Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/467

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,5 ' @3 Tryon 11.-~o< and his a@du for the dstribntion to exhibitor: of such Win- Qfringing motion picture wall not exceed the sum of $5,000 nor iw lose than $@, and snob damages shall in no other case rlro-wed tlxesnm ot $,000 nor be lem than the sm of $250, and ’ -,%nQT`hot be regarded as o. penalty. But the foregoing excep- _ Qms shnll not _ deprive the copyright proprietor `ot any other ra mody given him under this law, not shall the limitation os

 me amount ot recovery apply to infringements occurring

eden: the notnal notice to _ o defendant, either by service of ,;—mc-ess ln a snit or other written notice served upon him, First. In the case of • mtntlng, statue, or pculpture, $10 ye every infringing copy made or sold by or found in the yeeeession of the infrlngcr or his agents or employees; Second. In the cue of any work enumerated in section 5 . 3 of this · title, except n mintlng, statue, or sculpture, $1 for lwery infringix copy mde or sold by or found in the poogue;ono1'theinf orh!zagc¤lxoremployee¤; _ ‘ . o Tlalrd. In the use of-a lecture, `mrmon, or address, $50 for. every infrlnéing delivery; " _ · _ ». _ . i ` Fourth. In the use of n dramatic or drnmntlco-magical or 3 choral or orchestral composition,}100 for the ilrst and $50 for every snbwqnent infrin§¤g performance; in the case ot other musical compositions $10 1'or e*very infringing performnnoc: . r - ‘ _ · _1 {c) Ixnponndiag dum; notion.-· (ic) To dellvpr np on oath, to he imponndxidurlng the pendeney ot the action, upon such terms and co@tions ¢s._the court may prescribe, __al1 artlclcé enogzzed to°infringe a-copyright; _; r d .~ _° (d) of mfringhg copies and plotw.-—·(d) To c glomrer up on oath for destruction all infringing copies or devices, as well `as dll plates, molds, matrices, or other means for making copies ortho court may order. ‘ (e) Roydtm for nee of repmdnctim of. musical works.-—( e) Wmever the owner of a musical copyrlght bps uml or permitted the use ot the copyrighted work upon ,the , parts of musical mstrnmento serving to_ reproduce mechanically the mamcal work, then ln case oi intrinwenly ot such; copy- right by the unauthorised manufacture, use, or sole of interrhizngcablo no-ch no disks, rolls, bands, or cylinders for use in mmhanlcal mnsleproducing mnchines adapted to re-- prodnce we copyrighted mudc, ¢1’}Q®.l;8¢t¥0D shall Bo brought, but l¤ s civd scum an injunction may. be granted “ upon such terms ns the court may impose, and the plnintit shall be entitlw to recover in lien ot prodto and dmnogm n royalty as provided in section 1, subsection (e); of this title: Provides dao, Tlmt whenever any person, injmo oth liconx agrement, intends to use n copyriétw mmm!. compoeiition upon the ports otjinstruments serving to reproduce mechanically the musical work, relying upon the compulsory license provision of thli title, he shall BBTVQ notice ·ot meh intontion, by registered mail, npon the copyri@t proprietor at his las address @@1 by we records oi tm ieopyrlght o¤ce,_ sending to the copyright omce a duplicate ot such notice; and in cose ot his tailuro no to do the court may, in its discretion, ln-l addition to sums hereinnboye mmtioned, nymrd the complain- t amt a further sum, not to exceed three time! the amount provided by section 1, subsection (cj, by way of damages, and not as a penalty, and also g temporary injunction until the lull award is paid. d ‘ l d ’ · d Rules of pi·ocd¤re.·-=Rulu and- regulations for practice and Procedure under thisnection shall be by tho Snpremo Court ot the United States; (Har. 4,.19w, e. w, l 25, 85 Stat. 1081; Ang. 24, 1912, c. 856, 87 But. j - _ 26. Jnriédictbn of courts m emfordng remedies.-—··A.ny court given jurisdiction under seetion 84 ot this title may oro- . coed ln any action, enit, or moeeeding instituted for violation ot any provisionhcrcot toenter n" j¤d t or decree on-

Jrrmenrs o § 31 forcing ghe remedies herein provided. {Mar. 4, 1909, c. 329;. § xm sm. mw.; ·_ 27. Jeinder of proceedings for digéftlit remdies.—The preeeed ·an injunction, damages, and pronts, and those for the l_ `of_ intringhag copies, plates, molds, matrices, and so forth, aforementioned, may be united in one notion. (Mer. 4, 1909, c. 320, $27, 85 Stnt. 1082.) l ‘ p 28. Willfnl infringement for pront.-=Any person who wlllfully end for prollt shall infringe any copyright secured by this title, or who shall knowingly and p willfully aid or nbet snob infringement, shell he d d guilty of a noisderamnor, ond upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not exceeding one yur or by n ine of not iw than $100-nor more than $1,000,·01"b0th, in the diwretion of the court: Providedfhowever, That nothing ln this title be so condrned as to prevent the periormince ot religions or wht works snch as orntorios, cantatas, mums, or octnvo chormes by pub lic schools, ch ch choirs, or vocal. societies, rented, borrowed, or obtnined {roto some public library, public sehool,_ chores ` choir, _ oir, or voml socieq, provided the performnnm is given for charitable or educational M ··l:r·< and not for proiltQ (Mer. 4, 1909, c. 320, { %, $5’St¤t. 10@t) '_ I _ o 29. Fraudulent notice of copyright, or rcnwvnl or alterstks of notiee.·—-Any perm who, with trandnlent intwt; shall insert or oimprm· any ‘ notice of copyright by 1 this tiele, or words. ot the same purport, in orfupon {ny ¤ ·»-rs r tee article, or with fraudulent intentshall remove or alter the copy- right notice upon any Ertlcle duly copyrighted shall si gmt: ot :1 misdemeanor} pnnlslhsble by s nne of not we than- Slw and not more than $1,QOOQ Any person who @11 issue or sell any article bearing a notice of United. States _copyrlgl1t· whlch has knot been ·copyri@ted in jzomtryjer who , shell` knowingly lxnport nny nrtick noticecor words ot the ssmepnrport, wljch copyrighted {ln this country. shall be liable. to • me ot $100o (Mar.- 4, 1909; c. 320, 17%; 35 Stat. 1682.) ‘ l s ‘ ‘ — o l so.‘1mp¤mo¤{¤: none Imran one or panama? co$es of copyrighted work;———·The mpmuoonlnm the . United y States of any nrticlé heoring n of eopyrlét when there is no ciisting copyright thereon in the United Status, or ot any pimtical. copies of any work copyrighted in the United some.; is pl-ombneo. um. 4, 1909, c. 2.20, *5 ee, ss sm. 81. Inaportstion, during existence of copyright, of copies, or of copies not produced in nceordanee nith actin. 15 of this title,——-—·Durlng the _ existence oi the Anierlutn mpirightjin any book the importation into the United States of any- plratiml copies thereof or ot Any copies thereof tazlthongh authorized by th_e author or proprietor) which here l mt been produced me seeordni1ce· with the rnnnnfnctnring provisions 'specined in section 15 of this title, or shy plsim of the same not made, from type not wltliin the limits ot the United” Stats, or any copies thereof produced by lithographic or photoengraving process not perforxned within the limits of the United States, ln accordance with the provisione of section 15. .is` l prohibltedi Provided, however, Thnt, except as regards plrstlcal . copies, such prohibition shall not apply: , » l (s)‘ To works in rsisedcharecters for the use of the blind; (b) To a foreign newspaper or magazine, although containing 'matter copyrighted in the United Stntee printed or reprinted by anthority of the copyright proprietor, unless such newspaper · or "magnzine contains also copyright matter printed or rewlnted without meh authorization: _. . (e) To the authorized edition of a hook in n foreign lankusge or lsngllaxes ot which only n translation into English has been copyrighted in country. t , `