Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2403

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2389 uv; Public La.uds—Continued _ Highways, appropriation of land for purpose of, p. 667, § 18 · Homesteads Abandonment of `land, reversion to Government, p. 1336, § 169 — Absence. destruction or failure of crops, p. 1344, §§ 244, 235 -———leave of absence allowed per year, p. 1344, §·231 ———performing farm labor during .VVorld lVar, p. 1344, §236 _ i -—-persons receiving vocational rehabilitation or treatment for wounds, p. 1344, 5 233 -———settlement prior to July 3, 1916, p. 1344, § 232 -——sick‘ness, p. 1344, § 234 e—unavoidab1e casualty, p. 1344, § 234 Additional entry, after commutation of former entry, p. 1340, § 217 ’ _ _ -———after final proof on entry of less than quarter section, p. 1340, § 214 . ' ——-after patenf on entry of less than quarter section, p..13-10, §§ 215, 21Q _ , - _ ———-on land contiguous to former entry, p. 1340, § 213 -————on land in national forests, p. 423, § 507 -———·within railroad limits, patents for, p. 1339, 5 206 Amount of entry, limitation of, p. 1340, §§· 211, 212 Application for entry, aiiidavit to accompany, p. 1335, § 162 . ` -——-—record of applications to he kept by register, p. 1335, § 163 _ ——— returns to be made to land ofliee, p. 1335, § 163 . ———— time of tiling application, p.`1336,‘§ 166 ‘ Arizona. enlarged entries in, pp. 1336, 1340, 1342, §§ 166, 218,_220 — California, enlarged entries in. pp. 1336,1340, 1342, §§ 166, 218, 220. U — j (‘olorado, enlarged entries in, pp. 1336, 1340, 1342, _§§ 166, 218, 220 U ·(`Ulllllll)lfl or Moses Reserve, YVashington, unreserved lands in, p, 1339, § 208 .. Fonninutation after 14 months, p. 1337, § 173 (‘om1nissioners in Territories, appointment, etc., p. 1337, § 176 ‘ I Even sections within railroad or military road grants, entries on, p. 1339, § 204 ° _ · Exemption of homestead land from execution, p. 1337, § .175 Failure to. establish residence, reversion to Govern-` lllt.’lll,.[). 1336, § 169 ° Final proof, regulations as to, p. 1346, §§-251-256 Flathead Indian land, Montana, homestead rights of purchasers, p. 1338, § 188 ° ` Idaho, enlarged entries in, pp. 1336, 1341, §§ _161, 219 ' Indian reservation. entry of land within ceded 'reserva-· tion, p. 1338, § 187 Indians, abandoning tribal relations, homestead rights, D. 1338, § 189 ` . ——-——— located on public lands prior to July 4, 1884, homestead rights, p. 1338, § 190 · Infant children, rights after death of father and mother, p. 1337, § 171 `Insanity of settler, effect, p. 1337, § 172 Kansas. enlarged entries in, pp. 1336, 1340, 1342, §§ 166, 218, 220 — . ‘ Marriage, of entryman to entrywoman, effect, p. 1336, § 167 · —-—Q of entrywoman after entry, effect, p. 1336,- § 166 ————— of entrywoman to alien. effect, p. 1336, 5 168

DEX L Public Lands—Continued · L Homesteads——Continued _ Mineral lands not subject to entry, p. 1339, § 201 Minor veteransof Army or Navy, right of homestead L entry, p. 1337, § 183 L Montana, enlarged entries in, pp._ 1336, 1340, .1342, L §§ 166, 218, 220 . L National forests, additional entries on lands in, p. 1342, L 5 222 - L ———-lands as subject to homestead entry, p. 423, §§ 506. 507 L Nebraska, limitation of entries in. p. 1343, §°224 L Nevada.`enla'rged entries in, pp. 1336, 1340, 1342, §§ 166,

 218, 220 ·

L ‘-————military reservations may be disposed of under homestead and desert-land laws, p. 1339, § 207 _ New entry after loss or forefiture of former entry, p. 1337, §§ 181, 182 _‘ · D . _ New Mexico, enlargeelentries in, pp. 1336, 1340, 1342, §§ 166, 218, 220 - North Dakota. enlarged entries in,. DD. 1336, 1340, 1342, §§ 166, 218, 220 - Odd sections within railroad grants in Missouri and Arkansas, entries on, p. 1339, § 205 _ Oregon. enlarged entries in, pp. 1336, 1340, 1342, §§ 166, 218, 220 I ~ `·Patent' or certificate. proof to be made before issuance. p. 1335, §_ 164. . - Patent, right to patent after two years from final entry, p. 1336. § 165 ‘ - » . Patents for lands in New Mexico held under color of title, p. 2097, § 177 — Payments on claims, extension of time for payment, . - p._1346, § 261 ` —-—— repayment of excess. p. 1347, § 262 —————— repayment on cancellation of entries, p. 1347, § 263 Preference right of entry, successful contestants, p. 1338, § 185 ‘ ——— under enlarged homestead act. p. 1343, § 223 -———Wor1d War __veterans, p. 1338, § 186 _ · Race or color, distinction not to be made on account of, 0 p. 1338, § 184 _ ’ ·. _ L _ Relinquished entries to be open to subsequent entry, p. 1339, § 202 ` Residence and cultivation, disabled veterans excused, ' p. 1345, § 238 · · _ L —-——drought in 1919 as exeusing, p. 1345, § 237 “ ——m_ilita.ry or naval service as equivalent, p. 1345, L ‘ __§§ 239+241 ` L Right of homestead entry generally, p. 1335, § 161

 Sale of incumbra_nce of entries made prior to Mar.

L 1, 1888,.p. 1336, § 165 ` L Soldiers’ and sailors’ homesteads, regulations, pp. 1347, L 1348. §§ 271-278 ` L South Dakota, enlarged entries in, pp. 1336, 1340, 1342,

 §§ 166, 218, 220, 221 ‘

L Stockbridge Munsee Indians, homestead rights, p. 1339. L § 191 " — . - L Stock-raising homesteads, regulations, pp. 134841350, §§ 201-302 ` Suspension of entry for correction of clerical errors, p. 1336, ‘§ 165 Transfer of portion of homestead claim for public purposes, effect, p. 1337, § 174 ~ Trees for planting supplied -by Government, p. 421, § 493 ‘ ` Utah, enlarged entries in, pp. 1336, 1340, 1342, §§ 166, 218, 220