Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/49

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35,, i TITLE 6.-;-5EXEGUT1.VE DEPARTMENT! , —.,..,,$ in the publicdttseridce from the existing Laws respecflngo 1,.l,,,,p1eyment . in Snell. service, »ts;prohibitcd.. (Feb. 24, 1@9,r’ be, it 99. Ex-ledicera at employees to prosecute elaims ln. {rel (apartments.-elt shall lawful toreny persensppolnted 191 0 ,,1; Hg, ,¤meer,·.¤clerk,t or employee ln any ot the departments, to .214 3,.; aw counsel,—.attox;aey, orlagént dor prox.eat1ngv anyéelaim. t * j v ,,,,3;;,;; the United`Y8tatea Fwhlch was pendlng in either of said gg .,..,..a·:¤a—ncs whllelthe wsa ack ¤$¢¢¤·; clerk;} employee- ¤¤f tit , Q, ,,5; ma_nner,nor by. any means, to aid in theyiprosecution-of ing ,,`,,y. auch claim, within two; years[__next'atter heshall have $8, ,.,.,,M1*_ro hesuch. omcer, elerk, oremployee; }(R."S.—§ 190.) 1 Vw M loo, Proeecntienrof .elaims_for_1anppliea for Military .Estab·t th, v;,a§,}aent.—-—>Itvshall0`be_·unlawfull for any person ._who,‘aS.——a_com· ju, .,.nssienc._d oillcert of the Army, or oitlcer; or employeeera the esi ,1·,,ne¤1 States, hasatany time since April*6,f1017, beenfem- tm <`eno·¤·<vll in any? bureau bf? the Governmentv.tan_d in a11€h.,empl0y-Y' pi, mnt been~engaged*·o behalf of the- United States ’in_‘procnring Og ¤Qr.:1lSSltStlllg'_ tosprocn supplies for the..Mllltary,. Establishment, {1-, me who has been en&e<1. in the settlement or adjustment oi., wz (;<§.l}¥l‘§l(2{$l-(lr.8gY€éi1lBHtS.foI° th€”.]lI0¢I1l‘éE€l3t. of snpplleséior the in `ggggigayyl-Esgabugghmenh within two;·,é@n»— ugxtgftgfv mg. dis; v __j ..·:.a¤·ge or other ‘separationir0m·_the service of the Government, `eu in eiliclt employment in the ri¤¢S¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 01* `F°e dd .°’ $$**3** *9*, jre] .-...¤..,».mas;1e¤ ln .the_pr`osecution of claims againsthjthe United de States varislngvout of, any contracts or agreements {or the proe li, ym·e¤aent~ ot,. lor bnrean, which! were pendlngor ye t e·;it0,rc<l into while the said omcer or employee ‘t,_, pas associated · mtrewith. A giolationfoijthis provision oth this chapter shall of to punished by E une ot not more than $10,000 or imprisonment 11.1- n,ot.inoreitlian onefyear, or both. ‘(Jt2ly_ 11, 1919, c. 8, enbe . ae chapter _1V, 41_,Stat. 131.) * a i _ t · _ " . v 101. Advertising practice before depar‘tments,_ or ·oMces°o’f; t H - Govemntent.-·g{It n shall bQ.'!1l118.Wf\1l·-‘fo*l" anyperson, Erm, or N ·y··§x·poratien practicing before any depa}tinent*i61"?€€¤c“€"6!`tIi6" vm ‘ imvernznentlto usethe name of any Member of either Houseot M v< *·»iz,;:ress. or ot any omeer ot the Government ln advertising the Pl }¤:ai<l ;»uS1¤eae.,“-(Apr. 2v;_1o1e, e,?eo,~,5 1, roster. 64.) 1 y . *° ' _ 102. _E1tpenditu·¤ ter, neviapaperas-1‘he_ amount expended 0° in any one_'_year· for for any department, except the Depax-tment_ or State; inelnding l1 the lbnreans and omcea "W mwxznectcd thereqvlth, shall not uceeégbm,. egcept whereother- .°° one specinqlly authorized-by law./{ v luecutiye odlmr, other em manv the heads er departxnen·ts,_ ehall,aphy more than @0, anno-; m" ally, out of the ,eeaaages¢ m¤a,¤aas» his`“c0ntr0l, to pay for bu r`.<~wspapér·s, periedlcals, or other books or prints not bu meeseary for the baslnmo! his omce. .(R. S. H 192, .1179 ;· th xlunew, c. 8514, 5 7,”84~Ktat.,l49.) »_ • t _, ge 103. Expendltnr¤‘for‘ transportation tot remains of deceased employees.-———The hadn or departmentsahall not authorize any Wvenditure in commotion, with transportation of remains or ps? ellmeased employem, except when otherwise specldcallyi pro- 8* \‘i<¥<¤1,by'law. (June 7, IW!. c. 8, I 1. 80 Stat. 86.) . _. — 0.G* · 104. Annual reports ot expenditure of contingent funds.-~t th The head ot each dopartment,_ and any bureau of theGovern·’ 1 K6 mmt, shall make a report to Congress, at the beginning ot each, N I`*‘¢-Slllllfé session, giving a detailed statement of the manner ln ai which the ,cont3.n:ent·_fnnd for his department, and for the tch bureaus and ofncea therein, has been expended, giving the names 9* ~l` every person to whom any portion thereof has been paid; . uml it mr anythlngvrnrnlshed, the quantity andprice; andlfr °£ for any service rendered, the nature of such aetfvlée, dnd‘—the in ligne employed, and thepartlcnlar occasion or cause, in brief, Li that rendered such aervlce tnecemaryj. and the amonnt ot all 19 fornler appropriations ln each ease on hand; éthél in the $*1 Treasury or ln thehands ot any dlsbnrslng omeer or agwt. J ue shall require ot the dlabursing omcera, arena;] unda his Ll direction and authority, the return of and umlytioll N


ptgmentsi-and receipts for all the moneys which, may have

 from time to time during the. next preceding year ex- 1

nded bfthem,. and shall ~··c0mmuni¢;·ate the resulta»_,·0f.asu<;·h< mms and the sums total, tarmuaily, to Congress. {R. S. § 3`;*Mar. 3, 1877, c, 102, S 1, 19 Stat: 306; May 29, 1920, c. !,_§1,41Stat,654,) , _ tett l · A [ l05., Repdrts of txavelihg expenses of uflicers aizd employees Washington.-—-It shall be the dutysqf the head at cacl1‘·excc*t1·‘ we department and other¤Gbvernmént·eatablishmentfat Wash; gton to submit t0_ Congress at the béginniitg of leach, regular ssidh `a Statement showing iuldétail what éfiiccrs or employees the1·,than=spcciar agexitsg- inspectors, ofemployees, »"wh0 in asdiscbarge of their fegulat duties. `are°requii·ed to constantly t wal) of such cxebutiyen fideparvtmcixt. 011-., other 'G¤vcr¤m‘énf tablishmérit have t;·avélad° on odiézial sbusinéss [ram Washings tb pqnintsloutéide 0i·the`Diétricti;0t Colmibia during the écediug Bscal yeas, giving in each casetthe fullititleaf the §cij8li”, or _ kmplbyee, that destination 01'N(1€StiI18t10DS of Such wel,. the biisiness or wgrk any account _0f which the same 1s~°made, and the tbtal expeqaa tb. the Unitedy States charged each base; (May 22, 1908;*-é. 186,%* 4, 35 Stat. 244.) - i { i 1Q6. Time of making amuudrepqrts.->—1*1xcept where a differt time .is;‘expressIy_ presg:ribéd_ by law, thevvarious annual [|01‘tS‘-1'¢§11i1t€d tu be submitted =t0»Cqng;·asa··by the Paads 'ot partuiénta `{sha11fbq··-madaiiat the cqmixiéiiae;t1at1t_ of each` regutbassioxi, and shall embraceithe transactions of the ,prac¢dii1g· 81‘·_.(R.,_S{§195.) _ _ a Q_ i _ ‘~ ~. 5 1 10]; Dgpartincntf reports} t0_printe1·.-—-·The head " each department, except the Department of Justice, shall {DiSh’Vt¢ `tbP#_P11bu(! Pxiinter copies at tha dpctxments usually compauyibg (B. B. | 196.)- f i _ i g_v,l V 108.. Copy, for annual _!¢l;6l'tB_·.l1\d tcqompsniinz dam-. mts;-—Appropriatiohs made for `pfihtihf . and [binding shall

 report or the accompanying docu?

ants. unless the ‘¢:opy· thereto: is to th¢'P¤b1ic i tintet in the following manner; Qopies at doéuménts l édmpanyix nach annual reports an ox.-batora the 15thiday of ztobcr 0t_mé1i*yes1·; gapias pt that ·1'€§0I#‘M—0¤_ ar. before s 15t.h` daytiqt November ct. ouch year; cémplaéi tcvlwd dots ot, aoemem me tm mm: reports

tha 10th and with   °ofjN0vember of each year,  

rely. 4,11 or gm t aanwiipepana ¤¤a_,•¤¢¤mp¤¤yt¤g ,dp&:u· ents shall. printed, madg, public, and svailabla tar ldistri- — ltiézm not later than withinithe first uva days after —asaem· lng ot each ‘:agulsQr session; at The provisions ot is secti0¤‘shaH·pqt apply to the &DB\18;I.I’&])01`t§`_bf the Smithnigh Institution, the Commissioner at Patents or the Compallerat, tha Currency. _. , (july 1,1916,,c. 209, { 3, 39 Stat. 336.); 109. Inéantcries if property.-·-The Secrctapy of State, the _ ecretsry of the iTrms7ury, the Secretary ot the Inteéior, the ecretnrypt War, t.ha.Sacretary of tha Navy, .-the Postmaster aueral,. the Attomey General, the Secretary. .01* Agriculture, a`Sécretary of Commerce, and the.Scéretary ot, Labor shall esp, in ptbpar books, a" complete inventory of all the px·e»pcrty elcmglughtb tha, United States in the biiildings, mama, cmma, id grounds accppied by them, respectively, zmd'_under tlwir narge, adding thereto, from time to time, an account ot auvhi nparty as may ba ‘pmcured subsequently to the taking of sum t vantory, as wall as an acaqunt of tha saia or atber telis.;m;=·.iti;~sn i Ein! at suchproparty, axccpt suppl1es·a!_stationcry and fvzvl » the publ1c,0&ces and books, pamphlets, and papers in the Lbrary at Congress. (R. 8. I 197; Feb. 27, 1877, c. § l, ·*Stat. 241: Fab. 9, 1889,1:. 122,5 1, 25, Stat. 659; Feb. 14, 190:l,

  • 553,} 1, B2,St8t,. 825; Mux.4, 1913, c. 141, lg 1, 37 Stat. Wt?.)

110. Transfer bf; miscellaneous backs a ta District Public ibrary.··-·A¤y books of aiimiscallaneous clmlrattztcr no l·m,:m· mzirsd fo: tha usacf any executive department, or bureau,