Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2056

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§237 2*1;:*.:.12 sz.-»Mo.2t1 Principal of obligations for war material sold on a·r<=<lit‘-..-1.. »m»~ $99. SI?. 933. 39 Aecrued and unpaid imcrest at 414 · {MFP Ctlllllllll {lil! 3111111111 to 1)€1C(?H1— . sez- is, 10213; . 401.350.24 .. · - ——--j-·~e-··-——--—-——— $30, 310, mz. 63 _ 'lkytal indebtedness as of Deconxnber 15, 1922-1- a 232, 055, 592. 97 Aaernvd igzterost thereon at fl por ceutum per axfnuni V, from December 15, 10i!2.·to June 15, _1-025 . .,-., 17, 404, 169. é7" Total indebtedness as of June 15, 1025---..;..- 249,459, 762. 44 ltodnct : · _ · ` Paytxnents on account of interest - received betwee11_i>ece1nbe;· 15, · _» 1022, and June 15, 1925, on “ obljafations for war naaterlal-- $3, 442, 346. 20 . - ' Pz·incipal·_ payment of" $172.01 V N - made August 7. 1923, together ‘ with interest the1‘€0¤ ut ·3 D0? centum per annunrto June 15, 1925 --.---. - .---..---.- / — 181.58 , · 1 - __ —-——-——————-—-— 3, 442, 527. 78 Net; indebtedness asof 5nne 15, 19251--.,..--..------- .246,017, 234. 66 T5 be paid in cash upon ciecution ·0f agreement---- . - 17, 234. 66 Total indebtedness to be funded into bonds--.; 246,000, 00 fp The principal of the bonds issued 1'forvthe posfarmlstice indebtedness shall be paid in annual installments on June 15. of each year np to and including dune 15, 1987. on ailxed schedule subject to the right, of the Government of the Kingdom ot ‘Belgiun1 after June"15, 1935, to make such paymeutsiu three} year perieds. The amount ot the etlrst principal installment shall be $1,100,000, the annual principal installments to increase until in- t,he·sixty-secon¢l year the amount of the final principal installment shall be $9,000,000, theujaggregate principal inStaIl¢ ments being equal to theh-total principal- of the postarmistlce indebtedness to be funded into bonds. - - ‘ ` »The Government of the K,lngdcfm_ of Belgium shall hate right to payoff —additional— amounts of the bonds on Jnne.15 or December 15 of any ywr? upon; not less than ninety days` atllseancenotice. ¢‘ . ——», - _ pp The bonds issued for the- postarmlstice indebtedness shall bear interest from Jjnne 15,1925, in the amount; and -011 the dates forth in the foll·owing“schedule: December 15, 19%, `$S70,000; June 15, 1926. $870,000; December 15, 1020, $1,000,000; June -15, 1927, $1,000,000; December P`15, 1927,·$1,125,000; June · 15, 1928,‘·$1—.1To,000;. December 15.- 1928, $1,250,000;FJm1e .15, - $1,250,000; December 15, 1929, `»$1,375,000;·3ane 15, 1930, $1,375,000: December 15, 1930. $1,025,000; June 15, 1951, $1.025,- 0002; `Deceniber 15*1031, $1,875,000; J one 15, 1932,, —$1,875,000: . .I){eeember 15, 1932,. $2,125,000; Jima 15, {1933, $2,1%,000 ;`· cexnber 15, 1933, $2,375,000; l June 15, .1934, @,375,000; ber 15,,1934, _$2,@5.000; June 15, 1935, $,6%,000 tintlle and including June 15, 1935, and thereafter at the rate er 3% pea centtxm per annum, payable semianitnally ~on Jane 15 and De Yeeniber 15 of each year, until the prlnelpal lot aald bonds shall have been paid., · r _ - I M Any payment of interest or principal maybe made at the option of the Government of, the Kingdom of. Belglnm’i¤ any lllnited States Gerernment obligations leaned after April 6, 1917 such obligations tobe taken at par and accrued lntereat., _ (Apr 30, 1920,1;. 199, 44 Stat. 370.) — _ A p “ ’_ t New section. ‘ This 'aeetioa is Apt entitled 'Kn Act- tr apthorlze the settlement ot the in®bted¤ess of the Government o; the Kingdom of Belgium to the Geverninent of thejlnltecl State: of A1nerica," cited tok text. , ~ ., . , A —- 237. Settlement of indebtedness of Czechoslmtsk Repablic te United States.-·——Tbe' settlement ot the indebtednwa et, the Czecboslm;a_k Republic to the United Etatea of Amerieai made bl the World War Foreign Debt Cfoinmisaion and approved b3 . the l’resident upon the*terms and conditions as set forth ,11 .. Senate Document Xxunbered 0,. Six~t,y—~nlntb Congress, Heat aes sion,,,ls hereby approved in general*term.s as followa: ‘ ’ . e . t.

EY AED F12\"AZ\"9G'E 4 The nest amount! of the indebtedness in settlement of the financial differeneeé between the two Geverziments and/or theleagencies, botli principal wd interest, is ·§;s.ed as of June ii}, 1925, at $1 153000,000; l . “A The psiucipel amount ci `the bonds to be dellvered· to the United States .iS $185,071,023.G7, the increase mjer the funded . indebtedness as fof Juhe 15, 1§25,,».being due to the-sma»llerpaymenrsdzluring the met · eighteen years than would have K

 payable upim the basis of the British.-American settlement, j this diférenée-being fuxlded eve:} the rémeaiping fertgi

fol1r yeafs, compounded annually, at the rates of 3 per; cemum -pe1f._ammm up ie and lncludiug the tenth year. and 31,4; per centumpéli ·£1u;1um from the eleventh to the eighteenth year, b0l‘h.inc1usive.% The fvriucipél of the bmxdsi shall be {mid in semiannual installments on.) June 15 and Zbéifmbéf 15 of excl: year nip to zmdalucludixxg June 15, 1943. and thereafter in an'! imal installlnents, subject tc; the; right of The »Cze<:he~slevak » Republic.—aiter June 15, 1943, m makeiysuch pafments za three- · year periods. `Theiirsp thirty·qix· éemiaxgmual iustallmeiits are ·t0 be $1,500,000 each, and are to be mid withimt interest eel Jpqe'15 and December 15 of each year. The remaining ferty- four ihstgllmeu`ts* gre? to be gald ammally eu Jime 15*0f eee}: _ year, with interest at 'l;he_mte •;>f">3$é D8! cexitum per annum lfrom June 15, 1943, payable semiaimulélly ez; June 15 and De-A _ cember 15 ofiegqh yegr. . The flmoxmtéhi the installment eee e in the_nineteentl1`_year is_$1,298,023.07, the annual installments _ lg lricreaee thereafter imtil in the sixtyseceué ycurfhe amount _ “ of the -_HlllirlllSf,8HIIl€IIt will the aggregate in-_ e stalluxenlts beiiig equal tb the totjal face mpeuut. of bowl; te t- be delivered mrmely,, $85,071,02HT. j . I P g _ "» The _ Czeehoeelovake Republic slmll have the right te pay ei'; e additional 'ampunts pfl_ the prineipel of the bonds en Jmze 15 ? or! Deéember 15 ot eiiy year upon not less. than ninety days` f advance nictice. 4 ’ T . é Q “Q — Any payments e t; qxj principal mqy be made at the ii"; , option of the Czeeheslov Republic in any United States obli- · gatiprmlssued after April ,6, 1917,l meh obligafienge to be taken

  • at par ixml accrued luteresi:. =(May 3, 1926, ell 224, 44 Seat:

l ssc.) V »_ -~ `_ t — e V _

 `” New lseetlcm. This, section is an Abt gngitled "A¤ Aet te author- “
‘ Lee the settlement' or the ludeexedneee et_ the cjgeelmelemk Eepemic s

I to the United Qtates of AQ¤x—len,"‘elte$1 te text. _ · - N ’ · 1 238, Segtlemenl "ef indebtedness of Eéthenin te`* United · Stdtu.-—-The settlement of the mdebtedneee of the Republle et ?` `Emhonia to the United States ét Americja, made by me World . · ¢W~ar Ferelgn Debt Ccmmlssieh m1d~_;¤ppmve·d by j:he·P1mide¤t ( upen theltermé and cmzéllzlcns as set forth in Senate Document l` Numbered Til Slxtg—nli1th_C0¤gi·ess, mst l session} ls? hereby » ’ approved in gen’e1·§l»ferms as fellows: I · ~ " ‘ The amount et the indebtedness to be funded. eiter allowing [ Q {mj the cesli payment made by Eethemia, `&BdNth€—C1'é(1lt ee; ent " below, is $13,830900, which has been computed as fellows: _ 3 Principal moan; et ehlligtlcm to be f¤¤cled..Q. .,,. Q. {13, 899; ,14:5. 60 . ' Qzedit allowed for tembless et capge en elnking of _ e , _ rteamahlp Jqhn Buss sunk by a. mine in Baltic See- _1,e.9$2, 923. iii · P - '· _ ·· ’ 12,w6,222.15 ‘ Ixitermt mcmed and unpaid-_ theme te Iilecember 15, ) ‘ ‘_ · _· )~ , 1922; at tlae rate le; pe? centum a. yesr..l...,. ..,.. 1, 7tl¤"&, 219. T3` { _ ‘ Tctal priueipal mel interest necmedknd nnfmld Q W 5 me et December 15, 1922 ,..,l,.., .;..g...;,-.` 13, 831, 4·11,°88 To be bald in cash by Esteem; upon executjcm of . — — agreement ..T.,.,. ..., .. ,_,, .,,...£..,,...Q.,-.L.M,..,, _ 1,-@41* 88

J5 Teml indebtednesé te inte boéds e. 18, 830, 00

y The prlnelpebot the bends be {Said in m1.q¤el` i@llp ments on Ileeember‘eaeh year up te and ixgeludiug Decemq za ber 15, cit: a Hxed schmlule, eubjecit · to the right of the

- Republic of Estlmnla go » make. such beymeuts in three-year

lp¢i‘iédS~* `Thbc Amount `ei the hre; yeax’s» lnsta.llmem;· shell be