Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/266

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73d CONGRE SS . SESS . I. CH. 93 . JUNE 16, 1933 . of the graduate nurses employed as public-school nurses three shall be of the colored race . Maintenance of lab- For m ainte nance of labor atori es, inclu ding refer ence book s and oratories, etc .

Periodicals, apparatus, equipment, and necessary contingent and miscellaneous expenses, $2,000 . Preventing food, can- For contingent expenses incident to the enforcement of an Act a voltso adu lterations . relating to the adulteration of foods and drugs in the District of Columbia approved February 17, 1898 (30 Stat ., p p . 24 6- 24 8), a n Act to prevent the adulteration of candy in the District of Colum- Pure food l aw .

bi g, approve d Ma 5 1898 (30 Stat .

398), an Act for Vol . aa,p.769.


Y >


pre venti ng the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traffic therein, and for other purposes, approved June 30, 1906 (34 tat ., pp . 768-772), and an Act to regulate, within the Vok r PItt ins . District of Columbia, the sale of milk, cream, and ice cream, and . 43, for other purposes, approved February 27, 1925 (43 Stat ., pp . 1004- 1008), including traveling and other necessary expenses of dairy- farm inspectors ; and including not to exceed $100 for special services in detecting adulteration of drugs and foods, includincandy and farms- Dairy

milk $6,0 00 : Pr ovid ed, Th at inspect ors of dai ry fma rec eive farm inspec-



Y Lion ; mo tor vehicle an allowance for furnishing privately owned motor vehicles in the allowance .

perfor mance of off icial duties at th e rate of not to ex ceed $ 312 pe r annum for each inspector. Ambulances, etc .

For maintenance and operation of motor ambulances and motor vehicles, $800 . cn na wel far e and Child welfare and by g»i ene : For maintaining a child-hygiene serv- hygiene.

ice, including the establishment and maintenance of child-welfare stations for the clinical examinations, advice, care, and maintenance of children under six years of age, payment for personal services, Vol unt eer s e s o .service rent, fuel, periodicals,'

supplies, $44,000 : P rovi ded, That the may be accepted .

Commissioners may accept such volunteer services as they may deem expedient in connection with the establishment and maintenance of No pay therefor .

the service herein authorized : Provided further, That this shall not be construed to authorize the expenditure or the payment of any money on account of any such volunteer service . Courts and prisons . Juv enile Court . COU RTS AND PRISON S JUVENILE COURT Personal services .

Salaries : For personal services, $50,000 . Jurors .

Miscellaneous : For compensation of jurors, $1,125 . Contingent ex penses . For fuel, ice, gas, laundry work, stationery, books of reference, periodicals, typewriters and repairs thereto, preservation of records, mops, brooms, and buckets, removal of ashes and refuse, telephone service, traveling expenses, meals of jurors and prisoners, repairs to courthouse and grounds, furniture, fixtures, and equipment, and other incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, $2,750 . authorized for Advances returning, etc ab , etc , ab- The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to sco nding probat ioners . advance t o the chi ef probat ion offic er of the juvenile court up on requi- sition previously approved by the judge of the juvenile court and the auditor of the District of Columbia, sums of money not to exceed $50 at any one time, to be expended for transportation and traveling expenses to secure the return of absconding probationers, and to be account ed for month ly on itemiz ed vou chers t o the accoun ting o fficer of the District of Columbia .