Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1670

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. III. CHs . 522-525 . 1931 .

1627 sailors, and marines with flags and flowers in the national cemeteries in the District of Columbia and in the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, fiscal year 1931, $2,500, to be paid to the treasurer of such Corporati on and disbur sed by him fo r the foregoin g purposes . SHORT TIT LE This Act may be cited as the " Second Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1931 ." Approved, March 4, 1931 . CHAP. 523 .- Joint Resolution To provide for the relocation of the statue of Major General John A . Rawlins . Resolved by the Senate and Ho use of Repr esen tati ves of the United States of America in Cong ress ass embl ed, That th e Director of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital is authorized and directed to cause the statue of Major General John A . Rawli ns to be erec ted in Rawlins Park, United States Reserv a- tion Numbered 13, District of Columbia, upon its removal from its present location as authorized in the Act entitled "An Act to pro- vide for the construction of certain public buildings, and for other purposes," approved May 25, 1926 . The exact site selected in such park shall be approved by t he Commission of Fine Arts . SEc. 2 . For the preparation of the new site and the erection of such statue thereon there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1,500 . Approved, March 4, 1931 . Title of Act . March 4, 1931 . [S. J. Res.228 .] [Pub . Res. No. 132 .1 Major General Jo hn A . Raw]ins . Relocation of statue of, in District of Co- lumbia. Vol. 44, p. 630. Fine Arts C ommis- sion to approve site . Sum authorized . Ante, p. 1556. CHAP . 524 .-Joint Resolution Authorizing the President to proclaim October

March 4, 1931 .

(S .7. Res. 247.] 11, 1931, General Pulaski's Memorial Day for the observance and commemoration [Pub . Res ., No. 133.] of the death of Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Presi - 1 •eneral cas mfr Pu- dent of the United States is authorize d and requeste d to issue a Observance of anni- versary of death of. proclamation calling upon officials of the Government to display the flag of the United States on all governmental buildings on October 11, 1931, and inviting the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies of the death of General Casi mir Pulaski . Approved, March 4, 1931 . March 4, 1931 . CHAP . 525 .-Joint Resolution To amend Public Resolution Numbered 80, [H. J. Res. 303.] Seventieth Congress, second session, relating to payment of certain claims of grain [Pub. Res., No . 134.] elevators and grain firms . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sta tes of America in Congress assembled, That Public Resolution Numbe red 80 , appr oved Februa ry 4, 1929 ( Seven tieth Congre ss), authorizing the President to ascertain, adjust, and pay certain claims of grain elevators and grain firms to cover insurance and interest on wheat during the years 1919 and 1920, as per a certain contract authorized by the President, approved February 4, 1929, be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding thereto the following : " : Provided, That the Comptroller General of the United States is authorized to waive production of the original orders for cars, but Grain contract prices . Vol . 45, p. 1148. Payment of claims . Waiver of original orders for cars.