Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1482

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}44E2 -SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Snss. II. Cn. 509. 1927. relieve the carrier from payment of compensation for disability or death sustained by an employee during the life of such policy cr contract. . i · · &g=;“¤¤g:g<£¤ 01 wli- _(b) No contract or policy of insurance by a carrier under this Act shall be canoe ed prior to the date specific in such contract or policy’for its expiration until at least thirty days have elapsed after a notice of cancellation has been sentto the deputy com- ·*’*“·¤·1*”- missioner and to the employer in accordance with the provisions ct subdivision (c) of sectxqn 12. m§:@Qg{;1;?&°gt?¤”· ’ *cm·rx:rrcA·rn or o0u1·uANcn wrrx-r rms scr R¤¤¤‘¤<”°*•¤¤‘°¥· Sno. 37. No stevedoring firm shall be employed in any compensa- M °t°v°d°d°° mm tion district by as vessel or by hull owners until it presents to such vessel'or hull owners a certi cate issued by; a deputy commissioner

 to such district that it has complied with the provisions

mm M vm- of t `s Act reguiring the of compensation to its employees. h§°¤*¤h0u Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be pumshed _ bg a ne of not more than $1,000, or by nnprisonment for not more A t an one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. me°l{’tg*}¤°¤*°**°¤ P"- rnzuxzrr ron mxnunn is snctmn ramnm or coursnsxrrox P°—°"hm°¤‘ '°’ ’°“‘ Sno. 38. An employer r uired to secure the payment of com n- muniii mpmm W sation under this act who §ls to secure such compensation shaH€be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished bi a fine of not more than $1,000, or by imprisonment for not more t an one year, or by both such line and imprisonment. This section shall not afect any other liability of the emp oyer under ¢his’Act; ' ‘ . A¤¤¤1¤1¤¢¤>¤¤¤- A ` ADMINISTRATION , , Em°‘°“m“m',§,°m°°“‘ Sno. 39. (a) Exce tas otherwise specifically provided the United ”2§§§%%g¤%(§,$gg· States Employees? (i)ompensation` Commission shall administer the igxcxtnaial . ` provisions of this Act, and for such purpose the commission is “ authorized (1) to make such rules and regulations; (2) to appoint andpfix the compensation of such temporary_technical assimants and medical; advisers, and, subject to the provisions of the civil service laws, to appoint, and, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, to the compensahon of such deputy commissioners (except deputyhcomginssionexgls apppmted undéer(s1;bdiv1s;r;n (a)hof sectigln 40) ando er o cers an em ,oyees· an 3 to m, e suc Ve` n `tures (including expenditures iior ersonal servicesand rent atxghee seat of governmentand elsewhere, or law bool:s,,books of reference, peri-

 and for printuf and binding) as may be necessary in the

admimstration o this ct._ All expgnditures of the commission m the administration of this Act shall y ` allowed and paid as provided P¤¤¢.1>-1445· in sect;<g1b45i‘ ixpon the presentation of itemized vouchers therefor aprov‘ ytecommiss1on._Q' "_ . ' _ ,,§$,"{‘§°,§’,§°,Y}{’,’{,u‘,{,§§,{ Eb) The commission shall establish compensation districts, to bw _in1;:lu1dehtSheAh1gh spas audi » glgzu areas within abc States to w `c t ` ctapp ies an assign toyeac su g fstijict one or more deputy commissioners, as the commission ,déems advisable. ,,,’§2,§‘§‘;°,{,,§,,"?,,Y,°f’°i““" Judicial proceedings under sections 18 and 21 of this `Act in respect ·*¤*•»PP· 1***- 1**- of any injury or death pccurring on the high seas shall be instituted in the district court within whose territorial Jurisdiction is located the oiliceof the deputy commissioner having yurisdiction in respect of such injury. or death (or in the Supreme Courtofxthe District of Columbia. ifvsnch ofice is located in such District). · .