Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/403

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 454-456. 1927. 1835 CHAP. 454.-An Act For the relief of S. K. Truby. lr{,¤¤g· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the [P""°°' N°'°°°`] United States of America in Uorfress assembled, That the Secretary §,§;,,'{`,‘;§§,{· 0, ,0,, of the Treasulx}y_be, and he is ereby, authorized and directed to £¤Qg¤¢¤<>¢*¤¤·*·*<>d· redeem one mted States Treasury certificate of indebtedness, ` payable to bearer, numbered 8693, 1n the denomination of $500, series TS-1921, dated September 15, 1920, and matured September 15, 1921, with interest at the rate of 6 per. centum per annum from September 15, 1920, to September 15, 1921, in favor of S. K. Truby, Maple Park, Illinois, without presentation of the said certificate, the certificate of indebtedness having been lost, stolen, or destro ed: p,,,,,,,_,_ Provvkled, That the said certificate of indebtedness shall not have C°¤dm°¤- been previously presented for payment and that no payment shall be made hereunder for any coupons which shall have been reviously _ presented and paid: Provided gurtlzcr, That the said S. iii Truby I°d°m°'”' b°°d‘ shall first file in the Treasury epartment a bond in the penal sum of double the amount of the principal of said Treasur certificate of indebtedness, and the interest payable thereon, in such form and with such surety or sureties as may be acceptable to the Secretary of the Treasury to indemnify andsave harmless the United States from any loss on account of the lost, stolen, or destroyed certificate of indebtedness herein described. Approved, March 3, 1927. Mmm ,1m. CHAP. 455.-An Act Granting relief to Thomas M. Livingston. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Th M L, . _ United States Q; America in Uongress assembled, That the Court of at¤.°°°“ ` wm Claims of the nited States be, and hereby is, given jurisdiction to m‘§§f}§,°,§·,§§§,Q'§,‘§'F",,¥ hear and determine the claim of Thomas M. Livingston, of Columbia, férghgx ¤¤ ¤¤¤r¢ of South Carolina, for compensation for the taking by the United ' States of a part of a tract of land belon `ng to said Thomas M. Livi ton in Richland County, South Cgdrolina, for public use, and ngsimage to the remainder of said tract, resulting from the digging by the United States in 1918 and 1919 of a canal through sai property, as a sewage outlet for Camg Jackson, South Carolina, notwithstan ing the fact that the United tates, or any oilicer, agent, or employee acting in its behalf, entered upon said roperty under a claim of right, or committed a tort in doing so, and) notwithstand- ing any statute of limitations with respect to suits against the United _ States. Use ts pear pim- Snc. 2. That the said Court of Claims in the adjudication of said insaetc. claim is authorized, in its discretion, to employ and use the pleadings and evidence filed in the Court of Claims by the said Thomas M. Livingston or the United States in case numbered 298—A between the sand parties in said court, in which the Court of Claims rendered a decision on January 5, 1925, or upon such further proceedings as the court may require. Approved, March 3, 1927. cnn. 4se.-in Act rst the mus: cf the Dewitt county National nm, cr iii‘¥"{%¥i$£ZS‘ Clinton, Illinois. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the Secretary N],°,§,Y,‘Q{§,§§}‘é’1§,{ of the Treasury be and he is hereby, authorized and directed to Wag]- ti omom redeem in favor of the DeWitt County National Bank, Clinton, un>s¤°;!i£»¤Y£. Illinois, United States registered note numbered .]-105600 as the