Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/526

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514 TREATY WITI·I SARDINIA. 1838. paying other or higher duties or charges of whatever kind or denomination levied in the name or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private establishment whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or produce had been imported in vessels of United States of America. ART. IV. P”“dingmP_ To prevent the possibility of any misunderstanding, it is hereby de- .,1.;.1;,,.,,, how clared that the stipulations contained in the two preceding articles are ¤DPli¤¤bl¢· to their full extent applicable to Sardinian vessels and their cargoes arriving in the ports of the United States of America. And reciprocally to vessels of the said States, and their cargoes arriving in the ports of the dominions of Sardinia, whether the said vessels clear directly from the ports of the country to which they respectively belong, or from the ports of any other foreign country. ART. V. Sgydinian veg. All kind of merchandise and articles of commerce, which may lawfully ¤¤l¤ mw ¤¤<P<>¤ be exported from the ports of the United States of America in national gm °h° U‘S" vessels, may also be exported therefrom in Sardinian vessels without ° paying other or higher duties or charges of whatever kind or denomination levied in the name or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private establishment whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or articles of commerce had been exported in vessels of U.S. vessels the United States of America. And reciprocally all kind of merchandise xéeggéh and articles of commerce which may be lawfully exported from the ports &c_ ’ of the kingdom of Sardinia in national vessels, may also be exported therefrom in vessels of the United States of America, without paying other or higher duties, or charges of whatever kind or denomination levied in the name or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities or of any private establishment whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or articles of commerce had been exported in Sardinian vessels. ART. VI. No ,,,},9, 0,. No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into higher duties to the United States of any article the produce or manufacture of Sardinia: l’:l;(’E{’sgg;i\s°“ and no higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into &,,_ ’ the kingdom of Sardinia of any article the produce or manufacture of the United States than are or shall be payable on the same article being the produce, or manufacture of any other foreign country. Nor shall any prohibition be imposed on the importation or exportation of any article the produce of, or the manufacture of the United States or of Sardinia, to or from the ports of the United States, or to or from the ports of the kingdom of Sardinia which shall not equally extend to all other nations. AR/I`. VII. cowgng md., It is expressly understood and agreed that the preceding articles do excepted. not apply to the coastwise navigation of either of the two countries, which each of the two high contracting parties reserves exclusively to itselti ART. VIII. No preference No priority or preference shall be rriven directly or indirectly by either °i ‘ml"?"““°“ of the hirrh contractinrr iartics mir b f m be mm hy P _ _ ,_ i , ylany company corpora ion or ,,,.hC,"pm,y_ agent acting in their behalf, or under their authority in the purchase of