Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1252

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1201 Rubber, fiber, and other tropical plants : For investigation of Acclimatizing tropi- crops introduced from tropical regions, and for the improvement of cal plants, e tc. rub ber, aba ca, and other fi ber plan ts by cu ltural m ethods, breeding , acclimatization, adaptation, and selection, and for investigation of t heir dis eases, a nd for d etermini ng the f easibilit y of inc reasing Hard fibers . the production of hard fibers outside of the continental United States, $160,000 . Drug and related pl ants : For the investigation, testing, and Drug plants, etc . improvement of plants yielding drugs, spices, poisons, oils, and related products and by-products, $37,700 . Nematology : For crop te chnologi cal inve stigatio ns, incl uding th e Hematology . study of plant -infesti ng nemat odes, $5 7,900 . Seed laboratory : For studying and testing commercial seeds, includ- and

ial seed s ing the testing of samples of seeds of grasses, clover, or alfalfa, and Testing samples, etc . lawn-grass seeds secured in the open market, and where such samples are found to be adulterated or misbranded the results of the tests shall be published, together with the names of the persons by whom Preventing admis- the se eds were offered for sal e, and f or carry ing out the prov isions seds etc . adulterat ed of the A ct app roved Augus t 24, 1912 (U. S. C., p. 95, sees. 111-114), Voi. 37, p. 506 ; Vol. entitled "An Act to regulate for ei gn commerce by prohibiting the 44ti . 32 3. Code, p. 95. admission into the United States of certain adulterated grain and Pr ovi so . seeds unfit for seeding purposes," $77,800

Provid ed, Th at not to Inter national Seed exceed $250 of this amount may be used for meeting the share of Tes ting Cong ress . the United States in the expenses of the International Seed Testing Cong ress in carrying out pla ns for c orrelati ng the wo rk of th e vari- ous adhering gover nments on problems relating to seed analysis or other subjects which the congress may determine to be necessary in the in terest of inter national seed tr ade .

Cereal cro ps and Cereal crops an d diseas es : For the inve stiga tion a nd im prove ment diseases . of cereals, including corn and methods of cereal production and In vesti gati ons f orim - provement, eradicating for the study and control of cereal diseases, including barberry diseases, etc. erad ication, and for the inv estigati on of th e cultiva tion and breed- ing of flax for seed purposes, including a study of flax diseases, and for the invest igation and improvement of broomcorn and methods of broomcorn production, $810,920 : Provi ded, That $3 79,920 s hall be Rust spores destr uc • set aside fo r the lo cation o f and de structio n of the barberry bushes tion . and oth er vegetation from which ru st spores originate

Provided Co ntri butio ns f rom further, That $75,000 of this amount shall be available for expendi- States, etc . ture only when an equal amount shall have been appropriated, sub- scribed, or contributed by States, counties, or local authorities, or by individuals or organizations, for the accomplishment of such pu rposes . Tobacco : For the inv es tig at ion and improvement of to bac co and eto obacco production, the methods of tobacco production and handling, $70,310 .

Sugar-plantinvestiga- Sugar plants : For sugar-plant investigations, including studies t ion . of diseases and the improvement of sugar beets and sugar-beet seed, $25 7,000 .

Wild plants and graz- Botany : For investigation, improvement, and utilization of wild ing lands . plants and grazing lands, and for determining the distribution of wee ds and m eans of their co ntrol, $ 53,800 .

Dry land, etc ., crop Dry- land agricu lture : For the investigation and improvement of production. methods of cro p pro du cti on under subhumid, semiarid, or dry -l and Provisos . conditions, $333,900 : Provi ded, That $ 75,000, includin g constr uction sti on enne (Wyo.) of physical improvements, shall be available for the horticultural Southern O re at experimen t station at Cheyenne, Wyoming : Provided further, That Plains station . $35 ,000 sha ll he av ailable for carr ying int o effect the Act approve d Antedpa~o Okla. April 16, 1928 (45 Stat ., pp . 430, 431), entitled "An Act providing for horticultural experiment and demonstration work in the Southern Buildings limit not Great Plains area," at Wood war d, Oklahoma : Provided further, applicable . That the limitations in this Act as to the cost of farm buildings