Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/333

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II; 'Cus. 83, 93+95. 1927; 1765 ` CHAP; B8.—An Act For the relief of Cdestina Mateoe. x v ]'°i"'¤*'7P__1§~,}·_"7] · Be it enacted by the Senate and Houszreg Representatives of the ¤` · United Statebof in Uongreas ass led`, That th¤·Se¤!‘¤tB1‘y gfg §_*§•;*w,_ of the be, and hoviehereby, authorized pay lhtov amqa. to Celestine atees, of Manila, P dipping Islands, ·i$12,489&97,* out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriatediand m full settlement against the Government, as compensation for the total loss of the schooner Teresita, caused by collision between the said schooner a§g5the United States submarine $-40 in ·Mani1a Bay on March 17, Approved, February 8, 1927. CHAP. 93.-An Act To reimburse or compensate James E. Parker for F?i{uI?:’ii‘§do°?7]° money, clothing, and other prwertymisplaced or appropriated by United States [Private. No. 339. authorities during the World ar. _ _ t _ p Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Gon-gress assembled, That the Secretary ’§§§',,_ of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasuryeof the United States not otherwise a propriated, to James E. Par r, a second lieutenant, Twentieth Liiichine Gun Battalion, Seventh‘Division, in UnitedStates Army, World `War, the sum of $190, in full‘ compensation for- money clothing, and other dproperty misplaced or appropriated by the United States authorities uring the World War. T ‘ ` ' 1 Approved, February 9, 1927. _° CHAP. 94.-—An Act For the relief of Fannie B. Armstrong. ;i;?:u§z§£sTi70` ` " ` H ` VB , 0. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tlw [ I United States of America in Congress aase·mbZed,That· the" Secretary captain 0. Robert of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to y, ‘ to out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriatecigqto "°°" °'- Fannie jB. ArnistronE,_widow_ an administratrix of_.,the estate or ; _ Captain C. Robert, mstrong, [late of ,the“Seventeenth Regiment En ` eers"_(Rai1way»), American Eiipeditionary Forces, the sumof $52%i-g2, in full coxnpensationof the balance equitably due hirn for transportation and subsistence moneyexpended b him while m the performance of duty pursuapt to S§Ecial”Order iiumbcr 103, Gen- era] Headquarters, American Expo itionary, Forccs,,.France, while on a trip to Portugal and Spain. ' , i I, Q" ` ` A Approved, February 9, 1927. ° ' CHAP. 95.—An Act To ratify the action of a local board of sales édnhol r*"£_'{&“"°"· in respect of a contract between the United States and Max Hagedom, of La Grange, Georgia. 3 · , Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatilves of the . UnitedStates of America in Congress assemble}? That inasmuch as §’,,,"; ,,,,,_ Max Hagedorn, of La Grafc, Georgia, in disposin of ten thousand ¤¤¤•¤- giirs of used marching s oes purchased from tge United States. overmnentunderisalos contract SE-4462, entered into between the United States and the said Max Hagedorn on November 15, 1921, has adjusted his sales prices in reliance upon the action of the local board of sales control of the War Department, in reducing and fixing the price to be paid by the said Max Ha edorn under such contract,

 action of such board is hereby ratifid on behalf of the United

es. Approved, February 9, 1927.