Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1783

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INDEX. Brldgu-Continued. oonstruction of, authorbfd acroll Santa Rosa Sound, Fla________ 752 Savannah River, at Burtcm'. Ferry, Gt._ --.-.--••_. _.-_•..;..._. ____• Snake River, near Indian Cove, Idaho_ near Swan Valley, Idaho________ _ 751 111 111 South Fork of Cumoerlanci River, at Burnside, Ki----.--~--------- 612 ~m~:h:TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk)_~::: ~g:g Susquehanna .H .iver, at Liverpool, Pa_ 1319 at Sunbury, Pa_________________ 244 Tampa Bay, Fla. from Pinellas foint to Piney Foint__________ 405 Tenneaaee River, at Chattanooga, Tenn________________________ 1499 at mouth of Clarks River______ 143,607 at Clifton, Tenn________________ 755 at EBt.~e>rs FerryrKy---- __ _ _ __ 144, 608 at Guntersville, A'a ___________ 286.763 in Henry anr: S'8Wart Counties, TenD. ___________________ ~___ 418 in Knox Coun!Y, Tenn__________ 418 at Knoxville, Tenn_____________ _ 1172 in Marl",n County, Tenn_________ 417 in Roane County, Tenn_______ .__ 31G at Scottsboro, Ala _____________ 287,754 at Whitesburg Ferry, Ala _______ 287,753 Tensaa River, in Louisl&D&_________ 765 Tombigbee River, at Aberdeen, Miss_ 59 at Aliceville, Ala________________ 310 near Butlt:~l Ala________________ 754 at Coffeevwe, Ala_______________ 1530 at Epes, Ala.___________________ 308 at Gainesville, Ala______________ 308 Th; ~:~d ~-sandi-River;-w. 754 Va_________________________ .. 157 Wabash River, at McGregors Ferry, Ill__________________________ 480 at Vincennes, Ind_______________ 740 Wacea.maw River, at Reeves Ferry, N.C __ - ____________________ _ Warrior River, at Demopolia, Ala __ _ at Eutaw, Ala. ________________ _ White River, at Augusta, Ark _____ _ at Clarendon, Ark_____________ _ at Cotter, Ark. ________________ _ at Newport, Ark_______________ _ 516 754 754 757 972 470 984 Youghiogheny River, between Ver- sailles and Boston, Pa_________ 1169 constructjon legalized of, acroaa Caney . Fork River, in De KalbCounty, Tenn________________________ 112 Columbia River, at Hood River, ~.----------------------- 285 Fox River, by East Dundee, I1L___ 1478 HilIBborough Bay, at TamPa...F1a___ 55 Ohio River, at Steubenville, Ohio___ 1074 Potomac River, at Paw Paw, W. Va. 1077 Saint Francia River, at Marked Tree, Poinsett County, Ark ________ _ 442 286 117 Snake Riverl-at H~burn, Idaho ___ _ at Idaho .nUs, Idaho___________ _ disposal of, across Perdido Bay, Fla. and Ala.• if acquired by Escam- bia County, Fla., Baldwin County, .Ala. or Florida or Alabama,maybetransferred,etc_ 1510 reconstruction authorized of, across Dan itiver, in Pittllylvania County, Va__________________ 1159 Grand Calumet River, East Chicago and Gary, IndL _______________ 1475 at Gary, Ind___________________ 1475 Bridgu-Continued. P .... reconstruction authorised of, across Little Calumet River Halsted Street, Cook County, ilL ______ 763 Mahoning River, at Youngstown, Ohio________________________ 62 Saint Louie River, between Ricee Point, Minn., and Connors Point, Wia___________________ 286 Tombigbee River,at Epes, Ala_____ 115 Bum authorized for half the cost of, &crose Ban Jacinto River, Dear Boboda Indian Reservation, Calif___ :_ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1229 time extended for constructing, across Allegheny River, at Eldred, Pa_ 769 at Kittanning, Pa_______________ 1254 at Oil City, Pa_ ________________ 1321 Black River, at Jonesville, La_ _____ 57 Calumet River, at One hundred and thirtieth Street, Chicago, ilL ___ 1546 Chattahoochee River, at Alaga, Ala_ 309 Chesapeake Bav, in Baltimore and Kent Counties, Md___________ 414 Columbia IUver, at Entiat, Wash___ 1546 at Kettle Falls, Wash____________ 51 Cumberland Rive!" at Arat, Ky____ 1527 at Burkesville, AY __ ._____ ______ 1523 at Burnaidet...Ky________________ 1488 at Canton'-.Ay__ ___________ _____ 1501 at Center f'oinhKy_____________ 1500 at Cree1sboro, AY_______________ 1528 at Eggners Ferry, Ky___________ 1524 at mouth of Indian Cnl8k, Ky____ 1525 at Iut&, Ky____________________ 1523 at Neely. Ferry, Ky_____________ 1528 ncl~!~~!: !lBuriiigtOn:N:j: 1~~ at Trenton.z..N. J_.______________ 440 Des Moines .lUve!.z_at Croton, Iowa_ 1535 Grand Calumet .lUver, at Burnham Avenue, Cook COunty,IlL____ 1168 Kanawha River Henderson to Point Pleaaan~ W. Va_________ 314, 1525 at Indian \.;reek, Ky____________ 1525 at Saint Albans, W. Va__________ 1527 Lake Champlain, at East Alburg, Vt_ 1533 at Rouses Point, N. Y___________ 1532 Lake Sabine, at Port Arthur, TeL__ 1524 Mahoning River, at Niles, Ohio__ 761, 1535 at W&rrel.!!.Ohio---------------- 1635 Miasissippi .Kiver, at Arkansas City, Ark___________ ._____________ 1511 at Baton Rouge, La____________ 1093 at Bettendorf, Iowa________ . __ _ 1512 at Cairo, Ill____________________ 1557 at Carondelet, Mo_________ - -- - - 1308 at Cheater,Ill__________________ 1529 at Clearwater z Minn _________ 118,1527 at Helena, Ark_________________ 1529 at Hickman, Ky_____________ .,__ 1532 at Natchez} MiBS_______________ 1094 at NewOrJean8 ______________ 193,732 between New Orleans and Gretna, La__________________________ 1229 at ~cy, Ill__________________ 296 at . t Paul &lld Minneapolis Minn ____________________ 293,1185 at Savanna, Ill ______________ 297.1158 at Tiptonville, Tenn __________ . _ 1451 at Vicksburg, MiBS_____________ 1446 Miasouri River at Arrow Rock, Mo_ 1536 at Decatur, Nebr_______________ 1526 at Kansas City, Kans___________ 1530 at Miami, Mo__________________ 1511 at Nebraska City, Nebr_________ 1525