Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/427

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jug ,1 TQITLE'16.-——·-C’ON ‘1—§f*(¥, § 6% 33-Stat; 188; Mar. 2,1907, c. 2516,-'34%Ste.t. 1218; A )Iar.»3,’1911,·c. 230, 36,Stat. 1086.) . — t _ ` *377. Same? Piesecetiens for other offenses.-—A1;y qt said , €*u§i3H3i;SSi0`Il€‘I'S shall atm have power to issue process as hereg ineeiere wcvided for. the arrest of any pereen charjged with _E me ceiemieehm, Within said betmdariesl of eny ceimixml offense "‘ mt eizvered by the prévtsione of Secticxf 376 "0f_ this; title, to ( t}¤·s1r,the evidence i11{1‘0dHC€d,_8Hd if_ '1¥e js oid qpinicm that { ‘ ;>;;>1>zz1>1e ceuse isdslxewn fer holding the pers•:m se charged fort

·;;;1, shell cease s‘\1ch__pers0u·t0 beqsafelyeonveyéd to g secure _

ygme {px; ecudnement, within the juris ictice ct- tl1é·'U_H;t€d ; rsmtee District Cexirt ·fox·`“’the‘ E8St€f5DiStfiCt 0£\,Arkansas, me eeirtify a trenseript of the record I his; peoéeedtpgg gum ; me tostimezéy in the case to said c0urt,_whiéh court Shall have -— , gmeaierima er the ease. Anyof said commissidqere shell grant ‘ ..»gt;i21 izi ell cases heilzible under the laws pf_ the United States ‘ ie- of the State of Arkansas, br the "ordiuauces of theycity gi ' ‘ gm eiprizzgs. (A-pr. %, 1904, c. 1400,- §_ 7, 33 Stht. 188; Mm:. 2,. 1 seg, C. 2516, $2, 34 St&t.*121S.) 1 · _ · 5 e ·* 378. Same; §i·bceSs directed °t0'· ngarshalf arrests by

 (»the:·s.——#A11_ érecess xsseee by any bt said commissioners`sha11 '

- ¥Qg_di;·ected to the merslgal of the United States for the eastern ° `"wtiimriut of Arkansas, but ·!10thiI1g`·h€I:€iI1 contained shell be spe ]i~a:str1zc{l as to prevent thearrest by any 0$cer‘of the Govern- j J `.;,>;»:;t.. peiice of eeid reservation, hpelice 'bdiccas ot the city of ? im .Springs, or employee qt the United States: within said " 'rmmler{esQ with0ut‘pr0céss,_0§_·a¤y person taken in the acfof . ‘ x=·it»1atiu¥g the law or scctigms'372 tb 383 of this title, brdoiug-A ,: anything with reference to the matters €vhibh irysection 374 the `* _Sm·etary of the Interior ist authorized to regulate, except in. ’ <*m¥tI}_)HH1iC€ with seeli hxles and. reguiutiorml 0: '(é0H}mittiI1g’ = em; act in violation `of such ’regulati0rie.¤ ~ (Apr. ,20, 1904, c. ·* 3400. § 8, 33 Stat. 189 ; Mar. 2, 1907, e. 2516,} 2, 34; Stat. 1218.) ‘ _ 379. Same; fees of commissioner land thirshal and dept:-j " ties§—4Any et said- cnmnzissiouets referred to in section 376 ·0f·‘ mie title €Hd(I""ThdB`>H¥BfSiIH1 of the United States °¤ud,his aeputxes · · m the eastern district of _A1:k&HS8,§ elm!} be paid the same fees t 3 and eempeueation as are u0w_p—1*qxfided by law for like services Y in said district. . (Apr, 20, 1904, c.t1400, Q 9, 33 Stat. 189; Mar. ‘ ‘ 2, 1907, c._2518, 5 2,34 Stat; 1218.). · - L 1 · 389. Same; nf Sees and mts;-é-A11 hues mid 3 casts imgicsed, and collected shell be deposited by any ot ’said~ j commissioners of the United States dr the marshal of the Yuited States collecting the same witlrthe clerk og the United vatetee district court for the judicial district in which said park ‘ xzmy be situated. _(‘Apr. 20, 1904;. ‘c. 1400, 5 11; .33 Stat. 189.; _Mer. 2, 1907} c. 2516, § 2,*34 Stat. 1218.) Y ‘ . · · . e L 381. Same; execution - of sentence en ‘¢:¢mvii:tic1;.—eUpon the wavictiion bg a party upop `txtiali by guy of said commissioners! er by eeid dfetrict—eeurt, executicxf of seutexice shell. be in ceh-U! _ fgtrmiizy Witi1,t]}£`{]21¥\·’S _0f,t;11e United States, anything intthe ewtutee of the State ez Arkansas t0’ the c0ntrery’uetWithstand·_ ite:. (Apr., 20, 190-1,_ e, 1400, { 13, 33 Stat: _1$9;" Mar, 2,~19Q’•', ·;. 23QG, § 2{34 Stat. 1213.) 2 T · _ _ · _ = 382. Same; imprismzment for snenpaymenb of Bnes or ceete.-·——-·Ali persons whe méy be imprisoned for ncépayment oft may mae, or ewes; prqvidcd for by sections 372 to 383 of this mle, or awaiting trial withdut bail, eha}1 be ceudued in. the init of fuleeki —C0m;ty, at Littte Beck, Airkaneae, or at such 1»1¤<·e as may be otherw1ee` designated; (Apr, 20,,19Qd, c. 1400, ‘§ 12, Stat, 183.) .‘ z ·· » ~ 3 - ` 383. Sdme; _ fees- chargeable te United Sta.tes.———·Al1_ fees, emete, gmd expenses erieiiig in cases under sections 372 te ° of this title and properly chargeable to the United Stateeéhall be certified, approved, ned paid as aredike tees, caste; and ·ex·· U Déxxees ae the 'ccmrts of the United Stated. (Apr. W, 1304, ··c. 1400, § 10, 33 Stat. 159.) I · ·· ‘ Y "

‘SERVA1fION` ‘ ·· Q _ `\ " § 391 HAWAII NATIONAL PARK A 391. Hawaii ,Natikmnl Park'; establishment; boundnriese- Phe tracts of loud on the islandeot Hawaii and on the islzémd >f_ llyinui, in the Territory ot Hawaii, hereinafter described, shell be perpetunlty Fdedi nted hud set apart as n public pork

>r p1e&sure—·ground,fox· iibenedt and enjoyment of the people

at the United States, t pe knoynn as Hawaii National, Park. Said tracts ze! lend are described "eo‘1o11ow¤; " » ° . First. Ah that tract of land compfieieng portions; of the lends of Knpopnla-and Kegmheu, in the districtpf Knu, end K_ahnnnlea, Pnnaumxi, and Apna, in the district of Pune, on the eislnnd of Huwngk contnining nppnoximntely thirty-five_thousand eight hund;·ed»nnd sixty-five_ncres, bounded os foliowsz Beginning at ' 1 point on the", went edge of 'the Keamoku An Flow (lawn dow of 1823),_from which poinfVthe‘trne nzinmlth and distance to Government - survey V tiigonoznetricnl station bhnikea is __ one hundred and 'sixty-six degrees twenty xninntes, nix thouennd th;?ee__1iundred nndfifty feet, ond running by true nzimuths: (First) Along the west. edge of the__Ken1noku }nw?n` How in n A uortlfensterlfe ond northwesterly direction; the direct azimuth end distance being pue“hundred-and ninety-eight degreee ten`· minutes, fourteen thousand seven hundred feet; (second) two hnnd1‘ed,and‘ fiftygsix degrees, eleven-thousand fom· ‘hnndred_ feetgmore. or less,‘across the land of1Kn;inmIn and Keauhou to n 'xnnrked poixxtonl the Humnnln trail; (third) three hundredn11d··twen·ty-eight‘ d€K1‘2€s fifteen minutejs, eight `thonsnnd seven hundred sind twentyéived feet, across the lendof Kennhou t0~_ the top ot the mult nogth `of the"Knu' road;. (fourth`) along the fault in a +n0rthensterly` direction, the direetion azimuth , and distance being two hundred" and §fty-one degrees and thirtjr minutes, four thousand three hundred and- thirty feet; (dfth»)” two hundred and forty-·dvej degrees, six thonsnnd geet, _ to a, point near the Soomweseaoouodeyy bt the lnnd of~ Olné; r (.3i§cth)" three hundred and thirty-seéen degrees ten minutes, eighth th0¤S·¤,11€lesix’*hnndred` and dfty feet, more or less, to the ju1:iction`of the·Hilo# and Keeuhoxixonds; (seventh) `three hundred and thi1vty-three degrees and twenty minutes, three thousand three huudrd feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the land of Keanu; (eighth) three- hundred and thi}ty-two degrees andteh minutes, seven thousnnd {feet, n§ong_ the innd,·oi! Kahaunlen; (ninth) two hundred, and eig·hty-one degrees, thirty thousand three hundred and $eventy—§ve· feet, more or toss, across the land of Knhnuniea, panning .th’rough the north coimer of the land of Pnnannni, to the north corner not the land of Laenpuki; (tenth) thirtyone degrees thir·ty_-. min- t ute,_; thirteen thousand two hundred root, more or less, along the land 'of Lnenpuki ond across the-. land of Pnnnnnni; (eleventh) eighty-nine degrees. · hnd ten minntes, thixzty-two thousand nine hpxndred {GEC,-Bl101;é. of less, `ncross the lend of Punuunul, Apun, and Kenuhoif to “Pnli1e1e;o—Knlihipan," the boundnry point of the Kenuhou-Knpnpaln boundary; (twelfth) d1’ty-one degrees and thirty minutes, tive; thousand dgimd me huudred_feet,iaex·oss the land of Kapapnp; (thirteenth) one hundred ond two degrees and nity minutes, nineteen thousand one hundred, and dfty feet, neroes the innd’0f"AKn;>npaln·to‘ n emaltcone nbout’one’,,thouénnd dye hundred `feet southwest ot - Pun Koae t1'i§’OBQm€C§i·C§.I station; {fourteenth) one hundred and sift?-;Six_ degrees twenty minutes, twenty-one thonsnnd feet, across the lend, ot_Knpapnln to ·the point ot· beginning. e ~ » , Second. All that street ‘ot~·1nn•.'[ fd& `eomprgioing nortions of the lends oi Knnnnnle. and Knhuku, in the district of Kan, island ¤f#Hnwaii;¥Kenuhou, second, in the e· distrget ot North Konot and Knohe, in the district of Henmkun, containing seventeen thoumnd nine hundred and twenty; acres, bounded es follows: Beginning nt Pohnku Hnnnlei of Hmnuula, n omni; cone on the _ brow of Mizuno. Lon; and at the fcomngon bouudnryi points of