Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/162

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213 § iliiTLE! salawas :·a·;;estetl am} hereafter sash qastas shall eaiatiaae, with me same etieet as if speeiiieally states? herein, far all iiseal gas exeepl; tiissa years fate which qaetas are in esfeet as pma slajmeaaader salalivisie:1 ie) of seetisa $211 at this title, and M shall be iiaal and eeaeltzsive far every inliryaise, tillzxy 26 Elias, a. wt}, § 1153, 43 Stat. 160.) s _ ’ a 1 ` 213. (aa) Persans nat ta be admitte¥i.~a»—N0 ilamigimlt shall las adaiittesi ta the United Statesimless he (1) has aa tmex piseii iaaaiigwatifea visa` er was lsem sljlxbsequientste the issuance sf the izaaaigratiea visa of me aeeempaayiag pa`reat,` (2) is 01 alia ziatieaaiity specified ia the visas in the immi_g1·:1tien visa {Iii is al iieaqaeta immigram if speeilietl ir1—»tl1e visa ig the iaaiaigratien visa as such; and (-·;l)~_is etherwise admissible un<le1 the i-aaaiigratiea laws. S L _ 2 ‘ l ‘ W S _ i_· (b) Readmissiea of legally admitted aliens who have tem- ° Baitarily departed Swithaat visas.~——ln sueh classesef eases am males sacks eeaditiams as may be by `regulaations prescribet __ immigrants who have been legally atlmittetl tetlle United State: aail whe depart therefrom teaigxorasily may be admitted to the liaited States without being required té»”0bt.aia an 'i1nm—ig3i·’atti01 fisi! S “ · · S “ i — 7 (c) Aliens ineligible ~_t0’ citizenship.-1-—N0 alien ; ineligible tc Qiiitiaeasliigi shall be admitted to the United States unless sue! alien S (1} is aclmissiblel as `a ° némqueta immiaraut under} the previsiaase of sabdlvisiea tb); a.(d·), or ·(e) of section 204 of thi; _title,; ar {2) Tis the wife, art the m1marriedA ehild under 18 year: ef age, et an imaiigrant admissible under sueh-subdivision (il) and is aeeempaayiizg or following to join him, or_·V(3) is DQS aa immigrant as cleaned Pin section 203 of this titleik . `. _(d) Alifas iaadmiésibleuander-lclaases 2 and 3- ofsubdivisiqr {a) af this i3$€fi8li.··¥—Tll€' Secretary) of Label- may admit to the Iiaited States any etl1erwise‘_atl1nissible immigraat not agi Qiasible. under élause (2)i0r (3) ofsubdisisiea (a) hi} this sec `tisa, ifsatisaedstiiat such inadmissibility was aetlmewn to and ceald tact havegbeea aseertaiaedby the exercise of areason able diligence by, sash ,immig·raat prier to the departure of tht S ses@i fra`§f iiitbeiSlast· port eatside theallnitetl States aad outsitll iereign., eeatlgi1eu§,territery, mq in the ease of an immigraa eeiaiag fran: fareiga eaatlguaus territory, puter}; aa the applica S lien of iiaaiigraat far admission. - a ». 2 N _ _` _— _ ‘ (e) Same; exhaustion of mriaitted éisas issaabletc quet:

 immigra'its.————-·l<e quata immigrant shall be alluiitted under?-sub

jtlisisiaa (cl} if the entire miiaber at immigi·ation·visas whiél may be tissue:} to quota tianmigraats afi the same, naticmalit; far the aseall year has already been · issaecl. S If such eatin agimlaexyet imxaigratiaa visas has not been·issuat:l,'lthex1 th< Seeratary at State, sipna the admissiea of a queta imuiigran iaagler siulalivisiea (tl), shall redugze by one' —thee_ muixbex·"0 immigxatiea visas which may, be issued te quegtal lmmigtaut we! thasaaie aatieaality during the fiscal year l-11 "whleln sue] ixaaiigiiaat is adsaittedt; but if the Secretary of State‘iitlLlsita ha it ssill net be practicable te make Meh reilaet i0;;i before the_eaat saab _ aeseal year, ·Ill€H;$1l{3h l!iiH1lgI!§Ilt_ shall not beyad zaittieti, _ v_ ‘ , _Q W . A . S , y (f) Fiaes aat tee be remittedaar refaaded.~Nethlug‘ia thi S, sestiaa shall aatbarise the remission ai i·e§un(lfag of aaiile liabilitgz te ~a·liieh‘ has asetlaewl aader seetiaa;216 an this title xmas 2a,i1a;4, at 1901 §·.33,»i43 Stat.1—B1.) S S · 4 .

 214.  _§emz·t atimx; pmeedm·e;_ alieak ehildiea ·xmclar age e

sixteea.-~A11y alien wha at any time afleij eatetingu the Ualtel States is tamu} taliase been at the time at entry aah entitle!

 aaller this slubeliagstaij te enter the United States,e‘sa1*lte b»at·eEre

n maiaed therein fax; a leases time fll8f1_D€l`ll1lf{9d`iBQd&f this sal:) l chapter er gegiilatlens made thereuixller, shall be taken lab eastsaaly aad llepszfteal ia the safael maxmer as ipmvilleel ter .11 tseetiiims 155 aaa liai atltlsis title. The Sesratami of Label- may A xmller smelt, etmditiens and restrictions as te sappart and {rare-a it he may deem aeeelssary, pex·:ait§ permanently to `remaja ia tbl


,51,,3,13 €;?11A1%,£¤ 5>.¥`H{* gy }_,§€1i

g E Iintitocl Smtcc, ec; ciicc clots! Mio, yylten eccer c§,;t;tcr,¢»p,”;,$,»»,,,,,,

 5 of argc was prior tc May Litt, l§,%?,»E»l, t,{#§ll}}i,¥F§ii‘i§}" mlmittcx to  
 Uixitieel Stctcc and who was yvittaic tixclfrzttcti Stctce crt  

l E date, and either ,of ·wh<>ce pttremc tyco c citizera of the yticézm , ( States, _(°Etic,y 1924, c. itil), § 14, 43 iiitct. lité,) j ’ 215. Admission of persons excepted from detieitioc ct icc- 1 `migrant and mmvquota imm fg¥3»mS; maintenance of c;,;,,·,,,,,, - i status.—-~The nglmisciem to the Ustited States of an ctw, 2 excepted frem_tl1e clogs of immigrants by clccee (2), t:;,, 5 (4)] (,5), or (6) of section 203 of thic title, or dccmrct; $5,, gt, , 4:; ntmquota immigrant by subdivieigon {pl of cmtion Qi}4 ,~,,¤ · this title, shall betfor sucpc time ac may be by ,rcgz1l:tt,i¢c,», r prescribed, and under such QGl3(H(i€}!1Sr8$,Hiii)? be by regzzte. _ tione prescribed (inclctling, when tleemedi accessory for acc, - classes mentioned in clause (2), (3), (4), or. (6) of cc:,·titc,i" 1 203, thé giving of bond with sutilcient Sm·ety,»iu sock cetgtzu ,,,,,, 1 cont_aining `cuch conditions cs moy bei by iregclatiom ;,,—,,,

 .SCl’il'}€d   to `iIlSl1I'Q £h&{,;&t th€"€X[}i}`%t-i0HjGf 3¥}£?h UIIIQ (W tjgatgg,

2 faetilure [O4_Dl&lI}[&iI1 ithe status under which admitted, he xriéé 1 tlepart from the United States. (May 25,,1923, ci _19l}, g EQ. _;43 Smt.`162,) r I ‘ ’ _ 4 » A > 216. Unlawful bringing of alien into United - States by 1 water; cpenglty; `amotmt.; clearance to vesscléi; remiseitzia or ( 2 refundment.-g·-»(e) It ehcll be uulawful,,,for'iaoyrpersori, im,·lc,t~ S ing any trtmcportatioxi 'comptmy, or the owner, master, egcm, s- chi1rterer,l0r`Aconsigt1»ee of any vessel, to bring to the Unitcc " ". States by water .f1*0H)` :—my·place: outside thereof (other tim; t foreign contiguoixs territory) “(1'),*any immigrant who does not I there can tmcxpxrea immigration visa`, or (2) any quota fimr¤,i~ 1 grant havingcu immigr&ti<»z1,vié&·the visoyixr which specitécr, 5 ,1'lilI1`i8,S at nonquota iqimigrtmt. _ , V i ’_ , i ‘ - ( (b) If Att iappeors to the setisfactiot1,of the Secretary ot t- Lebor th&fm1y imxxtigrcot hcsi been so brought, such pe·1scu`~—` ·,` or ·trzméport.ationi compcnypor tire master, agent, cvroer, t- clmrterer, or cotxcignee of Many such rescel, chai} {uy to the,_t·t,_l— s . , , e lector of customs of the `custcms districtiiu which the port oi c arrival is [located the smn of $1,000. for- each immigrmit so f- brought, and in` addition ·e. some equal to that-cpeitl by such. ,—·· immigrant*‘.ifor his transportation from the initiizrlpoim of tlcp&rture,`indiccted ig his, ticket, to thettport of ¤rrir:1l.`, com a ietter sum to be_ delivered by thelcollector of customs to the »-I immigrz;ut»»oLt· »v1toSc.,act¤c¤¤:,_cS,c».cccc, , No rcescl shclflre i ti (greeted clearance ipendingftlic determination of tlrcliobility to y· the payment} of Such sums, or while such sums rcmeio unpcic. e except that clexirance maybe priorte the determination e of st;cl§n question iupoxr the tlcpocit of an mcotmt cut§cieist ml t cover ctictl, sums, or- of a bond w°ith_c1imccie¤t— Sec¤:rc» f' the payment thereof approved by the collector of costoms. » s" ._‘(c) ·`Sucb gums shrill not belrcmitted ofrcimxgied, txnlcsss it tx, appeors to the saticfactioh of the Secretary of Latter that steel; t· Person, elm}, the owner, master, agent, chartcrcr, mul tsorisigirtcc sl of the vessselgprior to the degmrtjikc of the vessc1,Lfrom_ therlost

 port outsidethe UnitedtSte.tes, tdgid oot,kr1otv,)e1o—d. could not

_ have accertoiuetl phy the eiercise cz-,t·t»¤,cc¤,¤¤1c·c1t1gc¤cc, (U 5 telnet {the; ixidiyitlixtn trztxicggcrtetf was tm tmmigrc;1t,,iif the time gl ( woe =i1m,ies£ctil. for brli1 ging,cn lmin _ without an tzncxpit*c¤l_ e. immigration ) rise, or (2) that ·thocittdividocl tre:1cportedf~\`t=,cc ' fl, quota iimi1igr::m_t, if the title was imposed for bringing a Quote g (fi timmigramt the rica in (whose iuimigmtiox; vls,·1 cpc¢;·iHed h_il§1`¤>* 3 3 being a umquotle immigrant.; (Ney 26, 1924, c. 190, § 16`·*¥¥ 3°_iiS`f§t.‘1&'3; } i c __ » » ‘ · _, ‘ t- 217. Contracts witlg transportstioniliuec; ruleé gndiregulw »-` tions; entry from,_cp1;tiguooc tcrrit¤ry.+·iE1¤c `qorxnmicsiorzcf on General, with the approval of the_,Secretary of Labor, shall _. - Q here`? twwer to enter into coutrectckith ‘trousportetioqi lines, ·,` for l;l18·,éI§CF`Y eutl iiispcctioné-of alicnccoming to `tlie iinitvdf cf Stetescfrom OP(tt]Z3X‘t}l1_§§}l_`f(}tl‘€%i§§{},(fol1figl}0\l8 territory. c In pre· " . 6 ikcribiug rules msd reguwtioos and mul;ing.,contr&cts for the"' ‘