Report on the Radiolaria/1873

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1578935Report on the Radiolaria — Stations - 1873Ernst Haeckel

List of Stations at which Radiolaria were observed on the Challenger Expedition (1873)

In addition to the particulars given in the list regarding the geographical position of the Station, depth, temperature, and composition of the bottom deposit, I have added the result of my investigations as regards the relative abundance of the Radiolaria in each. The five letters (A to E) denote the following degrees of frequency:—A, abundant Radiolaria (AI, pure Radiolarian ooze; AII, mixed Radiolarian ooze); B, very numerous Radiolaria (but not a predominating quantity); C, many Radiolaria (medium quantity); D, few Radiolaria; E, very few Radiolaria (as they occur almost always). In using these symbols regard has been had to abundance of the abyssal as well as of the zonarial and pelagic forms (§ 232); sometimes also the estimated number of Radiolaria has been inserted, based upon information given by John Murray in his Preliminary Report (L. N. 27), and in the Narrative of the Cruise (L. N. 53), as well as by Henry B. Brady in his Report on the Foraminifera (Zool. Chall. Exp., part xxii., 1884). From Stations 348 to 352 in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic no specimens of the bottom were obtained, but a rich pelagic Radiolarian fauna was demonstrated by numerous preparations from the surface. The depths are given in fathoms and the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. In the column describing the nature of the bottom the following abbreviations are used:—
rad. oz. = Radiolarian ooze (§ 237).
gl. oz. = Globigerina ooze (§ 238).
r. cl. = red clay (§ 239).
pt. oz. = Pteropod ooze (see p. clviii).
di. oz. = Diatom ooze (see p. clvii).
bl. m. = blue mud,
gr. m. = green mud,
volc. m. = volcanic mud,
terrigenous deposits
(see p. clvi).
r. m. = red mud.

(a) Locality 1. (b) (c) (d) Relative
Abundance of
Date. Latitude and Longitude. Nearest Land.
001. N. Atl. 1890 36.8 gl. oz. D few Feb. 15 27° 24′ N., 16° 55′ W. S. of Tenerife.
002. N. " 1945 36.8 gl. oz. E very few F" 17 25° 52′ N., 19° 22′ W. S.W. of the Canary Islands.
005. N. " 2740 37.0 r. cl. D few F" 21 24° 20′ N., 24° 28′ W. S.W. of the Canary Islands.
009. N. " 3150 36.8 r. cl. E very few F" 26 23° 23′ N., 35° 11′ W. (Ocean).
024. Tr. Atl. 390 ... pt. oz. D few Mar. 25 18° 38′ N., 65° 5′ W. Culebra (Antilles).
032. N. Atl. 2250 36.7 gl. oz. E very few April 3 31° 49′ N., 64° 55′ W. Bermuda.
045. N. " 1240 37.2 bl. m. E very" May 3 38° 34′ N., 72° 10′ W. S. of New York.
050. N. " 1250 38.0 bl. m. E very" F" 21 42° 8′ N., 63° 39′ W. S. of Halifax.
064. N. " 2700 ... r. cl. D few June 20 35° 35′ N., 50° 27′ W. (Ocean).
076. N. " 900 40.0 pt. oz. D f" July 3 38° 11′ N., 27° 9′ W. Azores.
098. Tr. Atl. 1750 36.7 gl. oz. C many Aug. 14 21′ N., 18° 28′ W. W. of Sierra Leone.
106. Tr. " 1850 36.6 gl. oz. C m" F" 25 47′ N., 24° 26′ W. (Ocean).
108. Tr. " 1900 36.8 gl. oz. C m" F" 27 10′ N., 28° 23′ W. (Ocean).
111. Tr. " 2475 33.7 gl. oz. C m" F" 31 45′ S., 30° 58′ W. (Ocean).
120. Tr. " 675 ... r. m. D few Sept. 9 37′ S., 34° 28′ W. Pernambuco.
132. S. Atl. 2050 35.0 gl. oz. C many Oct. 10 35° 25′ S., 23° 40′ W. Tristan da Cunha.
134. S. " 2025 36.0 gl. oz. C m" F" 14 36° 12′ S., 12° 16′ W. Tristan da Cunha.
137. S. " 2550 34.5 r. cl. D few F" 23 35° 59′ S., 34′ E. (Ocean).
138. S. " 2650 35.1 r. cl. D f" F" 25 36° 22′ S., 12′ E. (Ocean).
143. S. Ind. 1900 35.6 gl. oz. E very few Dec. 19 36° 48′ S., 19° 24′ E. Cape of Good Hope.
144. S. " 1570 35.8 gl. oz. E very" F" 24 45° 57′ S., 34° 39′ E. (Ocean).
145. S. " 140 ... volc. s. D few F" 27 46° 43′ S., 38° 4′ E. Prince Edward Island.
146. S. " 1375 35.6 gl. oz. C many F" 29 46° 46′ S., 45° 31′ E. (Ocean).
147. S. " 1600 34.2 di. oz. C m" F" 30 46° 16′ S., 48° 27′ E. W. of the Crozet Islands.