Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/963

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 847. 1930 . Port Jefferson, N. Y . Port Jefferson Harbor, New York, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered 305, Seventieth Congress, first session, a nd subject to the condi tions set f orth in sai d document . Hay Harbor, N . Y. Hay (West) Harbor, New York, in accordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 28, Seventy-first Congress, second session . Hudson River, N . Y . Hudson River, °N ew York, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered 210, Seventieth Congress, first session . N . Ywtown Creek, Newtown Creek, New York : The existing project is hereby modi- fied in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Engi- neers for Rivers and Harbors as contained in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 42, Seventy-first Congress, first session . Canals, N and Oswego The Secretary of War is authorized and empowered to accept Fed eral ow ner ship , from the State of New York the State-owned canals, known as the operatio n, etc .

Erie and Oswego Canals, and to operate and maintain them at their use as barge canals . present depth, at an annual estimated cost of $2,500,000, as barge canals only, and not as, or with any intention to make them ship improvement of St . Lawr ence Wat er- canals, or to hinder or delay the improvement of the Saint Law- way not affected . rence Waterway as the seaway from the Great Lakes to the ocean .Provisos .

Provided That such transfer shall be made without cost to the Conditions of accept-

7 ante. United States, and without liability for damage claims arising out of said canals prior to their acquisition by the United States, and shall include all land, easements, and completed or uncompleted structures and appurtenances of the said waterways and their serv- Authorityrequiredy ice : An d prov ided f urthe r, T hat no pro ject for the wideni ng or deepening of these canals, or for the elevation of bridges in connec- tion therewith, shall proceed without subsequent authorization of Congress . River, N 7 Bay and Raritan Bay and Raritan River, New Jersey, in accordance with the rep ort submit ted in Ho use Docume nt Numbere d 127, Seventieth Congress, first session . Raritan River, New Jersey, in accordance with the report sub- mit ted in Hou se D ocu ment Nu mbe red 454, Se vent ieth Co ngre ss, second session . sub- ing p i cation exist- Raritan River, New Jersey, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 31, Seventy-first Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document . Passaic River, N . J . Passaic River, New Jersey, in accordance with the report submit- ted in House Document Numbered 156, Seventy-first Congress, second session . andahit n gton River,Nal Washington Canal and South River, New Jersey, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered 109, Seventy-fi rst Congres s, first se ssion, and s ubject to t he conditio ns set forth in said document . M as and role t N.7 . River Manasquan River and Inlet, New Jersey, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered 48 2, Seventieth Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in Local o contributions said document : Provid ed, That the Secretary of War is hereby credited. authorized to allow credit to local interests for such funds as may have been contributed by them for the resumption of work on the existing project for this waterway, in so far as such funds have been expended on work which is also in accordance with the project hereby adopted . De, and Del N

Riv er, Pa ., Delaware River, between Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Tre n- Ph iladelp hia to ton, New Jersey, in accordance with the report submitted in Rivers Tr enton . a nd Harbor s Committe e Documen t Numbered 3, Sevent y-first C on- gress, first session, and subject to the condition set forth in said document.