Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1058

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958 INDEX. Drawback. Duties. Christian Jacob Burcle allowed drawback on Duties remitted to Thomas Jenkins and Complaying·cards, . . . - 333 pany on goods lost by fire, . -_ 2 Certificates of debenture to be issued for they Remission of duty on salt to John Davidson, drawback on fifty hogsheads of domcsticl 3 spirits, .. 426 Duties remitted to LeH`crt Lefferts and others, Certificates of debenture to be issued to Pay- { · 14 son Perrin for drawback on Bengal cotton, · Bonds for duties to be received from Stephen 427 Puranquc, -·--- I4 Ebenezer Rollins to be paid a. drawback on Duties remitted on coffee destroyed by fire to certain merchandise, - . . 455 Elliott and Purviance, - · · 15 Debentures to be issued to Bernard 'I`h0oft, Duties remitted to Reuben Smith and Nafor duties on coffee exported by him, 299 than Strong, ·.--- I5 Debentures to be issued to Benjamin Desc- Duties charged by reason of incompetent rcbry, -. 307 gister, remitted to Epaphras Jones and Samuel D. Walker allowed u. drawback on others, .· 19 tobacco, ------ 582 Remission ofduties on French vessels, 18 The benefit of drawback on cotton exported Duties on distilled spirits destroyed by fire, to Liverpool allowed to Thudcus Phelps remitted to Jabez Rogers, - - 17 and Company, --.. 550 Duties refunded to North and Vcsey, · 32 David Rogers und Sons to be paid the amount Duties remitted on the property of James of a drawback on teas, . . . 443 O'Brien and James Aylwnrd, - - 30 Payment of amount of debenture on certain The credit for duties on teas by ship Argowines to be made to Robert Dickey of nuut extended, ---- 16 New York, ----- 704 On sugars saved from the schooner Free- A drawback nn certain merchandise allowed love, . ·--·- 16 to Samuel Milligan, of Montreal, Canada, Duties to J. R. Silva. refunded, . . 22 711 Remission of duties on tcas destroyed by Erc Drawback on sugar exported by Messrs. in Providence, Rhode Island, - . 44 Smith and Town by the Prussian brig Die Duties on rifles refunded to Lyon Lehman, 45 Oder, from New York, allowed, - 751 Duties on sales of prize goods refunded, 51 Frederick Frey and Company allowed a Duties refunded to Patton and Company, 58 drawback on exporting playing-cards to Duties refunded to Tristram Hussey, - 88 Mexico, - ---- - 758 Duties remitted on paintings, kc., to the Drawback on playing-cards to be allowed on y Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, their exportation to A. Quertier and Albert, l 121 of New Orleans, ·-.- 743 y Duties refunded to the Bible Society of Phi- H. and D. Cothenl, of New York, allowed} ladelphia, --.·- 116 drawback on playingucards, - - 693 j Certain duties refunded to Isaac Clason, 131 A debenture certificate to be issued to Hum-i Duties refunded to Seth Russell and Sons, phrcy B. Gwathmcy, - - - 605 133 Drawback allowed on good not paid because Archibald McCall to have certain duties re. of omission to take the oaths, Sec., - B12 funded, ------ 142 The amount of drawback on certain c0H`ee to Duties on glass to be returned to Saltus, Son, be paid to Caleb Eddy, of Warren, Rhode und Company, 148 Island, --·--- 829 Duties refunded to Henry Nimmo, - 149 Ferguson and Reid allowed certain certili. Remission of duties on philosophical appa. cakes of debenture, ...- 919 rutus to John Redman Coxe, · - 158 Harvey and Slagg to be paid drawback on` Remission of duties on stereotype plates, to certain merchandise exported from New the Baltimore and Ma saehusetts Bible York, ..---. 939 Societies, ..-.- 162 Certificates of debenture to be issued to J,~ Remission of duties on books imported for and B. Welles, 522 ‘ Harvard College, and on personal baggage Drawback of certain duties allowed to Ste. of William Gore, Governor of the British phen Kingston, ---- 583* province of Upper Canada, - - 160 Drawback on sugar allowed to Robert M'.| 'I`he bond of Caspar C. Sehutte for duties to Jimsey, -----· 647 be cancelled, - 173 Drawback on playing-cards to Peter Hur.' Duties on a painting presented to the Penn. mony, ofNew York, - - - 694_ sylvania Hospital remitted, . - 197 Amount of debenture to be paid to A. and J. Duties refunded to Robert Burnside, - 187 Dennistoun and Company, of New Or. Duties to be adjusted on cotton goods im. leans, - - ··-- 668, Dported by Henry Lec, - - - 187 . J uties refunded to Robert Kid and others, D·=2·’·¤¤¢· Mud W·=~·=¤¤- . paid upon com moms, . - 234 A duplicate land warrant to be issued to ’ Certain duties refunded to Denton, Little, Beckford C. Mathews, - - - 853 and Company, and others, . . 237 Duplicate land warrants to be issued to James Duties refunded to Walter Channing, - 240 Bri ban and Jonah Lewis; warrants issuedDuties paid on copper bottoms refunded to originally to Canadian volunteers, - 272 Beck and Harvey, -..- 246 A duplicate land warrant to be issued to the I Duties on a. boiler refunded to Martha Flood, representatives of John Peters, - 898 j administratrix of William Flood, - 248