Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/347

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_ @11LE 1; pl M sullsszistuuce not to cwueel $4 per sliem during; necessary gggwg,.-.» {rum their usual places of residenee; but nu pay 0; .V;;»¤:z¤»¤·e> in liuu of subsistence shall be &ll0we2s;1 special agents ‘  »; ¢·m;>¥¤·>yesl in the Genéu¤_OtH<·u on other than the speciu; xm mmuaitted to them. and no appointments ot special agent; _; j be made for clerical work: And pmvidud further, That QQ mre<·t<>r of the Census shall have power, and is authorized

l Wins szpocial agents to assist the smxpgsvisdégs whenever the

,_;_ Q, {loom is proper, in connection with the work at preepamtim it it ~r 4lm·ing`the progress of, theeuumération or in ccmnectim {gy; it me rucnurxicraticcn of any glistxict or a part theréejt; or 114 Ma, in his discretion, employ for this purpose uriy of the pcr wml: or tcrmlcjrgary employees-of the Census Oilice; and the 1;. iu! agcxats and employees of the Census Oiiice 'su aupoiptm .4;- ¤m;·l<»y¢·el sha1rperforru such duties in COIl1l€Cu0H·With’t11| lm z·<-vnncxii of this chapter as may be required. olthem. by the 1»é;··»t·mr of the Census or. by the supervisors of the districts te ·u.§;€s*h they arc assigned, uml 'Whélln engaged in the work 0; (·lsl1¥!§L‘I'8Yi{}H or reenuu1erutiou·_shal1 have like uuthdritj wifi

¤mitg»urforn1 the sums duties as the cnumerutcrs in, respect t<

ma subjcxrtts coiumittcd tb them umlcf this chapter. (Maxj. 3 ww, 4·. 97, § 18,40 Stat; 1298.) -. ‘ . ‘ 40. Oath cr` airmation.-—5—Every supervisor, —supervi$0r’s _<·1·~;·};, enumcrutor, interpreter, special ugént, or otheremploycn ~E;;¤1i mkc and subscribe t0`an 0ath‘0r aiiirmation, to. bcpre t wml llylthe Diréctc:?_of_ the Ccussus- (Mar. 3, 1919, c. 97 = sc»_ -10 Stat;_1%8.)- ._ 1 · .' 41. Qualmcatiou of X employees.-·-All appointees and ·_ em pm ws qsruvided for in this chapter be appointed 01'_€§D

•l<·5.‘n·<l and examined, if-éicamination is required by this chap

· my sold with reference to t.heirf§_the9s to perform the duties l`•·{gl1lI'(‘Jif them. `by the prcvwobq 0{this chapter, aud withouw x-.-;4—u·m·c to theirpclmcal party 'niilllations. ‘.°(Mar. 3,; 1919 .-. :•T, §'19, 40 Stat;1298.) , · n {2. Enumeration; commcnccnicnt and mmplétioul-——-The m·nm·mti0¤ _0£ the population required by section 21.»sha1. t··· mkcu as bi the lst day 0{‘J8l1B§l‘Y‘, and it shall bathe (my of each cuumcrator to comméuce the enumeration of hi: <i§<tl‘i¢·_t on the day folloiviug, unless the Director ot the Census iu Ixis’dis01'etid¤'S11&Il defer the anumeraticuhl s·ild..distric¢ is rcuson cf- climatic 0:: ·`ot.her conditlous which would ma. 1··¤·i;;lly imer£ere.with the proper conduct qt_ the work; but in Any event it shall be the duty of each énumoratcr tc pmmre the returns hci·ci¤bcfore_ requir&· to be made aud to torwim silo same mths supervisor df his. disfrlct within thin? daya m·m like cdmmeucement ot tlge eqnumémtiou ct his ilistrlct 1'mvidcd, That in any city hnviug twothousatuil Eve bundrsu iumlllimuts ar mum under tm-preceding ccusuu the cuumera mm ci the population mall be ccmplctm within two weeks Xxiug; me ccmmcucement thereof; (Hag. 8, 1919,1 c. 07, S 20 ·1ilSt,a1§;._1298,) .‘ · ·_ · _ 43. Rcceivkg compensation. for appointment; ‘pcnalty.-—-L my pc;mqn sha1l‘rec1·.ive axxgccurc w' himself any fac, rewarcl wr 4:mup+.:usud9¤ is a consideration for the appolutmumt 0_r em

l.;u;·n1e>ut of may person as auqecvisor, enumemtor, nr-clcrk,."m

uxuer gmployee, o:·.shall·i¤ any way receive or secure ta him wif auypnr: ot tbehcompeznsatism paid to au} supervisor, em: mcrat0r,—c1crk, or ctlic? employee, he Qhull be deamadl guilt; gf u fclcny, and upqu couvictlcm thexjecfslmll be Erm} not mom than $3,000 and bc imprisoned act more than ilvc yeurs.` (Max . 3,1919, c. 91, { 21, 40 Stat 1%9.) ` w ° . ‘ 44, Oienscs by aécinlg.-··—-Any s1mm·vis0r, super vi»=m·Zs· clmjk, euumeratuf, lntezrprctcx·,· special ‘ag·cut, ur othea €·mpl05·eg whe, having taken and subscribed the oath. `sfiomce 'rcquired by [hiS`{3h3]lt€i'; shall, without jl}ij§l§i¤3bl€’ cause, mag l•·<;·t or refuse to pcrform the dutics.éuj0i11cd·¤n him by-thi; vlmptcr shall_be dccmcd guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon u:·‘uvi¤;tiou thereof skull be dug:} not exce<.·di_¤g $500; or it the

ss-, cameos at § 46 V shall, without the authority of the Director of the Census, puhr lish or communicate any informationcoming;into his possession s · by reason of his employment under the provisi<»ns‘of this chap- 1 ter, section 111 or statutes supplemental thereto, he {shall be s guilty of a felony, and shall upon conviction thereof be fined not t to exceed·$1,000‘*or be imprisonecl notto exceed two years, or , hoth so fined and imprisoned in the discretion of the court; or e_ if he shall willfully and knowingly swear or nflixdn falsely as to 1 the truth of any, statement required to be made or subscribed 1 by him under oath by or under authority of this chapter, sections 2. 3, 77, 101, 111, and 112 or statutes supplemental thereto, he shail - ,be deemed guilty of perjurygand upon conviction thereof shall 5 be fined not exceeding $2,000 `orjmprisoncd not exceeding.-; the i- years, or both; ·or it he shall` willfully and knowingly make n ?· false certificate or nilctitious return he shall be guilty of. a B felony, and upon conviction of either of the last—named odenscs > e-he shall be Hned not exceeding $2,000or be imprisoned not ex- F ceedirng tive, years, ·o1·'b0th; or if any person `who iis or has l been an enumerator shall knowingly or willfully furnish or J —.cause to be furnished, directly or indirectly, to the Director ·» of the Census or, to any supervisorof the census any false ‘ statement or ‘falsc" information with reference to any inquiry 5 for- which he was authorized and requlrcdto collect informa- 9 tion he shall he guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof e `shall be. ilned not exceeding $2,000*or be imprisoned not es- '• ceeding five years; or both, (Mar. 3, 1919, c. 97, 5 22, 49 Stat. 1299.) _ . t · I y ` . 45, ·Duty to furnish correct information; penalty.--It shall ° be the duty of all persons over eighteen years of age when re-

 quested by the Director of the Census, or by any supervisor,

S enumerator, or special agent, or `other employee of then Census t Omoo, acting under the' instructions of the said dlrector, to ’· answercorrectly, to the_hest_ of their `knowledge, all questions I5 on the census schedules applying to themselves and N tol the · families to which they belong or are related, and to the farm I or farms ot which they or their families arethe occupants; B. and any person over eighteen years of age who, under tlk eens ditions stated ln this section shallretuse or willtuily neglee;. 5. t0` answer any of these questions, or shall willfully give an-

  • 7 swers that are false, shall ~be guilty of a misdemeanor, and

· upon conviction thereof shall he dned not exceeding $100. 1 And`it· shall be the duty of every owner, proprietor, manager, 9 superintendent, or agent of a hotel, apartment house, boarding l or lodging house, tenement, or other bu_ilding,_ when requested S) by theblrector of the Census, or by any supervisor, enunserr 1_ ator, special agenthor other oznployeefof the Census Onice, act- 1 ing under the instructions of the said director, toffurnlsh the sj names of the occupants of said, noten, apartment house, board: 5 lngnor lodging house, tenement, or other building, and to give

  • . thereto free ingress and egress to any duly accredited representative ot the Census Omoo, so as to permit, ot the collection

f of statistics for census purposes, lncludlnsthe proper and cor-__ t, rect enumorationnot all persons having their usual plaee ot — abode in` said hotel, apartment house, hoarding or lodging r house, tenement, or other buildingjf and any owiicr, proprietor, Z· rnanager,·_auperlntendeut, or agent ot a hotel, apartment house, t- boarding or lodging house, tenement, or other building who p· Jshull retuseor willfully neglect to give such information or e assistance under thegconditions statedln this section shall he ·_ ·g·ullty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall he ` _¤ned not exceeding $500. (Mar. 3, 1919, c. 97, § 23, 40 Stat. P `46. Causing Jnnccurste enumeration;. penalty.-—·And it is e made. unjawful for any `lndividual,. committee, or other or-

 ganization of any kind, whatsoever, to odor or render to any

s supervisor, supervisors clerk, onumerntor, .lnter`preter, spoelnl

n` agent, or other officer orQ..eruployce~of the Census -0meo en.

e dgaged in making an enumeration of population, either di_n·o;·t1y