Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1381

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SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 352 . 1929 . every respect ; with the exception of questions in the practice of medicine and practice of osteopathy which shall be propounded to applican ts of th ese resp ective sc hools on ly, as t he case may be, and the replies shall be examined and graded by the member or members of the board representing such schools of practice . Certi ficat e of appl i- The board of e xaminers in medicine and osteopathy shal l certify cants found qualified. t o the commission applicants whom the y have found qualified to be licensed to practice medicine and surgery, or osteopathy and surgery, as the case may be. Applicants who do SEC . 13 . The commission shall refer to the board of examiners in not intend to limit practice to some drug- medicine and osteopathy every applicant for a license to practice the less method, to be re- healing art who does not intend and in his application agree to ferred to examiners in me dicine and o steop- limit his practice to some named drugless method of healing and athy . Proviso .

who is not entitled to a license without examination : Provided, That No applicant to be no applicant shall be certified to the board of examiners in medicine referred, if not reported by examiners in basic and osteopathy for examination who has not been reported by the scie nces, quali fied therein .

board of examiners in the basic sciences as qualified in the sciences . of anat omy, physiology, chemistry, bacteriology , and pathology. Drugless healing .

SEC . 14. On petition of five or more adherents of any drugless on petition, t boa commis- sion to appoint board, d, method of healing, the commission shall appoint a board of examin- to determine fitness of ers to determine the fitness of applicants for licenses to practice the applicants for licenses . healing art in the District of Columbia according to that method . Every such petitioner, at the time of signing the petition, shall have practiced the healing art in some manner, not necessarily in the ma nner des cribed i n the pe tition, for not less tha n five c onsecuti ve Requisites of petition . years imme diately precedin g, in th e Distri ct of Co lumbia . The peti- ti on shall define the meth od of he aling fo r which an exami ning boa rd is desired, so as clearly to differentiate that method from the unre- Information to be stricted practice of the healing art . The petition shall show as given . nearly as may be the number of schools teaching the method of hea ling des cribed i n it, an d shall show the nature and exte nt of th e facilities available for the education and training of practitioners of that method . It shall supply such other information as the com- Petitioners to swear mission may designate . The petition shall be sworn to by each of thereto .

the petitioners to the best of his knowledge and belief . Examining boards to Upon the filing of proper petition for the appointment of an be appointed by corn- mission . examining boar d to determine the qualifications of app licants for licenses to practice according to the method of healing defined in the petition, the commission shall by resolution provide for the appoint- ment of such a board and define exactly the method of practice to be Appointments fr om covered by it and to be pursued by applicants licensed after examina- time to time to exam- tion by it . After the adoption of any such resolution the commis- ine app licants . lion shall from time to time appoint boards to examine such appli- cants as may a pply for licenses to practice the method of healing Qualifications of defined in such resolution . The commis sion sh all app oint a s mem- members . bers of any such board persons of good repute who have been gradu- ated with some degree appropriate to the method of practice that the appointe e has fo llowed or intends to foll ow, by s ome scho ol reg- istered under this Act, and who have somewhere taught or practiced, or taught and practiced, the method of healing defined in the reso- lution for not less than five years immediately preceding their re- spective appointments, under authority of licenses empowering them Preferences . so to do. In maki ng such appoi ntments , howev er, th e commi ssion shall give preferenc e, when circumstances permit and other th ings are equal, to person s who have taught or practiced, or taught and practiced, the heali ng art according to the method defined in the resolution, in the District of Columbia, under licenses authorizing them so to do, for not less than three years immediately preceding