Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/737

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PAN-AMERICAN POSTAL UNION. NOVEMBER 9, 1926. 2413 3. La correspondencia a que se refieren los dos parrafos prece- dentes, podra ser expedida en franquicia con caracter de certi- ficado, pero sin derecho alguno a indemmzaci6n en caso de ex- travio. Articulo 10 PROHIBICIONES 1. Sin perjuicio de 10 que esta- blezca la legislaci6n interna de cada pais, respecto a restricciones en la circulaci6n de corresponden- cia, no se dara curso a las publica- ciones pornograficas, ni a las que atenten contra la seguridad y el orden publicos. 2. Las Administraciones con- tratantes tendran la facultad de no darle curso a la corresponden- cia de cualquier clase, que tenga por objeto la comisi6n de fraudes, estafas 0 cualquier otro delito contra la propiedad 0 las per- sonas, de acuerdo con su regimen interior. 3. Que d a prohibida, igual- mente, la circulaci6n por Correo, de los eDvios de cualquiera clasi- ficaci6n que por su texto, forma, mecanismo 0 aplicaci6n, sean in- morales 0 ultrajen las buenas costumbres. 4. Salvo arreglo en contrario, entre las Administraciones inte- resadas, se prohibe la inclusi6n de dinero en efectivo 0 valores al portador, en la correspondencia ordinaria 0 certificada. Las Administraciones no ad- mitiran responsabilidad pecunia- ria por el extravio 0 substracci6n parcial 0 total del contenido de dicha correspondencia. Articulo 11 SERVICIOS ESPECIALES Los paises contratantes se obli- gan a hacer extensivos a los demas de la Uni6n Postal Panamericana, sobre la base de acuerdos espe- ciales, todos los servicios postales que realicen en el interior de su pais. 54835°-29-PT 2 --47 3. The correspondence referred Registration au~. to in the two preceding para_!zed· graphs may be sent free of post- age under registration, but with- out any right to indemnity in case of loss. Article 10 PROHIBITIONS 1W·h . ditoh Prohibited cone- . It out preJu ce t e spondence. £rovisions of the domestic legis- ~omographlc publi· . din catIOns, etc. atlOn of each country regar g restrictions on the circulation of correspondence, pornographic publications will not be forwarded nor those endangering public safety and order. 2. The contracting Adminis- Fraudulent, etc. , c or- trations will have the option of respondence. not forwarding correspondence of any class having for its object the commission of frauds, swin- dles or any other offense against property or persons, in accord- ance with its domestic laws. 3. It is also prohibited to send by mail articles of any classifica- tion which, by their text, form, mechanism or application, are immoral or contrary to good morals. 4. Barring contrary arrange- ments between the Administra- tions concerned, it is prohibited to inclose money in cash or values payable to the bearer in ordinary or registered correspondence. The Administrations will not accept pecuniary responsibility for the loss, or for the partial or total rifling, of the contents of the said correspondence. Article 11 SPECIAL SERVICES Immoral articles. Money In cash, etc. The contracting countries obli- Special ",!rvlces to other countTles. gate themselves to make exten- sive to the other countries of the Pan-American Postal Union, on the basis of special agreements, all of the postal services which they realize in the interior of their countries.