Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/674

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cia. 497. 1930.

631 not imported to be commercially used for the extraction of sugar or su SCmE o~5 . and for human consumption, three one-hundredths of 1 cent per pound manufactures of. of total sugars . PAR . 503 . Maple sugar, 8 cents per pound ; maple sirup, 51/2 cents Maple sugar, etc . per pound ; dextrose testing not above 99 .7 per centum and dextrose Post, p .3o4~1. sirup, 2 cents per pound . PAR. 5'04. Sugar cane in its natural state, $2 .50 per ton of two sugar cane . thousand pounds ; sugar contained in dried sugar cane, or in sugar cane in any other than its natural state, 75 per centum of the rate of duty applicable to manufactured sugar of like polariscopic test . PAR . 505 . Adonite, arabinose, dulcite, galactose, inosite, inulin, Saccharides . levulose, mannite, d-talose, d-tagatose, ribose, melibiose, dextrose testing above 99 .7 per centum, mannose, melezi tose, r affino se, rhamnose, salicin, sorbite, xylose, lactose, and other saccharides, 50 per centum ad valorem. PAR. 506 . Sugar candy and all confectionery not specially provided candy and confeo for, 40 per centum ad valorem ; sugar after being refined, when t'onery' tinctured, col ored, or in a ny way adulte rated, 40 per centum ad valorem, but not less than the rate of duty provided in paragraph 501 for sugar of the same polariscopic test . SCH EDULE 6 .- TOBAC CO AND M ANUF ACTU RES OF SCHEDULE 6. Tob acc o and manu- factures of. PAR . 601 . Wrapper tobacco, and filler tobacco when mixed or wrapper, filler and packed with more than 35 per centum of wrapper tobacco, and all leaf' leaf tobacco the product of two or more countries or dependencies when mixed or packed together, if unstemmed, $2 .27 1/2 per pound ; if stemmed, $2 .921/2 per pound ; filler tobacco not specially provided for, if unstemmed, 35 cents per pound ; if stemmed, 50 cents per pound . PAR . 602 . The term " wrapper tobacco " as used in this title means Definition of terms . that quality of leaf tobacco which has the requisite color, texture, and burn, and is of sufficient size for cigar wrappers, and the term " filler tobacco " means all other leaf tobacco . Collectors of customs Invoice requirements . shall permit entry to be made, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, of any leaf tobacco when the invoices of the same shall specify in detail the character of such tobacco, whether wrapper or filler, its origin and quality . In the examination for classification of any imported leaf tobacco, Examinati ons for at least one bale, box, or package in every ten, and at least one in class ifica tion . every invoice, shall be examined by the appraiser or person author- ized by law to make such examination, and at least ten hands shall be examined in each examined bale, box, or package . PAR. 603 . All other tobacco, manufactured or unmanufactured, Not spec ially pro - not specially provided for, 55 cents per pound ; scrap tobacco, 35 videdford cents per po und . PAR . 604 . Snuff and snuff flour, manufactured of tobacco, ground snuff . dry, or damp, and pickled, scented, or otherwise, of all descriptions, and tobacco stems, cut, ground, or pulverized, 55 cents per pound . PAR. 605. Cigars, cigarettes, cheroots of all kinds, $4.50 per pound chrors, ci gare ttes, and 25 per centum ad valorem, and paper cigars and cigarettes, including wrappers, shall be subject to the same duties as are herein imposed upon cigars . SCHEDULE 7. SCHEDULE 7.AGRICULTURAL PR ODU CTS AND P RO- igang ltua o prod- VI SIO NS

ue PAR . 701 . Cattle, weighi ng less than seven hundred pounds each, eto attle,beefandveal, 21/ 2 cents per pound ; weighing seven hundred pounds or more each, 3 cents per pound ; beef and veal, fresh, chilled, or frozen, 6 cents per pound ; tallow, one-half of 1 cent per pound ; oleo oil and oleo a