Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2404

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C IN D1 Public Lzmds—("ontinucd l ‘ II!•I1l0SI9t1(.lS——(i¢»Il[1l`lll+‘d , _ Ute Indian Reservation in Colorado, homestead laws extended to, p. 1339,·§ 203 · Washington. enlarged entries in, pp. 1336, 1340, 13-12, ‘§§ 100. 218. 220 · zu- ' Who may make homestead entry generally, p. 1335, § 161 — . _ ' Widows and children of applicants dying in military or naval service, right to patent: p. 1345, § 242 . \\'ife abandoned by 1ll1S@€lj1(]+_l'l§E]ltS of, p. 1337,,§ 170 - Wyomiiig. enlarged entries in, pp. 1336, 13470, 13-12,

 100, 218, 220 · I ”

Hotels. erection adjacent to springs. p. 1399, _§’ 971 _ Indians as parties to contest under public land laws, fees allowed, p. 701, § 178 h O Irrigation by Government _ Adjustment of water rate charges as iinal adjudication on projects and divisions named. p. 2100. § 423h Amendment of existing water rate contracts, p. 2099, 423d °’ _ _ Authority of Secretary of Interior generally. p, 1350, § 373 y · E Boise projects. Idaho, regulations, p. 1369, § 591 Books and periodicals, Secretary of Interior 1`may authorize purehasesp. 1357, § 379 ` . Bureau of Reclamation, assignments of pay by employOQS, p. 1357, § 382. * · -——expenses, chargeable to general reclamation fund.. p. 1357, § 377 ¤ -—-—proenrement of supplies and servCces in open market, p. 1357. § 380 v ———-purchase of books, p. 1357, § 379 —-—- rent of office accommodations, p. 1357, § 378 h . Castle Peak project, Utah, regulations. p.·1309, § 592 Co1umissioner·of Irrigation, appointment and salarys p. 2098, § 373:1 ` Completion of new project or new division, delivery of water, p. 2099, § 423e . Construction charges, pp. 1302-1304, §§ 401-481 Contracts for storage and transportation- of surplus waters, p. 134Ki, §§ 523-520 . [_ _ Contracts with. State irrigation districts for payment of cliargcs, pp. 1305. 1300, §§ 511-513 ‘ _ Dams. construction, p. 2098,, § 411 Definitions of statutory terms, p. 1356, § 371 l Delivery of water todelinquent 1D_.[)3)'I11€ilt of water · rate charges, p. 2100, § 423g - ` Exclmnge of unpatented entries, etc., eliminated from project, p. 2099, § 423c . ‘ C Extension of time for payment of accrued, charges, p. 1357, § 384 · · Flathead irrigation ‘ project, Montana, regulations, p. 1309, § 593 . . , Heybnrn and Rupert project, Idaho, regulations, p. 1309, § 594 _ _ . ' King Ilill project, Idaho, regulations, p. 1370, § 595 Klamath project, Oregon-California, regulations, pp. 13-70, 1371, §§ 001-009 Lease of water power.`p. 1300, § 522 Location · and construction. of irrigation projects, ` pp. 1:;:10, moe. §§ 41"1-422 · North Platte irrigation project, Nebraska-Wyoming, regulations, p. 1370, § 590 Operation and-niaintenauce of Works, authority of ‘ · Secretary of Interior, p. 1304, § 491 -——·-charges, pp. 1301, 1305, §§ 492, 497 _ Operation and manageineiit of works by water users, p. 1365, §§ 4984301

ax 2390 Public Lands———Conti·nued Irrigation by Government¥—Continued ` W Parks, playgrounds, and community centers, reservation of land for, p. 1368, § 569 Patents and iinal water·right certilicates, p. 1367, §§ 5414547 l - i Permanently unproductive lands, exclusion from project, p. 2098. _§§ 423, 423:1 _ · - Reclamation~ fund, establishment and use. pp. 1358. 1359, §§·391-400 - .--Reclamation projects, p. 2098, § 411:1 et seq. Refunds to war veterans, p. 1368, 1369, §§ 581-586 Registers, commissions of, p. 1357, § 381 _ . Registers expenses incurred hy nregisters, authoriza- `tion, p. 2097, § 90· ` — d Return of land donations not needed, p. 1357, § 376 Right to use of wa—ter to be appurtenant to land ll'—F-»l~ gated, p. 1356, §‘372 A h Af Riverton project, Wyoming, regulations, p. 1370, § 597 Sale of. lands not needed for irrigation projects, pp. 1356, 1357, §§ 374, 375 · —_·' Sale of surplus waters generally, pe BGG, § 521 Salt River project; Arizona, regulations, p, 1370, § 598 _. School district, conveyance of land to, p. 1368, § 570 l State rights not'at1'ected_by reclamation law, p. 1357. ."§ 383 A ” - Surplus waters, disposition of, p. 1366, »§§ 521-526 Town sites and lots, e.stabl_ishn1ent and sale, pp. 1367, 1368, §i§ 561——568 · — e —/`/\ Transfer of management and operation of works to ~ water users, p. 1365, §§ 498~501 i - Utilization of land in Grand Canyon National Park, p. 409, §`227 A 7 ~ _ 'Utilization of land in Lassen, .Volcanic National Park, p. 407, § 201 .` U ‘ ‘ . Utilization of land in Rocky MountainLNational Park, p.4os.§ 191 ‘ . . ` Vestt·d rights not allected by reclamalionl-atv, p. 1357, § 383f . ‘ ‘ \\'at·er-right applications and entries, pp. 1360-1362; §§ 431—4-19 - ‘ Yuma proj-ect, Arizona, regulations, p. 1370, § 599 _ Irrigation of drainage companies, rights of way, p.__1397. §§ 045 oai — Land districts and ofiices . Annexation: of discontinued land otiiee to adjacent dis- · triet, p. 1333, § 125 ` Change of boundaries of land districts, p. 1333, §§ 127, 128 — . Change of location of land ofiices, p. 1333, § 126 Consolidation of.lan_d offices, p. 1_332, § 124 — Continuance of land offices when required by puhl_itconvenience, p. —1332,‘§ 123 Discontinuance of land ofiices, by President, p. 1332. · I5 121 ‘ · -4-—by Secretary of Interior, p. 1332, § 122 Entry of public lands in States without land offices, p. 1333, § 130 _ · Otlieo rent and clerk hire for consolidated land offives. p.`1333, § 129 Limitation of suit to annul patent, p. 1411, 51166. Mineral springs, erection of bathhouses, hotels, etc., adjacent to, p. 1399, § 971 . _ Military reservations, see Abandoned military reservations. _ supra · Ohstrnctionof settlement on or transit over, prohibited, p. 1405, § 1063 _Ol`feuseS Agreements not to bid at sale, p. 468, § 113