Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1842

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clxx IXDEX. Revenue Act of 1926: P&Ife Gross estate, to include property traIlB- ferred in contemplation of death_ _ 1516 If transferor retains life interest, etc_ 1511) Exception if bona fide sale__________ 1517 Income taxes, time f')r assessment, etc., extended if married individuals having community property _ ____ _ 589 Tobacco stamp taxes, redemption of certain________________________ 1510 Revenue Act or 1928: Income tax rates under, 1929_________ 47 Income taxes, time for assessment, etc., extended if married individuals having community property______ 589 Revenue Law Violations, a.ppropriation for detection, etc., oL __________ 341,1223 Revenue Stamps, on free list ___________ 681 Revised Statutes. See also rnited Code. Amended- Section 355 _____________________ _ Section 366 _____________________ _ Sections 476; 482 ________________ _ Section 649 _____________________ _ Section 829 _____________________ _ Section 939 _____________________ _ Section 1243 ____________________ _ Sections 1841-1891; 191U; 1912 ____ _ Section 2455 ____________________ _ Section 351 L ___________________ _ Section 3928 ____________________ _ Section 4578 ____________________ _ Sections 4~4; 4bfl6; 4SS;;; 4892 ____ _ Section 4934 ____________________ _ Section 5153 ____________________ _ Section 5240 ____________________ _ Repealed- Sec~ions 162; 196; 461; 1156 ______ _ Section 1683 ____________________ _ Sections 1697; 1698 ______________ _ Sections 2061; 2230; 2231. __ _ __ __ _ _ Sections 2232; 2353; 2356; 2358; 2359; 2360; 2364; 2398; 2399; 2400; 2404; 2405; 2407; 241 L ______ _ Sections 2463; 2469; 2470; 3482 ___ _ Section 4204 ___________ - _- --____ _ Section 4579 _____________ - _- - ___ _ Section 3433, a.pplication of, to bonded wareh ouses ____________________ _ Revolver8, duty on ___________________ _ Rhamnose, duty on __________________ _ Rhea County, Tenn., time extended for bridging Tennessee River, between, and Meigs County, Tenn _________ _ Rheinfrank, Eugene, time extended for bridging Maumee River by _______ _ Rhode Island, deficiency appropriation for construction, naval training station_ 828 170 155 4'16 4805 1028 I 160 i 377 155 1045 261 : 376 I 1-- I ~~I hl4 I 1028 II 1040 120:'; I 1028 1029 1028 1029 261 692 621 631 1056 551 1072 Rhodes Point, Md., preliminary examir.a- P&&,e tion to be made of channel to Tyler- ton, :Md _ ________________________ ~35 Rhodinol. duty on_ _ _ _________________ 598 Rhodium: Duty on_ _____ ___ _____ __ ___ _____ ___ 592 On free lisL________________________ 678 Ribbons, duty on_____________________ 651 Ribose. duty on_ _ _ _ _ __ _ ______________ 631 Rice, duty on, and straw _____________ 634, 638 Rice, Dale S., reimbursement to, for cAnceled homestead entry __ _ _ __ ___ _ 102 Richardson Creek. Ga.• preliminary exam- inAtion of, to be made_____________ 937 Richford, Vt.: Appropriation for public building aL__ 353 Inspe{'tion station- Authorized_______________________ 120 Acquisition of new site for, and con- stru{'tion of, authorized at _ _ _ _ _ 898 Sale of pres{'nt site for, authorized_ _ 898 Richland County. Mont.: Bridge authorized across ~1issouri Rh'cr, by __________________________ 858, 859 Yellowstone River, hy_____________ 77 Time extended for bridging Missouri Rivcr, at Culbertson, MonL, by_ _ 1174 Richmond Calif.• improvement of, harbor authorized_______________________ 931 Richmond. Ya.: ." ppropriation for-- Battlefield survey _____________ 910, 1304 PubliC' buildingaL _____________ 353,1600 Battlefield survey expenses authorized _ 4 Post office, courthouse, and custom- house, authorization modified_ ____ 119 Tf'fIIlS of court aL_________________ 56 Richmond County, Ga .• bridge authorized across Savannah River, by_________ 224 Rifles: ])uty on___________________________ 621 On free list_________________________ 679 Rights of Way: DOnAtions of, through designated na- tional parks____________________ 1028 Granting of, across Louisiana and Texas Intracoastal Waterway authorized_ 153, 949 Lease of gas and oil deposits under railroad________________________ 373 RiDder. H . A ., time extended for bridging Missouri River by________________ 74 Rinderpest: Appropriation for eradication_ ___ _ __ _ _ 1252 Importation of cattle from country where, exists, prohibited_ __ _ __ _ __ 689 Ringgold Road, Ga., deficiency appropria- tion for paving_ _ _________________ 1610