Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/447

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433, . ·· TITLE 16.-0 . man most advantageous; and the proceedsof such sale or sales shall be paidllnto the Treasury of the United States. The Secretary of Commerce shall likewise haye authority to at-live.r to the authorized agents ot the. Canadian Government Amid the Japanese Gover\;ment the skins to which they ,are' entitled underthe provisions, of the tenth article of said `-con- ,`·;-mion; t0`pay~fo Great Britain and Japan such sumspas they me entitled to receive, respectively, under the provisions er the eleventh article of said convention; to retain such skins daythé United States may be entitled. to retain under the visions or the·eleventhi article ot said convention; and to- do uf perform, or cause to be done or. performed, anyand every_ art which the United States is authorized or obliged to door ,,,·prm·m' by the proyisions of the. tenth, eleventh, thirteenth, and fourteenth articles of said conyentionr (Aug., 2;}, 1912, c.

7:;, § 11,37 Stat; 502*; June 22, 1916, c. 171, 39 $tat§·236;)_ _ ··

..643. f‘Pelagi¢ scaling” dedncd; “ person'? construed.——The term " pelagic sealing " where useqm sections 63.2 to 643 of this chapter shall be taken to meanthe killing, capturing, or pun Shing in any manner §·hats0ever or fur eeals whlle the same are in the wator. ’ The word _" person " where used therein sliall extend and be applied to partnerships and corporations. (Aug. 24, 1912,-cZ._373,°g 12, 37 Stat; _, a I · 1 644, Killing of certain fubbearingl animals in Alaska for-_ bidden; punishment, and. -fo`rfeit¤re; poier of 'Secretary of Commerce to authorize killing; duty tg execute law.éNo person, shall killrany sea otterj or fur seal within the limits. of Alaska or in. the waters tthereolf; and every person guilty thereof shall, for each offense, be,_ilned not less than $200. nor' more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than six months,. or botl1;· and lll yessels, theirjtackle,. apparel, furniture, Y and cargo found engaged in violation ot this section shall be tory `fvited; but the Secretary of Commerce shall have power to p authorize the killing er any such fur seal'- under. such regula- ‘ mms as he may prescribe; and it shall be. the duty‘o£ the-

<et·retarylot Commerce ,·to prevent the killing of any furtseal

ereept as authorized by 1aw_·and to `proyide for the execution of the provisions ot this section until, it is otherwise provided. by’law. (R. S. § 1956; Apr. 21, 1910,_c. 183, 5 4, 36 Stat; 327; Jan. 13, 1925, c. 75, M 2, 14, 43 Stat, 739, 'lgfl.) » o · 645.`J¤risdiction of o(ense•.——-Unless otherwise proelded by law·all riolations of the provisions of section 644 of this title 4··<»n1mltted_withln the limits of the Territory of alaska and the waters thereof shall be prosecuted in jthe district court of the United States in Alaska. Any person authorized by ' the Secretary ot Commerce shall have power to. arrest persons and seize vessels ·a_ndfmerchandlse liable to fines, penalties, or forteltnrea under this and other laws extended over they Territory and to keep and deliver- the same to-. the marshal of said court; (R. S. Q 1957 ; Feb. 14, 1903, c.‘ 552, NQ 7, 32-Stat. 828; Junef6, 1900, 'c, 786, Q}, 31 Stat.··1322; Mar. 3, 1909, c. 269, § 2. 35 Stat. 839; Maxi 4, 1913, c.- 141, § 1, ,37 Stat. 736; Mar. .2, 1921,, c, 110, 41 Stat. 1203.) · ~ d ‘ _ . ‘ E L646. Prihilof Islands • special reservation; landing on. islands u¤lnrf¤l.·—··Tlie’ Prlbilot Islands, including the islands of Saint Paul and Sain_tyGéorge, Walrus and Otter Islands, and Sea Lien Rock, aa Alaska, are declared a special reserva-‘ tion for gevernment purposes; and until otherwise provided by law it shall be·`unlawtul for any person to land of remaln en any of those islands, except through stress of -weather or like unavoidable cause or by `the authority ot the Secretary ef Commerce, and any person Ionnd on any of those islands contrary to the provisibns hereof shall be summarily removed and shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by ilnenot exceeding, $500,or by_ imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both fine and imprisonment; and it shall be the duty of. the Secretary of Commerce to carry this section s into effect; (Ri S;`§ 1959; Apr. 21, 1910,0, 183, 5 5, 36 Stat,. 327.) ·— 80270*-T-26--2s _

ONSERVATION § 65] .647. Killing seals on Pribilof Islands regulated; firearms forbidden;. regulation of privileges to natives.———It shall be Tunlawfulrto kill any fur sealupon the Pribilof Islands, or in the waters. adjacent thereto, e:écept'undei·· the authority ot N the Secretary. of Connmerc, audit shall be unlawful to kill such seals by theuse of firearms or by other“‘means tending to drive the seals away from those jslands; but.-the natives of the islands shall have the privilege of killing such young seals °as may be necessary tor. their own food and clothing, and also such old seals as mayx he required for their own clothing and for the manufacture of boats for their own usef and the _ killing in such eases shall be limited and controlled by such · regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce. (R; S. $1960: Apr. 21, 1910, e. 183, § 6, 36 Stat. 327.) · - . -. 648. Killing seals on Pribilof"I•1•nds by natives; disposal of skins by Secretari of . Coiherce.4-4The“ Secretary of Com· `merce is authorized’t0.sel_l the skins of all owls used for food _ hi thesaid- natives ot the Prtbilot- Islands as permitted under section 647 ot;this title m_`¤uc¤·m¤rkec,-at such times and in such manner as he may. deem, most advantageous; (June 22, 1916, c._171, 39 Stat.236.) · *·”‘ . . ‘ , . _‘ 3 ‘ 649. `Killing female or seal less than one year old, or killing in waters adjacent to Pribilof Islands or on bencka or clifs; " punishxnént, and forfeiture.—~—It shall be unlawful to kill any. female seal or any seal less than oneyear old at any season of the year,. ekcept as·provlded under section 847 et. this title; M a and it shall also be unlawful to klll any seal `in the waters adjacentto the‘Pribil0f Islands, or on the beaches, cliffs, or rocks where they haul up from the sea to remain; and every person who violates the provisions of this or section 647 shall he punished for each 0Ee¤se by a Hne pt not less than $200 nor more than $1,000 or by imprisonment not more than sii months, or by Both such flue and imprisonment; and all vessels, their tackle, apparel, and `furniture, whose crews are found engages: in the , violation ot el-ther this or section 648 of this title; shall he forfeited .to the United States. (R. S. § 1961; apr. 21,1910, c. 183,§7,36·Stnt.’328:) » _ ·‘ . _` · -1 650. Killing of on PriHlof Islands; reg¤1•tions;_,r¢· strlcted `to ellcers and natives under their direction; nanber — tobe killed.--—The Secretary ot Commerce shall have power to authorize the killing otefur seals and the taking ot_sealskins on the _Pribilot] Islands, ln Alaska, under regulations estahlished by him prescribing the manner in which such killing shall be done. and limiting the number of seals to he killed,- whenever he shall determine that such»kllling·is necessary or e desirable and .not inconsistent with the preservation of theseal heard. Under `such authority the right of killing fur sealer and taking sealskins shall he exercised. by ohicers, agents, or » emploiees ot the United States appointed bi the Secretary of Commerce, and by the natives of the Prihilof Islands under the dlrectionfland supervision of such oillcers, agents, or ern- ` plryees, »and_‘by no other person. Male seals only shall be killed and not more than 95 per —cen·tun1 of three·year·old male. seals shall be killed in iany one year. For- the year ending `August 1, 1920,. me thousand three-year-old niales, selected from among the ilnest and most perfect seals. of that age found on the haullnggrounds, shall he `reserved for-hreetl— . lng purposes. (Apr. 21,1910, c. 183, 5 1, 36»Stat. 326; Aug. 24, 1912, c. 373, 5 11, 37 Stat. 502.) p . - · 651} Sale of senlskins; proceeds : subsequenf treaties.——·-Any and all sealskins taken under.~the authority eo»nfex·red·by·the preceding section shall be sold by the Secretary of Conunerce in such market,.at such times, and inzsuch manner as he may _deegn mostadvantageolxs; and the proceeds of such sale or sales shall bepaid into the Treasury of the United States. The' directions ofthis section, relating to thevdisposition of sealskius and the proceeds thereof, shall be subject to the provisionsof any _ treaty `uiade after April 24,; 1910, by the United `States for they protection of seal life. (Apr. 21, 1010, c. 183, 5 2, 30 Stat. 326.)