Page:Poems (Barbauld).djvu/123

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The morning ſtars with joyful acclamation
Exulting ſung, and hail'd the new creation.

 Yet this fair world, the creature of a day,
 Tho' built by God's right hand, mud paſs away;
 And long oblivion creep o'er mortal things,
 The fate of empires, and the pride of kings:
Eternal night ſhall veil their proudeſt ſtory,
And drop the curtain o'er all human glory.

 The ſun himſelf, with weary clouds oppreſt,
 Shall in his ſilent, dark pavilion reſt;
 His golden urn ſhall broke and uſeleſs lie,
 Amidſt the common ruins of the ſky;
The ſtars ruſh headlong in the wild commotion
And bathe their glittering foreheads in the ocean.
