Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1060

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1022 CLIMBING CLOWNS evolution ever c 242 14 topmost short of c. poesy 482 22 weariness of c. heaven 527 17 Climbs-he c, he pants 20 9 the grammar-tree 426 5 the tall tree has won 761 16 up the desolate blue 526 18 Clime-a weed of every c 393 17 cold in care cold in blood 466 14 deeds done in their e 342 2 every age and c. we see 85 21 in every Christian c 67 25 in every c. adored 627 14 make a happy fireside c 369 10 of Arab deserts brought 796 2 of every race and c 663 17 poet in a golden c 60S 24 ravage all the c 13 2 soft as hero 887 12 steps in th' eastern c 529 11 sweet golden c 768 14 where thou art is c 64 l wildweirde.thatUeth 797 18 Climes-beyond solar road 765 22 beyond the western main 220 1 7 fromchstantc 584 24 friend of all c 861 13 humours turn with c 95 19 Cling-closer, life to life 498 2 Clinging-in my arms thou art c. . . 871 1 Clings-^Lvy e. to wood and stone . .402 13 mane, because the being 468 17 sheltering while it c 530 11 Clink-of hammers 856 8 of the ice in the pitcher 205 12 Clipped-Time's blest wings 589 23 Cloaca-of uncertainty 490 26 Cloak-and Band I then put on . . . 683 8 cold out better than a c 472 15 her c. of charity 824 9 like a wet c. ill laid up 429 24 martial c. around hirn 729 19 not alone my inky c 533 12 take thine old c. about thee 33 1 thoughts and all, like a c 717 9 which altho' coarse 135 1 wrapped in sad-colored c 562 15 Cloaks-like beavers and o 667 18 wise men put on their c 754 18 Clochez-ne c. pas devant 646 14 Clock-as the c. moves along 727 l be what o'c. I say it is 766 23 count the slow* 450 l does strike by Algebra 435 6 hath strucken twelve 138 22 hour by Shrewsbury c 486 23 it is ten o'c 798 22 like the finger of a c 260 5 tell his being what's o'c 491 13 tickin'ofac 52 14 till like a c. worn out 13 21 upbraids me 406 17 varnish'dc, tbatclick'd 369 23 when the c. strikes two 593 19 Clocks-fairy c. strike their 278 1 6 must be cleansed 634 17 were striking the hour 512 20 Clock-work-of this c. man 491 13 naturalc.bytheMightyOne. .768 3 Clod-above the trodden c 147 4 delver in earth's c 55 8 face turned from the o 241 18 has earth a c 338 5 push away the c 66 11 Clodius-testimony against C 771 16 Clods-of iron and brass 71 12 one of nature's c 214 8 Clog-at the c. of his body 737 10 last sad sands of life 579 17 Cloistered-flown his c. flight 57 15 lean thy c. cheek 458 16 Cloisters-walk the studious c 456 14 Close-at every o. she made 712 22 in a full and natural o 33413 pluck it ore it c 454 12 scent survives their c 681 23 Closed-with profit 75 16 time for courts to be o 431 13 Clodeness-of their intercourse. . . .848 11 Closer-is He than breathing 628 19 Closes-door on his own gonius 576 1 9 musick shows ye have o 747 5 Closot-baek in the clays 449 14 in a c. by way of curiosity 493 9 may do very well in a c 493 9 private c. is to me 634 10 Clot-a pulseless c 459 2 Cloth-according to here. .216 5, 645 13 field of thee, of gold 88 7 speech is like c. of Arras 743 18 with scanting a little c 222 9 Clothe-a man with rags 719 12 in rags they c. the soul 32 20 me in any dress 668 8 my naked villainy 833 19 Clothed-and in his right mind 515 l apes though c. in scarlet 32 15 from the trimmings of the vain. 32 2 it with life, colour 434 23 lovely maid with blushes 73 1 9 unclothed is c. best 31 19 with chastity 108 2 5 Clothes-against the cold 907 5 are after such a pagan cut 261 20 are all the soul thou hast 776 14 but winding-sheets 178 9 butcher in his killing c 87 26 coarse c. are best 132 6 fine c. are good only 32 14 gars auldciaes look 3111 good intention c. itself 532 5 he shows his c, alas! 32 17 in c. a wantonnesse 32 7 know'stmenot bymyc 777 3 like dead friends' c 287 13 marry with a suit of c 776 20 modesty antedates c 521 1 nothing to wear but c 561 7 old c. when done with them 339 6 remembrances of lost innocency 3120 sends cold according to c 644 9 soul of this man is his c 33 3 tombs are c. of the dead 524 13 walked away with their o 611 12 wears her c. as if thrown on 33 12 when he put on his c 595 7 which make thee 777 3 Clothesfr-the wicked 860 9 Clothing-proud of new c 558 19 the palpable and familiar 529 20 whose c. is humility 381 3 Cloud-ac.inmy heart 580 14 amid thy c. built streets 769 20 answering unto o. 791 7 August c. suddenly melts 46 14 behindthec 378 S concealed behind some c 507 15 continents of sunset-seas 769 17 dark tremendous sea of c 388 9 dispelthisc 72 13 doth bind us 805 6 engenders not a storm 754 11 fades a summer c 164 9 fall in thee, of war 725 10 fast flying c 632 14 folds of h<»r garments 723 5 from out cue selfish c 863 9 has wounded the thick c 524 7 instead, and ever-during 546 10 is in the lift 766 18 leaning on the c 923 16 like passes 7117 like a summer's c 898 15 mantled around thy feet 554 12 mercy stood in the c 510 3 music and flying c 453 16 nature is a mutable c 545 8 night c. swells with tears 562 13 of ashen gray 824 4 of wayward marl 895 2 of witnesses 431 20 out of the o. a silence 242 11 pass over the brow 832 22 ribbon of c. on soul-wind 553 1 rolled a c. under his head 578 20 spher'd in a radiant c 456 17 strips of o. began to vary 769 6 takes it all away 480 8 that's dragonish 775 13 thickest o. earth ever stretched. 125 19 turn the dark o. insideout 846 8 under cities of c 738 2 under the o 12216 vanishing autumn c 722 17 visage through amber o 52613 weary the o. falleth 95 8 were I a o. I'd gather 122 14 which wrapB the present 12 7 will soon disperse that c 754 11 see also Clouds pp. 122, 123 Cloud-capped-the c. towers 840 1 Cloud-cup-o'er the c.'s brim 161 9 Cloudless-clear, and purely 713 20 night is calm and c. 750 13 the sky was c 439 12 Cloudlets-dainty c. floating 51 23 Clouds-amid the dawning c 428 5 and darkness are around Him . .331 17 and eclipses stain 266 26 angels veiling c 895 1 as we say in thee 386 19 bedew with showers 323 6 behind c. the sun is shining 655 5 beneath the glancing ray 88 18 beyond the c, beyond the tomb 360 11 breaks through darkest c 374 24 by all its c. incumbent 482 22 chase the c. of life's 892 14 chequering the eastern c 529 27 colour of domestic life 370 22 come o'er the sunset 13 11 consign their treasures 748 14 dark as sciences 806 2 dark c. in moonless sky. 465 1 day is done and care low 238 16 dipt in western c. his ray 770 1 doubted c. would break 142 10 dropping from the c 704 4 edges eastern c with rosy 108 3 exalted with threat'ning c 754 12 first gilds thee 769 16 gaudy c. like courtiers crept 770 8 he that regardeth thee 353 6 head concealed in thee 259 15 head reaches thee 68819 heaven is without c 323 5 heavily inc. brings on 261 24 hooded c. like friars 655 6 idle as c that rove 88 14 inarobeofc 532 8 it plays with thee 566 14 laughing thee, away 528 18 lour 'd upon our house 765 1 many folded c. foretell 3813 the morning sky 568 21 no pity sitting in thee 598 14 o'er their summits 770 10 of incense rise 765 24 of vandals rise 714 3 opening curtains of thee. 525 17 rise thick about us 660 8 rolling c. are spread 127 17 seas and lowering c 556 5 sees God in c 319 8 shalt sleep in thy c 766 6 singer like an angel in thee 20210 sit inc. and mock us 285 6 small c. are sailing 494 15 smiles thee, away 63618 the c dispell'd 267 24 thee perished 160 22 their chilly bosoms bare 723 2 the very e. move on 501 6 though the blown c. hover 401 18 thro' rolling c. to soar 208 20 thro' thee, he drives 201 11 thy c other c. dispel 80515 tranquil rest the silver c 926 1 wave that from the o. impends . 754 2 when c. appear, wise men 754 18 when c. arise such natures 101 11 whether o. obscure 446 9 see also Clouds pp. 122, 123 Qoucly-behindc vale of night... 555 6 cast not c. gem away 535 6 foretold a c. noon and night. . . .451 12 timesbecomec 291 1 Clovenford-cametoC 676 1 Clover-bee to the open c 471 11 broidery of the purple c 281 18 may line lie snug 800 a to him is aristocracy 63 24 to the lowly o 872 23 see also Clover p. 123 Clovers-bee's experience of o 63 26 Clown-an honest c 706 4 art mated with a c 500 12 in regal purple 758 23 makes a c. a winged Mercury. ..871 8 whatever he may do 777 10 workman was no cobbling o. . ..705 9 Clowns-ploughmen, o. and louts.. 25 6