Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/346

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§ 32 Tzamé 1 shode of sur}: family, or individual liteing out of e family, een re potent te answer the inquiries made in compliance with -th requirements of this clxapter, then it shall be lawful for tb enuxrwrater to obtain the required information as nearly -:1 may be practicab_le from, the family or families or person 0 {persons living nearest to such place of abodeyvho may be con potent te answer such inquiries. It shall be the duty. also c each ennmerator to forward the original schedules, proper} iilled out and duly certified, to the supervisor of his distrie es his returns under the provisions of this ·cl1a:pter; and in th event of discrepancies or deilclencies being discovered in thee scheduleslxe shall use allrdiligence in correcting or supplyin the same. In case an enumeration district embraces all or an part of any incorporated borough, village, town, or city, an also other territory not included within‘the· limits of such·i1 cerporated borough, rjillage, totvn, or city, it shall be the dui of the enumerator to clearly and plainly distinguish and- sep} rate, upon the population schedules, the inhab`itu11ts~_o£ su< borough, village, town, or; city fronrthe inhabitants of tl territory not included therein. N0·e¤t¤mer¤1or`e1m11 beideeme arguuliiied to enter upon his duties until he has receiyed fro; the supervisor of tholdistrict to which he belongs a comnfissio. signed by the supervisor, authorizing him to perform the dutie of enumeruter, and setting fortl1·_tl1e `boundnries of the- division within which such duties are to be performed. (Ma 3, 19I9, c. 97, § 12,40 Stat. 1296.). K _ . _ ·. t 32. Enumeration. districts and ass‘ignments.--'1‘he territox assigned to each supervisor shall be divided-into as ma; enumeration districts as may be né`Eessary to earry outtdtl purposes of this chapter, aud, in the discretion of the·Dlrectof the Census, two or more enumeration districts may be give I to one enumerator, and the boundaries of all the. enumeratie f districts shall be clearly described by civil. divisions, rlve1 roads, public surveys, or other easily distinguishable line Enumerators may be assigned for the special enumeration institutions, when desirable, without reference to the numb of imnetes. (Mar. 3, 1919, c. 97, _§ 13, 40 Stat. 1296.) 3

  • 33. Removal of enumerntor.——¢Any`,supervlsor ot censusma

with the approval of the Director ot the Census, remove an enumerator in his district and dll the vacancy thus causedotherwise occurring.` `(Mar. 3, 1919, c. 97, Q 14, `40_Stst. 1297 -34. Incomplete; or erroneous ” emtmerntion.—Whenever shall ’appear,that any portion of the census provided for this chapter his been negllgently or improperly taken, is by reason thereof incomplete or erroneous, the Director the- “C~ensus may cause such incomplete and unsatisfacto enumeration and census to. be amended or made anewg _(Ml '3; ml!). c. 97, § 14, 40 Stat. 1297.) _ fl 35. Interpreters.-——-The Director of the Census may author! and direct supersvtsors of census to employ interpreters assist the enumeratorst ot tthelr. respective districts in t mmnnerution of persons not speaking the English lanzual but nu authorizations shall be given for suclr employment may llistrl.ct until due and proper euort has been meds enlploy an cnumeretor who cnn speak the language or la _gung•.·s for which the services of an. interpreter would othe wise be required. It shall be the duty of uch interprets to accompany the enumerators and !altht\£ly‘ translate-t lntters’ inquiries. and `the replies thereto, but in no case sha guayjsuch interpreter perform the duties of thefenumernl ` unless cominissiened as such by the Director of the Cenm The cmnpensation of such interpreters shall be dxed by t Director of the Census in advance, and shall not exceed _ per any for each day actuttlly_and"necesserlly employed, _(Mx 3, 1£‘2·;l9,c. 97, § 15,40 _Stat.'129{l'.); ‘ ·. ‘ _ ~ ‘ · 36. Compensation of enumerators; expen¤es.·—The"compeni `tion of enumerzitors shall be determlnedby the Dlrectorof l `Census as follows: In subdivisions `where he shall deem su

3.——CENSU8 332 r remuneration sufllcient, an allowance of not less than 2 new

e ·more than 4 cents for each inhabitant; not ieee than sie eee-

.e more than 30 cents for each eetebllshment of pro<luctie·e ieos- dustry reported; not lesstham 26 nor more than 30 come for »r each farm reported; not less than 20 nor more than 50 oem., 1-j for each irrigation or drainage enterprise reported; and 1u lf cents for each bum end inclosure containing livestock net. on Ly farms. ln other subdivisions the Director of the,·

1: tix n mixed rate of not less than $1 not more than $2 por dur

ne ond, in addition, an allowance of not less than 1 not more se than cents for ench inhabitant enumerated, end.not less mm lg 15 nor more than 20 cents foraeech form and each eetelnnla-· ly meuf of productive industry, reported. In other s11l¤.lix·i.eiee»¤ ld per diem rates shall be fixed by the director according to the n· difficulty of enumeration`, having special reference ·to the ro. gy. gionsto be canvassed and the SD8l*SltY.0f Settlement or emm- 21- considerations pertinent thereto. »_The coxnpensntion elleecml · ·h to an enumerator in any such district shall not be less then $3 ie nor more than per dnyxof eight hours’ actual field work; ad `aud no payment shall be mode for time in excess of eieht m hours forony one day. The subdivisions or enumeration die-- n, tricts togwhich the several rates otcoxnponention shall apply. es shall he designated. by the _Dire<:tor of the Census ut lens: nm b- weeks in advance oi the enumeration. No claim for mileage .1·. or traveling expenses shall be allowed any cnumérutor in either ` class of subdivisions, except in extreme ceseé, and then only ry. when authority hos been previously granted by the Dire··:··r• sy not the Census; and the decision `ot thecdirector. ne to the ue amount due any enumerator shall be ilnal. (Mer. 3, 1919, 4-. :17, or` 5 16, 40 Stat. 1297.) · · an ‘ 37.- Residence of superrisors and ¢hll¤¢l’i£él’8.¥—“`lflllll me

m limits lo!. continental ‘United States `each supervisor to be np-
3, pointed or selected under this chapter shell be nn actual resigg, ‘dent of the district, and each enumerator to be appointed- or

of selected. under this` chapter shell, · so for as ·`pracdmble, lie on er actual resident of the subdivision- within which his duties are to ` be performed; but on enumerator may be appointed it he be ly, on actual resident of the city, township, `or other cxll dlvi¤=ien». uy ot which the subdivision in which his duties are o be perer formed is a part. (Har. 3, 1919, c. 97,} 16, 40) Stat. 1297.) 5 FQ) 88. Paymenf.for_ services on death of anpcrviaoo or enumlt erotot.-—-·In the event ot the death of any supervisor or enum-, in erotor after his appointment ar}, entrance on his duties, the nd Director ot the Census isranth rized to pay to the widow or ot legel representative of such- supervisor or enuineretor such suny ry as he°muy.dmm just and fair for the services rendered by nucl; ar. aupervlsor or ennmerator. j(Mar.j3, 1919, c. `9'I, § 17, 40. Sm.

 ·." •   k*¢ ’ lt

he ‘ 39. Special agents.; appointment, duties, compensation, and to pllownnces.-·—_Speclal ngentsmay be 8[)[iQll1@<3d.` by the Dirotemv he of the Gensns to entry out the provisions of this chon;*r.» ge, sections 3, 77, 101, .111, 112, ond ststutes. supplemental thereto: in` and such special agents shell perform such duties in cen` to nection with the enforcement ot sold chapter, sections, or me statutes ns mny be required of them "byj the Director or sr- the Census. 1‘h_e special agents thus appointed shell receive srs compensation nt rates to’he Bred by the Director of the Dengue, be such compensation, however, not to exceed $6 per diem excovfi ell as . nsfter provided: Provided, Ifhet during the decenniul zor cens iod the Director of the Census may ilx the compennsw ug, tion of not to exceed twenty·¤ve special agents, who shall he he persons of known and tried experlence·in_ statistical, work, nt $5 on amount not to exceed $10 per diem: Provided further, Thet L1'. the Director of tho_Census_m¤y, in hishliscrction, fix the connpemntion of special agenm on "a_ pioce·price basis without limiie- tation an to the nlmount-eerned per diem: And provided fgorfhcr, he Thnt .the gpecinli nients appointed under this section shall be wh·{j,_o¤titlod ‘to necessary traveling expenses and pn allowance ill