Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/673

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630 SCHEDULE 4. Woo d and manufac- tures of. Casks, etc. Boxes , wi th c itrus fru its . Proviso . American shooks and bar rel st av es, r eim- ported . Reed, ratt an, etc . Fur nit ure . Toothpicks . Porch blinds, screens, etc. Clothespins, hous e furniture,ete, Wood flour, etc . Post, p . 3047. SCHEDULE 0. Sugar, molass es, and manufactures of. Sugar ca ne juice, etc . Molasses, sug ar sir- ups, etc . Low-grade molasses . SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. II . C$. 497 . 1930 . PAR. 407. Casks, ba rrels, and hogsheads (empty), sugar-box shooks, and pa cki ng boxes ( empt y), and packing-box shooks, of wood, not specially provided for, 15 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 408 . Boxes, barrels, and other articles containing oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, shaddocks or pomelos, 25 per centum ad valorem : P rovi ded, That the thin wood, so called, comprising the sides, tops, an d bottom s of fru it boxes of the growth o r manufa cture of the United States, exported as f ruit -box sho oks, may be reim - ported in completed form, filled wi th fruit, by the payment of duty at one-half the rate imposed on si milar boxes of entirely foreign growth and manufacture ; but proof of the identity of such shooks shall be made under regulat ions to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury . PAR. 409 . Reeds wrought or manufactured from rattan or reeds, whether round, flat, split, oval, or in whatever form, cane wrought or manufactured from rattan , cane webbing, and split or partially manufactured rattan, not sp ecially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem . Furniture wholly or in chief value of rattan, reed, bam- boo, osier or willow, malacca, grass, seagrass, or fiber of any kind, 60 per centum ad valorem ; split bamboo, 11/4 ce nts per pound ; osier or willow, including chip of and split willow, prepared for basket maker s' use, 35 per centu m ad valorem ; all articles not specially provided for, wholly or partly manufactured of rattan, bamboo, osier or willow, 45 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 410 . Toothpicks of wood or other vegetable substance, 25 per centum ad valorem ; butchers' and packers' skewers of wood, 25 cents per thousand . PA R . 411 . Porch and window blinds, baskets, bags, chair seats, curtains, shades, or screens, any of the foregoing wholly or in chief value of bamboo, wood, straw, papier-mkche, palm leaf, or com- positions of wood, not specially provided fo r, 50 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 412 . Spring clothespins, 20 cents per gross ; furniture, wholly or partly finished, and parts ther eof, and folding rules, all the for eg oin g, wholly or in chi ef va lue of wood, and not specially provided for, 40 per centum ad valorem ; wood moldings and carvings to be used in architectural and furniture decoration, 40 per centum ad valorem ; bent-wood furniture, wholly or partly finished, and parts thereof, 47 1/2 p e r centum ad valorem ; paintbrush handles, wholly or in chief value of wood, 331/3 per centum ad valorem ; wood flour, and manufactures of woo d or bar k, or of which wood or bark is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 331/ 3 per centum ad valorem . SCHEDULE 5 .-SUGAR, MOLASSES, AND MANUFAC- TUR ES OF PAR . 501. Sug ars, tank bottoms, sirups of can e ju ice, melada, concentrated melada, concrete and concentrated molasses, testing by the polariscope not above seventy-five sugar degrees, and all mixtures containing sugar and water, testing by the polariscope above fifty sugar degrees and not above seventy-five sugar degrees, 1 .7125 cents per pound, and for each additional sugar degree shown by the polaris copic te st, thre e hundre d and se venty-fi ve ten-t housandt hs of 1 cent per pound additional, and fractions of a degree in proportion . PAR. 502 . Molasses and sugar sirups, not specially provided for, testing not above 48 per centum total sugars, one-fourth of 1 cent per gal lon ; testing above 48 per centum tota l sugars, two hundred and seventy-five one-thousandths of 1 cent additional for each per centum of total sugars and fractions of a per centum in proportion . Molasses