Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/314

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1586 Siluatures-Contd. MULTILATERAL-NARCOTIC DRUGS. JULy 13, 1931. INDE INDIA R. P . PARANJPYE CHILI CHILE Enrique J. GAJARDO V. COSTA-RICA COSTA RICA Viriato FIGUEREDO LORA. CUBA CUBA G. DE BLANCK Dr B. PRIMELLES DANEMARK DENMARK Gustav RASMUSSEN VILLE LIBRE DE DANTZIG FREE CITY OF DANZIG F.SOKAL R~PUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE ~GYPTE ESPAGNE ~THIOPIE Ch.AcKERMANN T. W . RUSSELL Julio CASARES DOMINICAN REPUBLIC EGYPT SPAIN ABYSSINIA Cte LAGARDE DUC d'ENTOTTO Reservation France. by FRANCE FRANCE Le Gouvernement franQais fait toutes ses reserves en ce qui concerne les colonies, protectorats et pays sous mandat dependant de son autorite, sur 18. " - possibilite de produire regulierement dans Ie delai strictement imparti les statistiques trimestrielles visees par I'article 13. 1 G. BOURGOIS GR~CE GREECE R. R.APHA~L GUAT~MALA GUATEMALA Luis MARTfNEZ MONT. HEDJAZ, NEDJED ET HEJAZ, NEJD AND D~PENDANCES DEPENDENCIES ITALIE J~PON LIB~RIA HAFIZ WAHBA CAVAZZONI Stefano S. SAWADA S.OHDACHI Dr A. SOTTILE SoUs r~erve de ratification du Senat de la Repu- blique de Liberia. 2 ITALY .J APAN LIBERIA LITHUANIE LITHUANIA ZAUNIUB. I Tran.lation by the Secretariat oj the League oj Nationa: The French Government makes every reservation, with regard to the Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Tenitories under its authority, as to the possibility of regularly :producing the quarterly statistics referred to in Article 13 within the strict time-limit laid down. a Traduction par Ie Secr~tariat de la SocUt~ de. Nation•. Subject to ratification by the Senate of the Republic of Liberia.