Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1841

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INDEX. clxix Reedy Island, Del.: Page Appropriation for public building aL _________________________ 891, 903 Quarantine station, appropriation for officers' quarters at _ _ _ _ _________ 903 Reels, d ut y on _ _ _ ____________________ 667 Refined Sugar: Duty on___________________________ 630 Adulterated, d\Jty on_______________ 631 Reflectors, duty on_ _ _ _ _______________ 607 Reforestation: Appropriation for- On f'rms ________________________ 398 In nil. ionalforests ______________ 409, 527 Cooperat:'m of Territories and Depart- ment ofAgriculturefor. _ _ _ _ _____ 1200 Porto Rico ________________________ 1516 Reformatories, appropriatiun for _____ 192, 1328 Refractometers, duty on_ _ _____________ 607 Refrigerators, duty on_ ________________ 618 Refunds: Authorized by Tariff Act ____________ 739 Provisions of Tariff Act relating to_ ___ 693 Regalia: Defined, Tariff AcL ____ ___ ___ _______ 682 Gems, on ftee lisL _________________ _ 6S1 Register, Official, appropriation for Houseportionof. _________________ 1182 Registered Mail, increased eharg('s for certificate of mailing authori;:ed ___ _ Registers, cash, duty on _____________ _ Regulus Antimony, duty on ___________ _ Reid, Quantico, Va., acquisition of land for Marine Corps flying field _______ _ Reid, Thomas G., recommcnding dis- tinguished flying cross to _________ _ Reinburg, M. Katherine, deficiency ap- 1048 625 626 330 530 pr0priation for seryiceB _________ 860,1552 Reindeer: Appropriation for care and invest:ga- tion of, in Alaska ___ 322.415. 1157, 1264 Duty on, meaL____________________ 632 Reiter, Fred, bridge authorized across Mississippi River by______________ 75 Rennet, on free lisL__________________ 681 Reno, Nev., appropriation for public buildingat_______________________ 353 Reno Quartermaster Depot Military Res- ervation, Oklahoma, appropriation for reformatory___________________ 1328 Rene Section, D. C ., streets and aUeys in, closing of certain_________________ 816 Rensselaer, N. Y .: May bridge Hudson River a1. ______ __ 61 Time extended for bridging Hudson River, a1.______________________ 1054 Rent, Heat, Fuel, and Light: Appropriation for Foreign Service_ ____ 1314 Deficiency appropriation for Post Office DepartmenL _______________ 1079,1082 Repatriation Certificate, issue of, if claim Pace of citizenship resumption provoo__ __ 791 Representation Allowances, appropria- tion f('r, Foreign Service___________ 1314 Representatives, Hawaii, qualifications of voters for___ ___ __ ______ ____ __ _____ 818 Representatives In Congress: Apportionment of, under Fifteenth Census AcL ____________________ 26 Research Council, International, appro- priation for contribution ________ 182,1318 Reservations, appropriation for bird and mammal, maintenance_ ____ ___ __ 414, 1264 Reserve Officers, Army, status of, not on active duty______________________ 841 Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Army. See War Department. Reserves, Fleet Marine Corps and Fleet Naval, hospitalization, etc., trans- ferred members oL________________ 556 Resident Commissioners, House of Rep- resentatives, appropriation for ex- penses ________________________ 508,1178 Resins, on free lisL___________________ 678 Resorcinol, duty on _________________ 593,594 Retirement: Army and Navy nurses, if disabled__ 790, 1502 Naval officers; annuity, etc__________ 1484 Retirement Act of 1930: Duties of Pension Bureau under ______ 305 Eligibility for superannuation retire- ment__________________________ 468 Automatic separation at retirement age; exception__________________ 469 Employees to whom act applies_______ 470 Annuities, computation of. ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 471 Accredited Service, computation of ____ 472 Disability retirement_ _______________ 472 Medical examinations annually ____ 473 Involuntary separation from service__ _ 474 Benefits extended to retired _ _ _ _______ 475 Credit for past service_______________ 475 Deductions and donations_ ___________ 475 Investment and accounts____________ 476 Return of amounts deducted_________ 476 Annuities, payment of, and form of application_ ____________________ 477 Civil Service Commission, duties of _ _ _ 478 Actuaries, Board of, duties oL_______ 478 Administration of act_______________ 478 Exemption from execution, etc_ _ _ _ ___ 479 Effective date of act_____ ____________ 479 Retirement and Disability Fund: Civil Service, sums credired to ______ 305,953 Foreign Service, sums credited to ___ 179, 131 Retirement Date, uniform, for Federal personnel________________________ 253 Revenue, Customs. See Customs Revenue.