Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/334

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1.766 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. S¤ss.·II. 96*—98, 108.. 31.927. h¤r¤{r•.¤•¤- cnn. ee.-An Act For the new or She6eld Company, a corporation of

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gg"'{,‘J,°,§”¤°¥· ` Uritd assembled, That the Secgetary eftihp:. . , bs; benshemlw, to Say, OUFQ. %Y§!'0P¤8t¤d, ¤·¤. IH full sg. . . . seems the G<>v¤x=nm¤t. ¢<> Shelli; . Qnmpssyw sm- poration Q, .under_the, laws of Georgia, with its prmcipal 131*09 H10 8l11¤.0f $750, Ol account of stngxlus war material purc ased y Shemeld Company from the Um States Government at SoutherAv1at1on Fiel , which prop: erty was never delivered to said Sheiiield Company. 'F Approved, February 9, 1927. A [;;°£§?;%’&T‘] cnn. ev.-Au Act For the mus: er amy J. mw. _ van, 0.343. W . · `S . ` . _. · Bp it muted by the Senate and House of Representativesoé the £§",,,,{;,°,.,‘f’2',; ,,,. United of Sin Uongreas assembled, That the · mum taryo{z1tth¢}Treasurybe,_an‘§%iheishereby,(=;;1 aud pay _0 _. S0 any moneyixnp e Tru ` .n, rwise approprt ,

 full settlement against the Government, the sum of $1.,729.55

to J. whopn 29, 1919, was struck by a= Govern·

 cycle SDE],-'8ldQ car on the streets of San Francisco, re-

_ g in serious m]uries_and longconizinementvm a. hospital, the vehicle m question being driven by an employee of the motor trans- port general depot, San Francisco, California. Approved, February 9, 1927. " V ’°"'{";_’,2§{’,“’· . mus. ¤s.—»a¤ au For- therelief or mu w. wnm. mb by the Senate of Representatives actbe

_¢;*;J,{-““g·'d Umted of America in Qorfreaa aasembZed,SThat the - re-

consuldyingtoinurvice. tary of the be,Qand h6'1S_ ereby, authomzed and to __y·bo Agnes_W. 1IOOX,.W1dQVQ’ of the late Henry T. 11cox, late

 consul at Vigo, Spain, the sum of $4 590,, being one year’s
 of'·her  _husband,_Swho died of illness   while

1n the Consular Service; and there IS hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sudlcient sum to carry out the purpose of this Act. Approved, February 9, 1927. '°""‘K{§.§ tig"' cnn. nos.-an acs For the miieser Frederick Mamma. Mmm He it enacted by tlze_Sendte and H ouee of Representatives on the N"_,°"",,, ‘°",,,,,,, ,,,,,,;d Hnzted State; of Amenca m §’ongg·ess That 111 the - ¤¤¤•¤-•¤— istration of any laws 001IfBl'l"Ll'1%`%llt¤S,cg>1‘1Y1l§9S and beneiits u ll honorably discha1·§d sailors, ‘ eri all, who in theSUnitedp States avy, October 22, 1862, and served on the Cyane and Lancaster as an ordinary seaman, shallhereafter beheld and considered to have been discharged honnrabl from the naval service iii·°iL°éi=v¤v.¢e. of the United States on the 2 st day of Citober, 1865: Provided, Th¤¢..n<> b¤s=k.1>;»y,.§)e¤¤i9n...eIl9wa¤ or <>!=h¢r,¤m¤1¤m¤nt¤ ¤h¤1l be held accrued prior the passage of%is Act. ` “` ` Approved, February 11, 1927.