Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1061

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Cloy-beyond their measure c 195 11 meats the soonest c 831 2 hungry edge of appetite 36 23 Cloying^ever eating, never c 800 12 Cloyless-sharpen with c. sauce ... 36 18 Club-cleft c. to make the fire 499 17 of Hercules 103 22 round the corner with a c 570 22 Clubs-typical of strife 89 19 with bats and c 911 4 Cluster-from the vine 304 10 woesc 886 16 Clusters-drowsy c. oling 57 14 imitate the grape 304 9 Clutch-the golden keys 753 11 Clyde-meandering Btream -.123 23 trod the banks of C 676 1 Cnidos-Paphian Queen to C 694 10 Cnut-King rowed thereby 536 6 Coach-and six through act 613 2 come, my o. goodnight 462 5 go call a o. and let a c 462 2 ma pumpkin-shell c 649 18 in his glistening c 529 29 for a c. ye gods 462 9 when I am in my c 462 7 with four horses 901 14 Coach-house-with double c 380 20 Coal-affection is a c 12 4 burning as a c 247 1 dead c. of wars 856 18 world turn toe 836 17 Coalescere-solidafidec. ..' 833 13 Coals-chalke to coles 126 20 like living c. the apples 52 7 of fire on his head 222 8, 272 23 of vengeance 856 11 perfect woman over the c 640 18 rasher on the c 115 26 to Newcastle 423 19 Coarsely-wise, and c. kind 565 12 Coarsest-lives of c. men 603 18 Coast-can't die, along the c 167 7 gain the c. of bliss : 693 17 kindles one. false fires 704 21 of fertile Phthia 203 6 reach the distant c 74 27 rock-bound c 22 ll shoal, marks this stern c 549 13 show what c. thy sluggish 505 26 the c. was clear 642 n up and down the c 468 21 Coasts-round thy rocky c 401 20 stranger in these false c 738 21 Coat-don his c. of gold 88 l his c. so gay 108 6

cast loose my buffo 378 14 

in my green velvet c 509 l like a miser, spoil his c 222 9 offolly 196 2 of Have 864 20 of many colours 31 21 painted c. which Joseph 33 is ribbon to stick in his c 289 12 no her cloth she cut her c.216 6, 645 13 wear a long black c 32 3 wear an old gray c 33 11 with his furry c 64 15 Coating-in a golden c 5123 Coats-hole in a' your c 407 7 in their gold c ' 146 26 silken c. and caps 33 8 yellow c. on the green slopes 158 16 when they pay for c 776 15 Coaxing-resist her c. manner 493 11 Cobbled-and hammered from 705 11 706 6 produced new grins 705 1 stick to your leather 705 19 the c. apron'd 291 10 thou art a cart thou 706 7 Cobblers-emperors and c 126 17 from kings to c. 'tis same 257 7 must thrust their awles 706 10 yetunefulcJ 705 4 Cobbling-in his native town 706 4 Cobham-and you, brave C 581 8 Cobweb-veil spun from 6 Cobwebs-laws are like c 434 8 keep the c. out of my eyes 98 12 rushes strewed c. swept 139 7 Cock-I hear the crowing c 141 2 is at his best on his own 371 7 of the hat 355 17 thee, is silent 893 21 who thought the sun 697 2 see also Cock p. 124 Cockloft-iB unfurnished 515 17 Cockneys-and sparrows singing. . 829 3 Cocks-crowing of the o 807 13 fighting c. or fighting 408 23 Cock-tailed-pup 198 17 Cocoa-nutr-with stony shell 577 17 Cod-land of the sacred c 801 25 Coda-crescit tanquam o. vituli . . .344 15 Code-lead the civil c 606 8 shibboleth, creed, nor c 625 21 shrines to no c 338 14 Codlings-^ye c. peep 273 15 Ccedes-videtur significare 854 5 CceU-nisic.muneranosse 318 11 et sunt commereia c 318 20 id rursum c. relatum 360 22 serutantur plagas 749 14 CoBligne-perfert c. marisque 106 6 Ccelo-e c. descendit nosce 421 17 eripuit o. fulmen 219 6 Musabeat 388 20 non alius o. ceciderunt 714 11 Ccelum-ad c. effertis rumore 600 22 ejus est usque ad c 18 13 est penetrabile c 514 25 Graeculus esuriens in c 382 i immeiilis mori o 836 19 ipsumpetimus 360 14 non a-nimum mutant 809 17 quid si c. mat 714 9 quisc.pqssit 318 ll tollimurin c. curvato 293 6 Caelumque-tueri jussit 490 24 Cceno-pejus e. collinunt 240 17 Ccspisti-melius quam desinis. ... 65 22 Ccepit-dimidium facti qui c 65 21 quidquid c. et desinit 66 1 Coerce-potent to c 543 23 Coercent-populi quern regna c 438 21 Cceur-lamemoiredu c 336 25 vertu d'un c. noble 835 15 le chemin du c 359 14 l'espritet dans lee 426 10 lire dans le c. des autres 359 6 lorsque le c. murmure 359 15 mon c. comrae tambour 441 12 mon c. dorenavant * .474 15 pensees viennent du c 790 10 sent rarement que labouche. . . .741 7 Cceurs-de^elent leur c 639 1 reste encor des c 359 4 Coeval-live c. with the sun 437 6 Coffee-host for c, tea, chocolate. .394 19 o'er her cold c. trifle with 450 1 pass like that of c 461 23 Coffers-monarch's bags and c. . . . 523 26 Coffin-care to our c. adds nail .... 430 7 enclosed his breast 729 19 from the fire a c. flew 771 1 you've nailed his c. down 857 19 Cogimur--omnes eodem c 170 9 Cogit-quod vos jus c 434 15 Cogitandum-ad c. dabit 807 2 Cogitat-tacitum qui c 148 23 Cogitatione-quidem violari 662 9 Cogitationem-a consuetudine 777 8 Cogitationes-posteriores enim c. . 787 23 Cogitations-interpreter of c 697 24 Cogito-ergo sum 788 3 Cognatione-intersecontineatur. . 43 11 Cognosce-si judicas, c 410 19 Cognoscunt-nec se c. terrse 95 6 Cohesive-power of public plunder .330 18 Cohorts-gleaming in purple 844 3 Coil-not worth this c 920 4 shuffled off this mortal c 719 26 Coin-beauty is Nature's c 60 10 I feel no care of c 516 7 like the impressions one 492 18 nor c. of vantage 495 7 pay men in their own c 671 • 5 thatpurchases all 717 9 the c, Liberius 43 14 tinsel clink of compliment 128 12 tossed c. from Trevi's edge 677 19 unsordid as abend .677 19 Coinage-very c . of your brain .... 387 9 Coincidence-long arm of c 119 22 instances of strange c 119 20 Coiner-with his tools . ." 523 16 Coins-authors like c 5017 between dying miser's fingers. .568 15 harden'd by th' allay 66 8 jingled the c. in his ban* 854 9 its minted o. express 522 16 not of old victors 521 22 Cokaigne-Iand that height C 665 6 Colada-paldra en la c. 122 3 Colonis-fesant hens of C 594 19 Cold-according to clothes 644 9 as cucumbers 639 10 as the snow 411 8 as they now are 286 3 brow never o 498 12 clothes against the c 907 5 could not sleep for c 387 6 ere he scarce be c 608 25 friendship sounds too c 302 20 funny to think how c. the dress . 32 19 God tempers the c 644 6 grows c. even in Summer 58 21 heatforthec 717 9 in clime are c. in blood 466 14 laid in one c. place 93 9 love keeps the c. out 472 16 marvel out in the c 411 9 no piercing c 305 4 nor heate shall tan 826 2 nor yet too c. with pride 918 16 , park is sov'reign for a o 707 2 stagnation, c. and darkness. . ..356 22 sympathyisc. to relation 595 4 thatdid him chill 878 6 that were one time c 481 17 till I shrink withe 878 2 till thesungrowsc 482 4 'tis bitter c. and I am sick 696 2 water with warmth of wine 516 21 when lame, he heats mo 699 16 world's use is o 575 14 yellows with his c 568 20 ColdeiHihan the wind 811 20 Coldly-sweet, so deadly fair 342 5 think'st I speak too c 901 4 Coldness-kind deeds with c 337 9 'tis not here, that chills 210 12 Colendum-sanguinemulto c 319 25 Cole-pit-God made a c 644 4 Colere-de la colombe 27 18 Coleridge-waggishly writes 764 12 Coliseum-falls the C 677 11 Colito-exiguum c 19 4 Collaeruinarunt-omnes c 232 15 Collar-braw brass c 31 12 to show her new c 139 21 Collared-her candidate 670 22 Collection-of other people's 654 14 of best things the c 895 24 College-endow a c. or a cat 174 11 erected a c 594 22 fresh from St. Andrew's C 392 9 joke to cure the dumps 405 13 Collied-lightningin c. night 754 16 Collier-barber and c. fight 136 25 Collision-hot c. of forces.. 454 19 Colloquial-emptying c. pack 777 22 Colm-from Trier to C 447 8 Cologne-wash yon City of C 124 6 Colombe-coleredelac 27 18 Colonel-lady an' Judy O'Grady. .235 17 Colonia-retroversus crescit 344 15 Colonies-commerce with our c. . . . 85 11 prevalent in northern c 661 17 United Care, and of right 330 1 Colonists-natural rights of c 674 10 Colono-nec tam patiente c 850 13 Colony-grows backward 344 15 without one dissenting c 330 1 Color-actions and words of a c. . . . 881 1 any c. so long as it's red 59 3 any c. to defend your honour. . . 645 14 artful c. passed Tyrian dyes 32 10 blushing is the c. of virtue 74 8 chestnut ever the only c 349 5 clouds c. of domestic life 370 22 comes and goes 58 18 findthec.ofthywing. '. 7318 flashofc 274 6 freshen thee, of the flag 58719 give c. and form to mine 498 20 givethhisc.inthecup 876 17 great mass of c 620 3 holds c. in all weathers 255 3 nature dyed this c 546 3 new c. as it gasps away 823 18