Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/50

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§ 111 TITLE 5;———·EXECUTIP$E DEPARTMEJW 61* commissinp of fhg 'GOV€1`DI}1€i1t,/ and not deemed an ladvis- -t able addition to the Lib1‘m·y of Congress, shall, if gppropriate , 1Q to ‘the·.nses~ of the Frée Pulilic Llbraiylot- theDiStrict l_•;»£,‘CQ·. I lumbia, nbc turned over to that library for general usie as Aj part ·l th*e1·écf.F`(Feb. 25, _» 1903,- q. 755,1§ 1, 322 Sltat. .865.), " ll 2 —- Q ` 111; ClISt0dx,-(lf,W§i€S_`ISlldi1‘€C0I'dS nf, war agencieg.——Ex¢ept» 2 2 as .0tl1erwise··‘,I>t0vided by law the—P1*€sidént is nuthoxfized to ] U.‘3I1Sf€*lQ to the custody and (3il1‘€“Of,.S1}Ch -Of the ¢l‘cpmrtm¢nts Ior I independent<establislimentsl_zis `ha?_11myl determine the files and.`] II`€COl;dS»Qf_thG_8gG11Qi€S C1‘€§it(-Fd forthe period `0fthe World War a upon tha‘§HsC0nti11H&uée·0f snchf activities. uly~19, 1919, _; c. 2-1,2 §l4,‘41`Stat; 233.) l _ 2 A ‘ · E _ *1

  • 112. Disposition of useless papci·s.~—Excépt._as-lotherwisc ‘q

g` provided by laiw, wlxemevcr tl1éréslin11_be ju any 011e.·‘0f the. 1 €¥X(.;Cl1ti\’9*—§k`¥]}8l‘tHl€HfS·Ofwfhé ,G0vernment, or.inTtl1e .Y%l31‘iO'llS 21 ~ publi¢jl,•ui1dii),§,*$ Iunder the control nf $`l1Ch.(10I'fhl'{DlQ}1lQ§,»_ an -; _ accumulation ofiilespf papers, which aré uni ll€€dB(1mOIT useful a ·iI1`-119 trnllsactiiyn Of th€.cu;•1•é1it, busfm2$s"_Of $11011 "d_cpartméu't¥ j mid, llllV€lll<)1]_)Ql‘lll{§ll1(-lllli V3’I\10?Oi;‘_]1iSt0IiC&1‘illt·é1’éSf, itnshall _ be thé duty 0£j`i;l1e»hemi of such department ’t-0’ submit `to _1 Congress a ·rep0i·t, of that fact, $1ccbmp:1nied·—by n` nonéise stifhce ; _ment of the cnndltion-_a11d Qclxalrnctcr of sncll—.papérs.`_ , , , ; gU;$0x1» the sul»111issinn__0f such, rep01·`t,_i_it__shall" be thé°<1nty‘.of. _; the presiding pmccxi of the Sch-ate to appoint two Sgn3t40rs,··, laml nf the Si}¢?2`lkE1‘ Qf thel_Hquse of Rc;presentu··tix·es `to appoint 2 two Representatives, and the Senators and Representativesmso. appointed shall constitute 11 joint ¢0n1n1ittc‘e, to whiclxslmll be

  • 1‘eferred>`sncl1—rep0rt,;with'the accompanying statement nf the`.

condititm Jandcharactcr be snchl p;1pers,·’g;1d” such joint com- ¤ mittee shall meet and examine such. report and..sfnlt eme11t, and the papers therein described, and Psubmiél-to-` the fSennte and, House, ·rcSpcctlfiely, a {eport of suchl fcxnminatlpn and- theit . recnmmendntinnl . .2 V 2 2 ir n . If such 2-join} committee report thnt°_ such files ofpapers, or any paytn thereof are not needed or useful in the trnnsamion of , l the current business ni men glepnrtnnent, and hnve [no, per-·` n mxmcnfva1nq.0r historical interest, then jt shall be the duty of Jsuch head df-‘the department to sell as waste paper, of otherwise Qiéimsc of such 'illes ot papers uppn the best? obtainable terms after dna publication- of notice inviting Jpr0p0suls·~there5l" for, and receive and p;of1he proceeds Vthereqt iutgjlna Treasury

 of the United States, and make raport thereof to 2 Clongvess,

(Mar.`3, 1881, c. 130, § ,1, 21 Stat. 412; Ang. 5, 1882,2 c..389, § 1,_··22 Slat. 228; Feb.;16, 1889, .0.2 171[25 .Sta£.~l672;_Mli1·; 2, 1895, 0.189,-51, 28 Stat.·9f33,)· _ · n` · ·_ , Q 7 4 113., Prchibifibn of contributions or presents in superiors.- ·-N0 officcylclcxfk, orlemployée i·ll_°t]»1&'IjIllt€d States Government employ shall ntlnuy time solicit contributions froin other nm- C0l’S,· clerks, or emplcybesxin tlné Gnvérnxnant service for n gift or present to those in an supcriorlofllclal p0sltionn·;l-not shrill any such otlinialg or clerical superiors reneive iwyigift or presentln offcmd or presented to them as a contribution froxn persons in (l03v¢rn11ncnt employ ·rec;e1ving"n less salary than theinéelves; nor sl1ull—any oHlc·c1·‘c£>c lex*k make any donation nas n glftfor prc-snn£"t;0 any OHYlCl(l1>Sll[l€I‘i·O!’. Eve1•y__p;a1*s0n.\x·l10 v·i01n,tes”this , section shall be sumxhatily dischurgcd,£rcm,tlm` Government employ. (R. [S, §·17S4.)· ’ 1 Q 2 n _ ‘ l “ 114., Fnrci-gn de¢m‘atfons.·—-Excépt as otherwise provided in c·Luiptex.· 33 0f·'I'ltlc 10, IIB-j(]&C01°&tl0l1,, or othe1·‘§thing,‘lthe lncvceptanéc qi which may bé authorized by consent of Congresé, l by any ciilccr of the United ‘St_ntes,_Y1·0m any tprcimi KO€’€£I1· .ment, slmll. be publicly shown orexposed upon `thé poison Wo! the olllcér sorecclvlng the same. (Jan. 3-1,,18SlL`~c. 32, l 2, 21 s¢¤¢,gs04;> `_ I l ‘ » V 115. Same; delivery thr¤n_glr·rSt;to Depsrtment;—eq——A¤yl gms; cnt, decoration, or °0u`l€lé gnlng, which sl1nl1"b§`c0nférr‘éd nr _, presented by any t0mign· ngovarninanti tb any omccr of the United States, gcivll, naval, 0:2 military, lshallrba téndafncl


m·ough_the Iyepartment of State, and uoteto the individual in

mrson, but such preseut,~dec0ra_tion, or other thing shall not >e delivered by the —Departme¤t· of State unless so authorized Jyemtvqt-_Congress..A (Jan.*31,_1881, c. 32, § 3, 21 Stat. 604.) » Cross reference: See also section 1423 bt. Title'10. ‘ l 116. Medals for services; duplieates oh less ordestruction.-- [11 QD? case_where_-the Pxfesident gt the United States has, mder any Act orjresolutice of CO¤gi·ess,’c9;used amy medal te ge made and preseuted_»[q;any[oiHcer or? person ie the°’Uuimd States; on account of distinguished or meritorious services, on

epmper shcmfjnge made by such person etoethe satisfactiouef

the epresideut thatj such medal has been loéfi 01- Aestr 0y`éd through no f&}1lt._ at the beneficiary, and that diligent search hasyéeu made t11e;·efor,’?t;he President is authorized to cause te be prepared audqeliveped ” to Suche persogx, a duplicate of sxicli lIlV€:d£}l;_t1lB (BQSt of·wl1i@h Shall be paid out of any money m thefTreasury_110t oighcrvyiee appropriated. (Apr.£15, 1904, N0. 23; 33 Stat._588,) ‘ . .. I —·_-. e . · ·— " k ’ e _117. Lfniped States Geographic Board; payment of expenditures.5f—Al1 ezmeiiditures of eU¤ited `Stzites’Gee§raphic Board shall be paid upoirfvcuehers &ppi·0Véd"by—it and signed by··i t3 secretary, -who-slgall act·`;iS its dishursing agent without bond. (Feb. 13, 192;},0. 72, 42 Stat.e_124 1,)· e _ A e Chapter 2.-+4DEPARTMENT .OF·`S'1‘ AT1‘E,. Sec. _ 4 W ` 15_1_._Est¤bi§sh;ue¤t ofrjdepafrtment. » _ ; e . _ { 152. Updex·secr_etaf1jy ¤!_·Sti1fte and»Aesista¤t Secretaries of State: ‘ 153. Chief oreesureeu ·ot]`Acc0u¤ts as disbursing clerk. F ``ii 154, Iflstributisin of duties of ‘o&ce1*g;c}erks, gud employees, 155. I‘ex—$¤¤aI*serviceS otbef thaxnthose provided {or ..». · 156.e-Management of foreign;. alairs. · e 157; .Foreig¤f¢raderelations. M, »_ 158. ·Cust0`dy of seals and property. 159. Promulgation ot laws; ~ ee / 169. Ameujlmeqts to Constitution; .161. Statbestatgutes to be wocured. . F e e 162. information as toework of Department eq! Commerce. 163. Reports of information relitlng ice commerce. 16;, Statement»0fexpenditpi·es, {gon: contingent fund. g, " w 165. Cables of Let; and__tres.tie;"·tur;1ishcdw§_e·prhitex¤, 166."1*`ees`for copies of records. e _- e 167. '1`erx‘itoriaI papers; collection, etc.; for States by chief of division _ of publications; clerical assistants. e e W ` 168. eS;1¤ie; copies for States. »» e f <; Section 151. Establishment- at depxrtmjentr-—-There shall be at theeseat df government Man executive departmex1_t,_ to be known as the eDepertment of State, and ay Secretary of State, who shall be the héi1g;1 'there0f:·~(R; _S.`§ 199.) e e . . Cross reference: Sales! of Secretaxy; see seefiogi 3.`o! this title. ` 152. .Undersecre¢ery of Statefesndee Assistant » Secretaries qf State.?-—'1`here .s1iall.beWin the Department of State au (Ender- _ Sééretary of State zmdefeur gssistanb Secretariesot State, each of ‘wh_0m—shal1 be appointed by the President,— by and with the ddiice. and consent of the Senate. _'Ihe; Aeeistax;t Secrc·— \ turies of St&te,sha1l1_ be without numerical distinctioukof rank. (RQ »S· S 200: June 20.1874, Q. 328i § 1, 18· Stat. 90·;_ Mar. 3, 1917,1:. 163, §°-1,`39° Stat._1082;eMa1·. 1,1919, c, 86, 5 1, 40 Stat.- 1224; Jgm.`3, 1923,4:., 21,,42 Stat. 1068; May.24, 1924, _ ct. 182,’§ 22, 43eSt&£. 14.6.) ‘ —. _ ‘ — _ ` _ 153. cme¥‘¤¢e-eumu of Accoentsag diabursing el¢rk.5——'11¤c Chief of the Bureau ot Accounts "mgy beapppmted oby the head-L of the départxiwnt disbursing clerk of the D€D$PtIH(3D»C_ of State. (Mar. 3, 1875.1:, 129, $1. 18 Stat; 849-) e _ ` 154. Disiiihuticin of dame; of q§cers,e clerks, and cmg .pI0yms.—¥The"SeCreteary bf State may prescribe dutiesvfor the Undersecretary bf State, the_Assistant Sectretaries, and the s0— e liclter, n0t.“1x1terfering.with his duties as an. omcer of yhe Dep:1r·t— e e , ment of Xiustice, and the clerks o£_ bureaus, as well estor au the other employee; Vin the department, and may make changes and transfers therein when, in his judgment., it becomes neces? Sah! _(`J\lI\BV%, 1874, c., 328, $..1,18 Stat. 90.) - ‘. `