Page:Poems (Barbauld).djvu/122

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 The joyful ſun ſprung up th' etherial way,
 Strong as a giant, as a bridegroom gay;
 And the pale moon diffus'd her ſhadowy light
 Superior o'er the duſky brow of night;
Ten thouſand glittering lamps the ſkies adorning,
Numerous as dew drops from the womb of morning.

 Earth's blooming face with riſing flowers he dreſt,
 And ſpread a verdant mantle o'er her breaſt;
 Then from the hollow of his hand he pours
 The circling waters round her winding ſhores,
The new-born world in their cool arms embracing,
And with ſoft murmurs ſtill her banks careſſing.

 At length ſhe roſe complete in finiſh'd pride,
 All fair and ſpotleſs, like a virgin bride;
 Freſh with untarniſh'd luſtre as ſhe ſtood

 Her Maker bleſs'd his work, and call'd it good;
