Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/241

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67 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 156-JULY 28, 1953

Public Law 156



Making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, and for other purposes.

July 28, 1953 [H. R. 5227]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatwen of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following A^icSit^V^A^prosiims are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise priation Act. 1954. appropriated, for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, namely: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TITLE I—REGULAR ACT IV I T I E S AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ACT

To enable the Secretary to improve and develop, independently or through cooperation among Federal and State agencies, and others, a sound and efficient system for the distribution and marketing of agricultural products under the provisions of titles II and III of the Act of August 14, 1946, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1621-1629), and for expenses of any advisory committees established as provided in title III of said Act to assist in effectuating the research and service work of the Department, $5,500,000: Provided, That not less than $600,000 of this amount shall be available for contracts in accordance with the provisions of section 205 of said Act: Provided further, That the Secretary may make available to any bureau, office, or agency of the Department such amounts from this appropriation as may be necessary to carry out the functions for which it is made (but amounts made available to the Office of the Secretary, Office of the Solicitor, and Office of Information, shall not exceed those which the Bureau of the Budget, after a hearing thereon with representatives of the Department, shall determine), and any such amounts shall be in addition to amounts transferred or otherwise made available to other appropriation items of the Department: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for work relating to fish or shellfish or any product thereof, except for the support of equitable transportation rates before Federal agencies concerned with such rates and for development of foreign markets.

60 Stat. 1087.

Contracts. 7 USC 1624.

F i s h o r shellfish.


For necessary expenses in carrying out the provisions of the Act establishing the Bureau of Agricultural Economics (7 U.S.C. 411) and related Acts, as follows: Economic investigations: For conducting investigations and for acquiring and diffusing useful information among the people of the United States, relative to agricultural production, distribution, land utilization, and conservation in their broadest aspects, including farm management and practice, utilization of farm and food products, purchasing of farm supplies, farm population and rural life, farm labor, farm finance, insurance and taxation, adjustments in production to probable demand for the different farm and food products; land ownership and values, costs, prices and income in their relation to agriculture, including causes for their variations and trends, $2,246,000: Provided, That no part of the funds herein appropriated or made available to the Bureau of Agricultural Economics under the heading "Economic investigations" shall be used for State and county land-use planning, ,27000 O - 53 - 16

42 Stat. 532.