Hag, without nist obtsinlngtho boards approval. " R Any vesml chsttefed, sold, trnusferred .0r mortgaged to- 9. person not fs citigen of the United Statestor placednndext ex foreign régistry_or Hag, or operated, in violation of any provision of this section ;shall be forfeited to the United States, and whoever violates ény provision of this sectionlslmll be 'gniltv of s inlsdemeanor and subject to n ilne ‘ot not more