Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1057

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INDEX. 957 Discharge from Impmnmment. pmaggon L,m,g,_ Jolm Kerr to he discharged fiom imprison- Donation ccrtillcutes for lands to Richard ment, . h . 89 Tcrvin und others .--- 99 William Hawkins to be discharged from im- Donation of land tollmncs Hynum . 15l prisonment, - t - - -_ 88 A wurrunt for one thousand acres,of dona- Wxllinm Mills to be discharged fiom impri- tion lands to be issued to Robert S Foresonment,- . I . . · - . 97 mam, ..--- l- 308 N;;*;:i;;(l"I;`x;€I;`1psd1ck to be discharged 50;; Donation of land to Antoine Cruzut, - 584 Royal Converce to be discharged from impri- Dower. sonment, .--.-- 11B l Ri ht ofdowcr of'Rcb‘ Daniel Updike to be discharged fiom impri- its in \V€1Sl)ll'1g'l0l1 ‘tc(.ichlcB:l;gc$i·`li1lnlcdirli\·lrl S0¤m<>1\¢. ------ IIS, Catharine Stearns to be paid the value of Nathaniel G. Ingraham, Alexander Phoenix,hor dowor in land at the navy-yard nt and Willium Ncxscn, jun., to be discharged Charlestown, Massachusetts, - - 374 fiom imprisonment, I- . - HQ, 129 Rebcccu Blodgct to be paid for hcr dower in Joshua D4:-sey to be discharged from imp; ccrmiu property in \Vsshington, - 378 sonmou .. · Willct Warne to be discharged fiom impri- D"“wb“k- sonment, ..·--- 125 l To be paid on goods, port of cargo of the William Peck to be discharged from impri- Entcrprizo, ..--- 19 sonment, ..-... 109 Drawbuck to George Gibbs on exported wines, John Redfield, jun., to be discharged fiom im. i 19 prisonment, ·---. 117Drawbnck to Mun and Foltz, - - 21 George Wztlkington to be discharged fiom Allowed to Ismcl Loring, . · . 22 imprisonment, -..-- 133 Allowed to John Brown, · - · 30 George Hamilton to be disclmrgcd fiom Débcntures to be issued to Thomas K. Jones, prisonment, . 46 John Castillo of New Orleans to be dis. Dmwbnck to Gszzam and others, - - 37 charged from imprisonment, . - 145 { Dmwbnck allowed to Sumucl Corp, - 53 John C. Hurlbuxt of Connecticut to be dis. i Gcorgc Axmroyd n.ndComp:my nllcwcd drawcharged from imprisonment, - - 145 back, ..-- - - 96 James Brahuny to be discharged fiom impri. i Drnwbuck allowed on an invoice of foreign sonment, .---- 147 I Bibles, ...--- 162 Jonathan Rogers, jun., to be discharged from ¤ Certain debentures to be paid to Issue Low. imprisonment, -·-.. 158 l rence and others, .--. 187 Henry Fanning to be discharged from impri- James Lenox and William Maitland to be sonment, ---.-- 156 paid dcbentures issued by Joseph Sands, Moses Lewis to de discharged fiom imprison- 325 ment, ---·-- 166 g John H. Howland to be paid for drawback on Ebenezer Keeler und John Francis to be dis- sugar shipped on board the William How. charged fiom imprisonment, . - 170 i land For l·Inmbm·g, --.. 317 Nathaniel Williams to be discharged fiom, Wulley and Foster to be paid drawback on imprisonment, ----- 183 , thu export of pepper, - - - 346 Natlumicl Taft to be disohargcd from impri- [ W. und J. Montgomery to be paid u. drowscnment, ...--. 183 buck on codec cxported to Antwerp, 349 John Ricuud to be discharged from imprison- Von Kapil}.: and Bruno ullowed drawback on ment, - -·-·- 184 playing cards, -·~- 357 Moses Turner to be discharged fiom impri- Joseph Loc Csrpcnticr and J. Bzxllasticr 8:; ment, .. 174 I C0. and others, allowed drawback on play. Oliver Spcllmun to be discharged from im-| ing-cards, ·..·- 367 prisomnent, -·--. 184 i John Abruhum Willink allowed drawback on Lewis Olmsted to·bo discharged from impri- j sugar exported, ...- 368 sonment,. ·---- 185' Henry G. Rico allowed s drawback on n. Park Holland to be discharged fiom impri- quantity of cotton cxportod, - · 372 sonment, .-·--- 186 The representatives of Summer] and Brown William Smith to be discharged fi-om impri. to be paid drawback on merchandise cx. sonment, -·--- 192 Q ported in the brig Franklin, . - 390 Jolm Post and Furly Fuller to be cxcmptcd Q John T. Ross to be paid :1 drawback on fiom imprisonment, on Zl judgment against Madras hnndlacrcliicfs exported, · 391 them as surcties of Robert Dixon, s. posul Seth Kuowlc allowed debentures on rum master, ------ 272 shipped to Hamburg, . . - 391 Samuel Buel to be discbnrgcd fiom impri. Certificates of debenture to be issued to David sonment,- ·---· 280 Ellis on Madeira wine, . - - 303 _ _ _ John B. Lcmuitre, jun., to be allowed a draw- Dttfficl of Columbia. buck on playing cards, - - - 395 E. Davidson uutlwriscd to sell the lands of _ Augustus Aspenwull nllowed s drawback on her husband in the county of Washington, * white sugnr exported, - - - 396 809 Dmwback allowed to Peter and John S. Certain lunntics to be scnt to the lunatic asv- Crury and Company of Now York, and to lum in Baltimore, .--. 8l8 Allen Reynolds, ·--- 413