Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/426

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` \., \ . § 37 L t —\— a·12i1,s’16.-s-co; of the Arlington Hotel Company, at Hot Springs, Arko.nsas,,—o1; wth terms aud coxrditioias as he may determine. , No lease { — _ made hgrouadai· shall be for axlongor period than twenty 'yoars. \- (Aug. 24,1912, lc. 355, Q 1, 37 Stat.€_459.} · . ,. e ` Y—sv1.fsami use of free. lia»thhousas_ limited.-j4·Only persons wyho. are without and uhabla to obtain the means to pa_y`fo1· baths and armsutfforiug from ailmorlts for which bathing; in tho watorof tho. Hot Springs National Pax;k_ will affordfrolicf or affect it ouro(shall·bo pérmitted‘i,t0 bathe at tl1a‘froo‘ lgaathy "'hoasa in said park at"Hot. Springs, Arkansas, and befoio an? porsoa shallbo pamilttod tohatnho at said `freo bathhouso. on · the rosot·vatioa.ho shall bo'roquirod` to maka oath, before, such _ o§oer `daliauthorizod to tadmiuistopi oaths- for general por- . posaswzs the supoxjiatondaxgtiof tho`H0t°Spi·inga Natioalal Parkshall designate, `that he is, without and uuahleto obtain; the moans to pay for baths, and any person desiring to batheat tho free hathhouse on the Hot Springs Natiohal Park making a _ false oath as to his Hmmcial condition shall be deemed guilty `of `a aaisdamaauor and upon éouvictlou thereof shallhe subject

 to a ana of not to excised $25,`o1·,thirty days’ lmp;·isonmol1t,_,oij-— -·

.botl1, (Malt. 2, 1911, ·cQ 200, 36 Stat.·1015.·)`· j' · . -` · " ·

 ‘372.· Sans; laws, operative withi¤ judicial district of

if Ark•§aas.;——Thc portioxi of the Hot Springs N.[0UDI£ti§l_._1{BS€I‘-_- vation in the State of Arkansas situated aud `lying Zwithih boundariw defined as follows, " commexxciug at stoug gxiohumcxlt. ggamharod 7, sat apoajtho wast_1ine· of-BcScrve Avenue and ’ marking thelbouxzdaryllino of Hot sppmgs Mountain, and run-· ning thence lx: g ¤orthwos`tol·ly, -dirootioi·: to a 'poiat upoo the soath`liaa»·o1' Fountain Stroovto, a stogao moriumoht lmxmbercd 42 and, 11l8.1°kj1H$’.£hB boundary line of Hot Springs Mountain; lhaaco along thosouth linoof Fountain Street/t0.its ·iptarsocfi0n_· saith Central · Avenue of to stone monument numbered 33; _ thomas soizth along the .east_lino ‘otQ·Qontral. Avanuo to ivvholta

 same is iatorsoct~od· by _Rasarve Avenue at stoao uiouumlmt

uumhored 30; thon·€o‘along the north Boundary liné `ot Rosorvé. ' Avamga tojstono monument numboral 7, the' pol·gxt~o£ oommeucé; " xaant; all in township 2 south, rahgo 19 west, ln_ tho county of ` Gailaad aad Stato of Arkag1sas,‘,aud‘_also ?bloo`k‘_B2 being a part of tho permanent United Statw Hot .Spr_:ings National ’ Park,’¥_ oxj Withlh such boundaries as mayjba dsilfnod hereafter, shall he undo; tha solo and exclusive jurisdiction of the "Unltod. ‘_ States, and all laws applicable to places uhdor auch aolé and l ·oxélusiva`jarisdicti,oa' shall have juli force and cdoctftherolm J Nothing ia this sactloa and Sections 373 to*383,'o£ this title ; shall -bo so construed tas 'to £orbid_·tha `sorvlco withln said , saahaaaaa of any olvll orcrimlxial proceas ot &llX'C0\1lYL·hh\’· lag jurisdiction, in the, Stata of Arkansas. .AIl fugttlvos from? a justioa taking xafaigo within said houndarios shall, on duo ] application to the axocutlvo of said State, virhoso warrant may -3 lawfully withio said territory {or said purpose, ·bo,suhjoot_. 1 V to tha laws which apply to fugitives from`justico found in the j Stato'o£,A.z·kaasas.' Said sootloa shall not be so construed as to 4 ` i1Llt9l'£i3!'é` with tho right to ta; all structures and other property! ( in pflvato owaorshlp within tha, boundaries aliovo `doscribod, g acoordodito·tho Statolot Arkansas by soctioa 365 of this_titlo hg ' aud_tl1o'ahove·dosorlbod portion of8Hld·p8»l'k shall coastltato fz a part of the oastora United States sjudlézial district of Arkan-` ( 'sas, ·&I3d·H1€,(]iSt1‘i(!C and cltcult courts of the Uultéd Statoslin ; and for said district shall havo`jm·lsdlction of all offonsos co¢—‘ 1 __aall}_g§,withla said·bouu<ll1rios, (Apr. 20, 1904, c. 14§0,·§l 1. 2, o 33i_Stat. .187; 3-optl 18, 1922, q:. 321,.42 Stat. 84].) " ja 373. Samet injugios to prop¢rty.—¥——¢A.ny porsou who shall, ·; within the tract moatlouad in sactioa 372 ot this tltlo, coiumlt ; any damage, injury, or spoliatloa to·.o1‘ upoa any Qbulldlug t toaco, hedge, gate, iguldepost, _ troo,' wood, `uadafwood, tlmbef, I gardoa, naps', vegotablm, plants, land, springs, mlixoral do- I posits, natural corioaltlos, oz 'othoi matter or, thing growing oy s being, thoiooa, or situated tlloralu, shall be daomod guilty dt a c

\ NSERVATION ‘ L 412 misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subjggt mw a fine of not `moreothan. $100 and `bc adjudged to nlllmsts , of the procecdingsm (Apr. 20, 1904, c. 1400, °§ 3, 33 Stat,181) f _374. Same; taking or use of or bathing in water in viol.·z·· tion of rules and regulations.-—-—Any person .wh_o shall, except in conxpliance with such 'rnlea and regulations aa"' the; Secretary of the Interior may deem necessary; enter or attempt to cutfox ‘ upon said tract, take. or stteinpt totnke, uso, or attempt xt, uae, bathe ln, crattcmpt to· bathe ·'in waterot any spring . located thereon, or without presenting, satisfactory er”idom·tj ‘ that he o1··s_he (provided he or she is under medical treatmenf; ” ta the_patient of a bhyaician duly registercfatlthe omcé of the; superintendent of the Hot'Springs Natdérnzil Park as one.qmu»i- tied, under snch rules which _$e Secrctnry of the Interior muy. haremade. or shall mnkeytb prescribe the waters of gthe H·.¤t_ . Springs, shal1_be`deeméd guilty of a. misdemeanor, and, upon Dconrictiou tI;ereof,qsl1nlI.bc._subjcgt to a fine of not more than $100; and be `adjudgedtocpay alLcosts’of the proceedings,. im, physician who shall engage in the solicitation of patronage .~ through the medinm of drummers, or. otherwise; shall be or _ remain thnsrcgiétered. If any person no bat.hing,,or1¤em;»t~_ ing to bathe, or so entering, or. attempting to filiéf, umn the desc1°ibed·u·act, shall have the permit of a physieian,Ysn¢·n ’ physician shall bé liable to the penalties of this section, unless he be regularly regi°stcred,;"and snch person shall not be liable to the penalties of this section, unless it shall be fmgaa to _ appear-that he knew, or` had reason to believe, that ·the physician. giving him such hermit was} not regularly régsaeerea. (Apr; 20,1904, c. 1400,-5 4, $$*3 Stat.,188.-) * `- , ‘ -4 -375. Same; `QE€Il8éS_I l'f’_0l'di1\8 of Hot, Springs or hwg of `S¢8lé.¥—¥If `nny act,. shall. be committed within said boundaries described in aeetion 372 of this title which yeouid constitute mn, odense ·under_ the mnnicimtg ordtnancea of the city of Hot Springs or the laws of the State of iArk@s, but which is not ·prohibited or ~the punishment of _·which is not _ special]? pfoyieléiffor B} any law of the United States, rognhr ‘ tion · of the Secretary of the Int:ci·i0r,` or lby aectiona 372 to 383 t of this title, the odender anal! be: subject to the mma punish-_ ment as the sold- niunicipal ordinances of the city of Hot Springs, or the laws of the State ofnrkansna in force at the time—of·the* commission of otfenso,’may 'provldc for a like o¤enso 'tn the `aajd State, and-no subsequent 'repool- any · snch law or, orcllnance shall sweet any pending prosecution for an omznae .comm_itted‘ within said ·_boudai·ies.` (Apr. %, 1904; {:.1400,§·(5,33Stat,188.)> = ; .> · - 376.jSame; pédéeentjons for violations- of law or rules and ·regnlnti·ona.#·-¥Any, United? States commissioner only ap-. ‘ pointed by the United States District Cqtlrt for the Eastern Dtserictsof Arkanaas, and residing jntsnld dlstricntshall thavge power and jurisdiction to hear and act npon-.•ll complalntsr cnade of-any and allyiolntions of sections 372; `to 383 or this

ltle.‘ Any of said commissioners shall have power, upon aworn

zomplaint, to issue ·proce& in_othe name of thej UnitedStates for zhe arrest of any person charged with the doing, otherwise han in compliance with the rnleawand regulations ofIthe,,S4.·crenry of'] the Interior, of an? acthnjlth reference to the nxht-

ers—» which the Secretary Yof the Intorior in section 374 is

mthorlzed to rcgulate, or in violation of auch rules and rcgu— [ ations, or·—ln violation of any provision of sections 372 to ,383, ir with any misdemeanor or other like offense the punishment o ‘ whvided for"\yhich does not exceed a due of $100 to try the nergoxf thus ch arged,_and‘if found guilty, to impose the penalty greacrlbech Ininll canes of conviction an `nppeal shall lie from he juogmenmz any of aaid,com1nlssionera to the United States )istriet Court, for the Eastern Distriét ot Arlminsna. The said · Bnlted States district conrt shall prwcrlbe rules of procedure md practice for any of said cornmisaioners in fthe trial of was and with reference toqsaid §ppeala.· (Apr. 20, 1904, c.